Anonymous ID: a0d705 May 4, 2021, 12:17 p.m. No.13581512   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1564 >>1700


Looks like Widham NH fags need some help digging.

Town selectmen acting just like the Maricopa County Board of homos




Verified Voting




Tax ID:



Tax-Exempt Status:



Budget (2017):


Revenue: $7,989

Expenses: $37,974

Assets: $8,556






Barbara Simons


Verified Voting is a left-of-center nonprofit organization that advocates against the use of electronic voting machines, instead (((championing )))the use of verified paper ballots to allegedly promote election security. [1] During the 2020 presidential election, Verified Voting participated in recount efforts in Georgia. [2]


Despite claiming to be nonpartisan,Verified Voting has an extensive history of working with left-of-center organizations, including the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), theBrennan Center for Justice, the Leadership Conference for Civil and Human Rights, Public Citizen, and Common Cause. [3] Verified Voting board chair Barbara Simons also sits on the board of the Democracy Alliance,a powerful left-of-center donor collective. [4] Verified Voting has accepted grants from the left-of-center MacArthur and Threshold Foundations. [5] [6]


In 2019, longtime Verified Voting board member Philip Stark resigned in protest. Stark accused Verified Voting of misrepresenting the science behind risk-limiting audits (RLAs), which the organization promoted as a solution to election security. Stark’s resignation letter accused Verified Voting of promoting a “false and misleading impression” of RLAs and questioned the integrity of the organization. After Stark’s departure, board member Richard DeMillo left the Verified Voting advisory board as well. [7]




Barbara Simons, Ph.D.



Barbara Simons is a former President of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the nation’s largest educational and scientific computing society. She is the only woman to have received the Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award from the College of Engineering of U.C. Berkeley, where she earned her Ph.D. in computer science. A fellow of ACM and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, she also received the Computing Research Association Distinguished Service Award and the Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award. An expert on electronic voting, she published Broken Ballots: Will Your Vote Count?, a book on voting machines co-authored with Douglas Jones.She has been on the Board of Advisors of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission since 2008,

ie she's been approvaing these machines since 2008

and she co-authored the report that led to the cancellation of Department of Defense’s Internet voting project (SERVE) in 2004 because of security concerns. She was a member of the National Workshop on Internet Voting,convened by President Clinton, that conducted one of the first studies of Internet Voting and produced a report in 2001. She co-authored the July 2015 report of the U.S. Vote Foundation entitled The Future of Voting: End-to-End Verifiable Internet Voting. She is retired from IBM Research.

Anonymous ID: a0d705 May 4, 2021, 12:22 p.m. No.13581564   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1594 >>1700






Board Chair of Verified Voting


Barbara Simons is the board chair of Verified Voting, a member of the Board of Advisors of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (appointed by Sen. Reid and reappointed by Sen. Schumer), and the co-author of the book, “Broken Ballots: Will Your Vote Count?”. She has been a leader on technology policy issues for more than 40 years and co-authored numerous reports and studies on how to improve our voting systems.


Simons was President of ACM, the nation’s oldest and largest educational and scientific society for computing professionals, from July 1998 until June 2000. She founded ACM’s US Public Policy Committee (USACM) in 1993 and served for many years as the Chair. Under President Clinton she served on the President’s Export Council’s Subcommittee on Encryption and on the Information Technology-Sector of the President’s Councilon the Year 2000 Conversion.


Simons earned her Ph.D. in computer science from the University of California, Berkeley, and she also co-founded the Reentry Program for Women and Minorities in the U.C. Berkeley Computer Science Department. For many years she was a Research Staff Member at IBM’s San Jose Research Center (now Almaden), from which she is now retired.


the fucking Democracy Alliance


About the DA


The Democracy Alliance, founded in 2005, is the largest network of donors dedicated tobuilding the progressive movement in the United States. We play a leading role in fostering the muh infrastructure necessary to advance a progressive agenda for America. We invest in every aspect ofprogressivepower-building—from policy making to organizing grassroots communities to winning state and national issue and electoral campaigns. We address the most pressing challenges of our day through investments in three connected areas: a just democracy, a fair economy and an environmentally sustainable future.


For nearly 15 years, the Democracy Alliance has helped to raise significant resources to promoteprogressive ideas, impact media coverage, develop new leadership, create sophisticated civic engagement strategies, and engage young people and communities of color. In our collaborative giving strategy, an informed and engaged body of donors comes together to aggregate resources for focused investment, for which we have marshaled as much as $80 million per year.


Our collective giving is grounded in a shared set of values, namely that we work to build and support a fair democracy, an inclusive economy, a safe and sustainable planet, and an equitable and just nation.

Anonymous ID: a0d705 May 4, 2021, 12:26 p.m. No.13581594   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1629 >>1700


progressives win.

with the Democracy Alliance and Verified Voting's Barbara Simons


At a time when nearly every democratic institution of our country and collective values as a nation are under attack by an administration fueled by negligence, false truths, and ego,the need for a more powerful and cohesive progressive community has never been greater. The fair and just country and vibrant and equal communities we seek to build is a clear deviation from the regressive policies and ideas supported by conservative political leaders that lead us to this juncture.


Building on our record of success in helpingprogressiveorganizations grow and connect, our current investment strategy sustains support to critical national “infrastructure” and deepens our reach into the states. Through our State POWER Funds, we seek to strengthen and sustain state-level grassroots organizing and elevate the leadership and capacity of communities in the New American Majority—particularly people of color, LGBTQ individuals, women, and millennials. When these efforts are well-resourced and coordinated, year-in and year-out,progressives win.

Anonymous ID: a0d705 May 4, 2021, 12:31 p.m. No.13581629   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1700





Defending Democratic Values, Institutions, and Norms

This dynamic “Resistance Map” was first developed by the DA in 2017 to track the organizations working to defend democratic institutions and normsin the age of the Trump Administration.


Click on a group to learn more about its work or use the filter to sort by issue area. Organizations are listed alphabetically.

Anonymous ID: a0d705 May 4, 2021, 12:40 p.m. No.13581700   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1746



So what if their board chair was an advisor to Killary. Verified Voting said they're impartial


>Unscrupulous Verified Voting






>Barbara Simons









>progressives win.




Date: 2015-04-15 03:35

> Subject: The Democracy Alliance meeting





Dear John,


I am following up on our very brief discussion, held as you were leaving

the DA meeting, about Hillary Clinton's emails. I've included a summary

of the issues and a precautionary step that I think should be taken.


Please let me know if I can be of any assistance.




Anonymous ID: a0d705 May 4, 2021, 12:44 p.m. No.13581746   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1750 >>1751


Hillary Clinton's emails and what to do about them

Barbara Simons


I believe that this is a more serious situation than perhaps Secretary Clinton and her aides realize.

Fortunately, there is a positive step that can and should be taken.

The problem. There is a very real risk that the system was broken into, possibly by Republican

operatives (or China or some other country or organization). If this has happened and if there is

anything that might appear problematic in those emails, whether or not it actually is, the relevant emails

might be released to the press shortly before the election. Even if the system was not broken into, there

is the threat that opponents might release forged emails that are difficult to impossible to distinguish

from real ones.

In addition, there are questions that any computer security expert will ask, such as was the system

backed up regularly. If so, then it might be possible at least to respond to forged emails. Of course the

claim that the server has been wiped clean (was that also done with any backups that were created?)

suggests that there may not be adequate backups.

Incidentally, depending on how the deletions on the server were done, it might be possible for the email

to be recovered by a forensics expert.

What should be done. Unfortunately, nothing can be done to prevent the risks described above.

Given that, it's important to know how real those risks might be. Therefore, I recommend that a

forensics investigator be hired to examine the server and any backups and logs that might still exist to

see if there may have been a break-in.

Jeremy Epstein is a prominent computer security expert who has recommended a company called

Mandiant. (Neither Jeremy nor I have any involvment with Mandiant of any kind, including financial).

According to Jeremy, they are frequently brought in after major corporate breakins. They are very

discrete and, in his view, competent. I can put anyone who is interested in touch with Jeremy, who

lives in Virginia.

In my opinion it is critical that a highly qualified forensics expert examine the system as soon as

possible. It is important to know if there may be a problem or if an attack may have occurred, so that

there can be a well thought out response prepared beforehand.

Finally, if nothing serious is uncovered by a forensics examination, that does not prove that nothing

happened. Regrettably, the absence of proof of a break-in is not proof of the absence of a break-in.