Be courageous enough to make mistakes.
Keep moving forward.
The less you subject your mind to their attacks, the better chance you have at remaining centered.
An effective way out of a 'victim' mindset is Action.
Participate in shaming their antics & Responding to genuine comments.
Contrary to the popular notion that they get paid for responses, is the reality that they need their narrative talking points to be 'accepted' by the hivemind -to enter without being resisted.They deploy attacks against responses to safe guard their narrative. They get paid for keeping our hiveminds' emotional state in fear/confusion/manipulativeblitity.
They silence us with fear so THEIR points sink deeper into the hivemind.
Pepe has been hijacked.
The sooner the rejection / Genuine response, the better. We outmatch them 100000:1~
They're quick to the trigger because it fractures memory formation, it erodes the formation of a powerful belief.
You can turn that against them.
The Enemy is Known
Covfefe: At the end, God whom is Higher than the most High, wins~