The battle is both external and internal. But, history proves that we too often focus on the former while neglicting the latter and doing so we become the very EVIL we are trying to conquer.
Q has posted several questions and statements regarding satan and good vs evil.
Here are a few examples below [words in brackets are mine]:
>>Open your eyes…
>>Does Satan exist?
>>Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?
>>Who worships Satan?
>>Many in our govt worship Satan
>>Vladimir Putin [says] ‘The New World Order Worships Satan,
>>These people are evil
>>The child abductions [are] for satanic rituals.
>>good people were forced into bed with this evil under personal and family threats.
>>There are more good people than bad [evil people].
We accept these truths as self-evident because they resonate with our heart (our moral compass), our compassion for the innocent, and our reverence for the virtues of humanity. It also follows from these truths that otherwise “good” people do evil things by subordinating themselves to evil “under personal and family threats.”
While only a small percentage of people are inherently evil (sociopaths/psychopaths) because they are born inhumane (without conscience), MOST evil is brought into this world by normal people making the WRONG choices, which includes doing nothing in the face of evil.
While Q wrote that “there are more good people than bad,” what he was really saying is that there are more people making the RIGHT choices than those who are making the wrong ones at any given moment in time. We know this is TRUE because if it weren’t, none of us would still be here.
It is easy to rage at the evil hypocrites in power, but it’s much more difficult to accept the fact that they rose to positions of power because thousands upon thousands of US did not stop them when we had the opportunity.
Our decisions as individuals really do matter and far more so than YOU could ever imagine. Every time YOU decide to do what's right in your heart, you help save the world…
We stop mass genocide when we realize that each of us have the capacity to be mass murders and decide beforehand as individuals that we aren’t going to participate. PERIOD!
Peterson on the book “Ordinary Men”
https:// youtu.be/-5RCmu-HuTg?t=1h1m28s
Why your moral choices really do matter
https:// youtu.be/zvCrkR46kg4