the plan is to get the American military to travel the world defending other peoples borders and elections (self-determination) whilst doing nothing to defend our own.
the plan is to get the American military to travel the world defending other peoples borders and elections (self-determination) whilst doing nothing to defend our own.
having completed their covid scam for electoral and voter fraud (and other things) they are now squeezing the un-vaccinated between the vaccinated's desire for a "return to normalcy" (mandates being wound-down) and fear of a back-slide (ramp it back up).
they are shutting down their mass vaccination sites, opening up smaller more community / neighborhood sites and going door-to-door.
msm in Massachusetts blurted out they think they have reached saturation point doing it the old way and a new approach is required to get to the unvaccinated
corporate-state media shills are evil
local talk radio talking openly to audience in deep blue (crooked) state about critical race theory (by name) and how it is anti-white, used this clip extensively this morning
can someone get this as a webm or mp4?
we have a problem