Anonymous ID: 088e43 May 4, 2021, 3:51 p.m. No.13583178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3312


We have reached Herd Immunity for COVID-19 (60 - 75%), so Herd Immunity is no longer real. Even though smallpox, rubella, polio…


everybody who wants vaxxed is vaxxed; and it isn't everybody (get your Treasury letter from the White House yet?)…


Yes, AZ is massive.


Leader (let me eat my Luntz first) McCarthy is about to remove Liz, 1 Trump curse…


CNN is promoting the 9th place finisher (3%) in Texas, a Republican who thinks he was right, but the voters got it wrong, 2 Trump Curse…


anons are finally calling out the shill nakerbaker team…


Mittens was booed to the point that CNN had to cover Su-u-u-usan Co-o-o-ollins weighing in, 3 Trump Curse…


and I am doing my darndest to document real time in normie digestible red pills




Daunte who?