Anonymous ID: 235c2c May 10, 2018, 6:48 a.m. No.1358108   🗄️.is 🔗kun

anons this is Iran final stages - Bibi/Potus plan for israel wrap up of rogue bases and facilities in Syria - It happening………


Israel’s military carried out strikes against Iranian targets in Syria after it said Iranian forces based there fired rockets at its soldiers in the Golan Heights, raising the risk of a wider regional war just a day after President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the international nuclear deal with Tehran.


Iran’s attack in the Golan appears to be the first time Iran has opened fire from Syria on Israeli targets. The Israeli military said dozens of Iranian military sites across southern and central Syria were struck. The Israeli military called the strikes—which focused on sites related to logistics, intelligence and ammunition storage—its largest-ever operation against Iranian positions in Syria.

Anonymous ID: 235c2c May 10, 2018, 6:58 a.m. No.1358171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8177


defining words is a central effort in logic

so it all depends on that

reality is beyond human capacity to comprehend

read herbert spencer on what is knowable

as far as language here it is:

"this sentence is false"

words must match experience or we are lost

good luck anon

Anonymous ID: 235c2c May 10, 2018, 7:08 a.m. No.1358224   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Isn’t it amazing how someone can be looked at and seen as the opposite

When one looks at someone and sees truth, honesty, love, righteousness, honor, gentleness

While when looked at by another sees lies, hate, unrighteousness, vulgarity, dishonor, violence.

Luckily Jesus can see deep deep down in our souls.

Only he really knows who we are or who we can be.

God Bless the Great Awakening.

God Bless ALL

Anonymous ID: 235c2c May 10, 2018, 7:50 a.m. No.1358537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8563


the mind can do lots of things inc physical symptoms - a lot of stress right now on humanity

the bible is actually an accurate guide to human history nature and events read correctly - it takes time and effort to learn the methods

here is a start for you - best wishes….


Because the shocking origin and nature of humanity has been one of the best kept secrets of all time….

For centuries the Church has taught that every word of the Bible is literally and factually correct. Many still believe that today. Yet that belief does not withstand much scrutiny. The Bible says the world and everything in it, including man, was created by God in six days. The earth itself was a flat circle, covered by a dome firmament and surrounded by water. Does that withstand academic scrutiny? Most would say absoluely not. How do they know?

The primary scholarly method of Bible study is EXEGESIS. This is the practice of examining the Bible together with all related disciplines - history, archeology, languages, and so on. Approached in this way one soon discovers that the Bible was written by humans - divinely inspired certainly, but written by humans.

Just a few years back, a famous scholar (Mauro Biglino) was hired by the Vatican to translate the books of the OT as accurately and literally as possible. When he had finished the first 3 books the Vatican panicked and cancelled the project - sealing away the new translations.

For Biglino had changed the Creation story. His translation was that "Man was created from the "material of Gods" - not in "the image of God.' The implication was that man was a product of genetic design using the "material" (genes) of the "Gods". That and many other specifics led Biglino to scholar Zechariah Stichin's works.

Stitchin's translation of Sumerian tablets, which pre-date the Hebrew Bible, are the basis of a series of well known books starting with "The 12th Planet." When you read the accounts in the tablets it exactly matches Biglio's translations and confirm that man was "created' by the genetic engineering of an alien race known as the Annunaki, which translates as "Royal Blood",

In addition, the translations also demonstrate that the many "miraculous" encounters between Hebrews and Yahweh described in the Bible are in fact real interactions with the Annunaki "lords." In particular the accounts of "chariots of the gods" and other detailed descriptions by Bible Prophets exactly match the events described in the tablets. So it tuns out that in many respects the Bible was even more literally accurate than anyone imagined.