Anonymous ID: 01a926 May 4, 2021, 3:57 p.m. No.13583242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3255

Q called it again!


My apologies if this is repeat information. I was just watching a video with Dr. Judy Mikovits called "Pharmageddon," which covers her views on COVID, vaccines, history with Faucci, etc. It's dated as 3/5/21, but was only released yesterday on the Bitchute channel.


At 1:13:00, the interviewer asks for an update on Dr. Judy's prediction of death rates from COVID & vaccines.


Dr. Judy M.: Serious injury and death in VAERS is 4%. (Her) last paper estimated 6% of people who carry the viral form of cancer, causing auto-immune diseases. "So, 4-6%."