Anonymous ID: 48bd68 Jan. 23, 2018, 8:46 a.m. No.136449   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Today's tsunami along with all the other recent major flooding events make me wonder if there's a very literal dimension to draining the swamp being shrouded from view.


All the major population centers in US have polluted the hell out land - all that pollution ends up in our they water we drink, the water we swim in, the fish we eat..we're now seeing all sorts pharmceuticals in water streams…


Is it even in realm of possibility that there is a covert action to stimulate all these coastal flooding events to flush all the bad stuff out to sea? A massive clean-up effort to restore important land and environment - which in turn translates to healthier population.


All of the sudden we are referring to storms as "bmbcyclones"…autist in me wonders if that be code for govt aiding natural weather events with artifical jolts to rise the tides to not only flush the system…but form a form of economic stimulus in terms of forcing a rebuild of crumbling infrastructure and leveraging insurers to pay for it.


DJT is a property developer and manages golf course - woudn't he looks at US as developing one big Trump National Golf course? Another way at looking at his water sipping theatrics. If cabal were really trying to destroy America, what better sublte way than to do that then to allow posioning and destruction of out most essential resource - our water - look no further than repurcussions of Flint and picture consequences of that kind of poisoning of American unfolding at a national scale. What does America's future and land value look like then? Palestines could tell you.