Anonymous ID: 47f2ae May 4, 2021, 1:56 p.m. No.13582328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2329 >>2361 >>2410

I lost loved ones and close friends because I didn't try hard enough, and I spent to much time in iniquity and sin when I should've been following after the things of God, and the things I knew would make a dent, and a cut in the veil of darkness over their illusions. I was supposed to be my brothers keeper, and be of good repor. But my brother got the mark recently, I just found out. I feel pretty certain that if I had sought out the good soil and planted the right seeds, like I had done in the past, but just kept seeking and kept planting, he would've been saved. In other words, if I had just done Gods Commandments, then it would've been good with me. And their names should not of been cut off from before us.


Woe unto the Idle Shepard. My Poverty rides on bedsprings, and my sins prevent the Kingdom of Heaven. Take a note, that the sins of man shed blood. If the Prophets forsook things that would cause their brothers to sin, what end might our brothers have, if we were their keepers, and we caused them to sin. It is written, Seek thy brothers soul as it were thy Own. How am I to go before God and say that I sought his soul as it were my own, when I sought his soul as a novelty. If his soul were mine, it would be dead in lukewarm neglect from all the times I hesitated, or kept my mouth shut, and all the effort I didn't put in. Faith without Works is Dead.


There is no pleasure in that the wicked are destroyed. But that they through repentance come unto Belief in Jesus Christ and be Saved. Is it not the Heart of the Church to Please the Lord


The Question is no longer what will befall the wicked, but how can the Righteous be Saved. We have to walk the straight and narrow, and be Sharp as Gods Arrows. Sin and Iniquity muddy the Field of the Lords Harvest. We are Besieged. Jesus Fought the Good Fight and Saved the World. Those of us that have fallen by the wayside, and stumbled from the way, need to Take Up Our Crosses, and Follow the Truth and the Way and the Light. Dig up the Talons, Prepare the Way, Jesus said No One would Believe if it weren't for Signs and Miracles. We ought to be to them as a Sign and a Miracle. Hot as Hell and Freezing like the Firmament in His Holy Spirit, So that we might Extoll the Father, and they're ears might be opened to his call, and that they might come to the son.


Does one Light a Lamp and set it under a bush that it might be Hid?

Did God Light a Fire in the Church and Pour His Spirit Out Upon Us

So That We Could Be Hid. Are we not the Church of Jesus Christ that

Is His Beacon of Light through the World, even the Morning Stars that

Sang together before the Creation.

Anonymous ID: 47f2ae May 4, 2021, 1:56 p.m. No.13582329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2346 >>2410


I Petition God and Pray in Jesus Christ's Name to make a change in My Heart, and in My Mind.

To Cast Aside the Things that aren't In His Way. To Make Fast his Arrow in Me, that it consume my

Iniquity from the Midst of Me. That his Word and his Law be One in my Flesh. That His Truth and

His Light and His Way Shine in Me as the Noon Day. That the Darkness Be Destoyed, and That

which is Destroyed through my Belief in Jesus Christ be Never Built Again! If we were Made in

Your Image God let us Become Your Image God. If the Kingdom of Heaven be inside of Us God

let us Further your Kingdom in the Earth God. If the Holy Spirit Lives in Us let it not be Offended

nor Ashamed, But let Us Conquer Death and the Grave. If we are your Children God, Make us

Like Jesus Christ, that we May Not Sin nor Lie. Make Us Overcome! Make Us Humble and Wise.

Set us Aflame and Send us in Flight that they Might Worship You're Name Oh God and Jesus Christ

Be Not Angered by my Cries. Be To Us as a Song of Salvation Multiplied. Leave a Remnant that we

Might Abide. Be Not your hand that is shortened and cannot save, Neither let it be Ours Lord.

Less ye leave us a Remnant we shall be destroyed, and we would be as Sodom, and Egypt.

I know you Choose your Own People God, I know your Judgement is True. I beseech the,

Let Us Not All Be Destroyed From Before Your Face. Our Works are Worthless, but Our Faith

is In You God. Help us Establish their Foundations, In Us, Make your Way Straight. Lead us in

Your Way God. Give us Your Tongue, and Your Words, And Your Courage, And

Your Audacity, And Your Ambition, Give us your Eyes Lord so that we might Shew Them the Light.

Give us your Heart that we might witness your Affliction, and Plead your Cause.


Break Our Bonds. Tear Up Our Chains, Make Our Thoughts Clean, and Our Hearts Pure.

Send Us Upon Our First Works, Establish Our Last. Help Us Strengthen that which Remains,

that it is ready to die.

Send us not out with a whimper but a Shout.

We Will Fear You Lord, Make Us Fierce as Lions.

Wise as Serpents. Sweet as Doves. Strong as Oxs.

Put us to Work Like Ants.

He Who Dances Not Knoweth Not What Cometh to Pass!


Gird Us with the Belt of Truth

Clothe Us In Vengeance.

Cloak us in Zeal.

Put on the Breastplate of Righteousness

The Ephah and the Ephod

The Helmet of Salvaion

The Crown of Life

Take The Shield of Faith and the Sword of Spirit

Thy Rod and Thy Staff

Wrap Our Feet in the Gospel of Peace

And Wash us in the Blood of Jesus Christ

and the Blood of the Lamb.


Praise the Lord God Almighty. Great is God, and Greatly to be Praised.

His Ways are Inumerable, His Ways are Unfathomable. His Mercy Endureth

Forever. His Mercy Endures Forever. amen, Amen.


Come Out of Babylon

Anonymous ID: 47f2ae May 4, 2021, 2:09 p.m. No.13582410   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We should all work together to stop people from taking the mark of the beast

and to stop them from being decieved by the false prophet


We should be working together to Save the World through Jesus Christ before its to late.


This is the War between Good and Evil for the Souls of Mankind.