another gehy distraction.
all the shittards are back waving their hands to draw newb attention to their stupidity.
another gehy distraction.
all the shittards are back waving their hands to draw newb attention to their stupidity.
Typical "mistake" that occurs often.
Remember when Q said "justice is coming"…and then it never did?
Remember when Q said "accountability and transparency" were the only way…and you got neither?
Remember when Q asked if you were ready to take back your country…and then the Commies took over instead?
Remember when Q posted the song "We're not gonna take it"…but have done nothing but take it ever since?
Pepperidge Farms remembers…
Un-vaxxed people dropping dead in just days after being in close contact with vaxxed people
WTF is going on? Why is the MSM burying these stories? A nefarious plot is obviously underway. Doctors in Germany are stating that vaxxed people should be quarantined immediately as they pose a deadly threat to the rest of us!
They will shift gears soon, and publicly call these "COVID deaths". They will use this to further push their agenda to get everyone vaxxed.
Un-vaxxed people dropping dead in just days after being in close contact with vaxxed people
Why is the MSM burying these stories? A nefarious plot is obviously underway. Doctors in Germany are stating that vaxxed people should be quarantined immediately as they pose a deadly threat to the rest of us!
"Globe Earth" is the biggest lie that has been pushed on us by the Jews.
“At First Quietly, Then Much Less Quietly”
Posted on May 04, 2021 07:42 am
by David Cole
"The Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI), a branch of the U.S. Department of Defense, was launched in 1971 as the Defense Race Relations Institute (it changed to DEOMI in 1979). But whatever the name, the mandate’s always been the same: pollute the armed forces with propaganda about how America is racist, sexist, “homophobic,” and and an all-around evil place filled with Klansmen and Himmlers.
"DEOMI employs a trickle-down methodology, indoctrinating base commanders who then pass along the propagandizing to their rank-and-file service members…"
Pandora's box has been opened, and there's no going back at this point.
CDC is Bill Gates' bitch.
Lurk moar Rabbi.
Hey Q. Dafug.
Exactly!Hiding the TRUTH in cover art. They always show you the truth in one form or another.
moar like self-destructive delusion
137 gay larps, freepers and pedophile muhjooshills
Has more to do with the title "Point of No Return", but okay…
That's what the Jews want you to believe. Open your eyes anon.