Anonymous ID: 426bce May 4, 2021, 11:13 p.m. No.13586343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6350 >>6365 >>6442

It’s Prison for Pence!


An enraged Donald J. Trump on Tuesday warned Vice President Pence to reject Democrat electors in key swing states he claimed to have won despite suffering 60 lost court battles. Trump has maintained that Democrats employed dirty tricks—stuffed ballot boxes, 3am ballot dumps, and compromised voting machines—to ensure a Biden victory. Democrats, on the other hand, insist the nation had a free and fair election, with the American populace signaling a poignant shift in the political landscape, and with the nation’s first officer—Pence—now caught between further enraging his boss and facing potential prison time or adhering to, in his words, the articles of the Constitution.


During a brief, tense lunch with the Commander-in-Chief, Pence reportedly said he would argue on the president’s behalf, but emphatically noted he lacked the unilateral authority to overturn the election and keep Trump in the White House for another four years. Trump replied he was appreciative of Pence’s four years of undeniable loyalty but admonished him for kowtowing to political pressure and plainly threatened him with excommunication, a military tribunal, prison time, and even death by firing squad.


A White House source in Trump’s orbit made the following observation: “Fact is Trump believes Pence is compromised, that they got to him. For four years Pence has been Trump’s right-hand man, never questioning his boss. Now the dynamic has changed. In Trump’s eyes, Pence, even if he argues for the president, is committing treason by affirming Biden’s victory. If that’s the case, past friendships and associations mean nothing to Trump. He will do he what feels is right to protect the Republic against Deep State infiltration. In this case, Pence is the likely victim.”


“I’m counting on you to do what’s right, Mike. If you don’t, the next two weeks might be the most miserable of your life,” Trump purportedly told Pence.


Trump gave Pence a chilling ultimatum: Either invalidate the election or don’t return from your overseas trip.


Pence is scheduled to travel to Bahrain, Israel, and Poland, according to a government document obtained by Real Raw News, and remain abroad through Jan. 11.


“If Pence nullifies the election, Trump will welcome him back with open arms. If he does not—well, Trump forewarned him to not return to the United States while he still occupies the Oval Office and has command of the nation’s military,” our source said.


If he does, our source said, Trump will have Pence arrested and charged with treason and send him to GITMO to face a military tribunal, at which, charged as an enemy combatant, he will be denied the rights and freedoms of the Geneva Convention and the Constitution of the United States. He will either spend life in prison or, worse, face a firing squad. In the unlikely event Biden grants him clemency, Trump intends to sick every MAGA man and woman in the nation on him, so that Pence will always be looking over his shoulder.



Anonymous ID: 426bce May 4, 2021, 11:20 p.m. No.13586374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6392 >>6415 >>6492 >>6518

Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine Causes “Monsterism”

Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccination, which the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approved on 18 December, may cause recipients to experience an extremely rare but potentially lethal side effect—Monsterism, a degenerative disease that ravages a victim with physical and mental deformities.

A Moderna whistleblower speaking under condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation said 3 of the 30,000 trial candidates began showing symptoms of the horrible disease shortly after receiving the second dose of the two-part vaccination. Since half of all volunteers were given a placebo, the true number of afflicted was 3 in 15,000, or 0.02%, and while that figure might seem statistically insignificant, it is critical because, our source said, Moderna concealed the unintended side effect from both the FDA and the volunteers who had not yet received the second inoculation. The US government sponsored Moderna’s vaccine to the tune of one billion dollars.

The first symptomatic victim telephoned Moderna two days following the vaccination. He complained of headaches, nausea, unusual body hair growth, and upper abdominal post-prandial extensions; a Moderna representative assured him the symptoms were “normal and nothing to worry about,” but instructed him to seek medical attention at a local emergency room if symptoms persisted into the next morning.

“The patient—I’ll call him James—rushed to the ER the next morning. He was fucked. His head had grown three times its normal size, and his face was covered in warts that oozed a gelatinous, green puss. On top of that, every tooth in his mouth literally exploded. He was rushed to a COVID-19 isolation ward, where over the next several hours he grew fur from head to toe. He looked like Chewbacca,” our source said.

French Billionaire and Moderna CEO Stephan Bancel refused to believe his company’s vaccination was responsible for James’s “sudden transformation,” and allegedly told clinicians that medical screening must have missed an underlying condition. He decided at once to strike any mention of the incident from public record and cautioned employees against violating signed non-disclosure and non-disparagement agreements. Bancel “donated” an undisclosed sum of money to several hospital administrators in exchange for their silence, promising that James’s case would be an isolated incident.

But two weeks later it happened again. A thirty-two-year-old woman checked herself into a local ER after coming down with a case of the fits after getting her second injection. While under observation, the female patient grew tufts of hair on her back and boils on her face, and days later her cranium doubled in size, leading physicians to believe she had contracted a rare tropical disease.

“When her fingernails fell out and she grew talons, the staff knew they had a serious problem,” our source said. “The woman got violent. She could no longer speak, not as we understand speech, and began clawing at hospital staff. They restrained her, but not before a nurse was grievously wounded. The woman was flown to the same place as the first victim. I believe they’ve expired, though I’m not certain.”

Moderna’s upper echelons, he added, concluded that a potential side effect of the vaccine is biological regression, or “Monsterism,” an irreversible process by which a homousian devolves into a Cro-Magnon or Neanderthal. The 28-billion-dollar pharmaceutical conglomerate has buried evidence of Monsterism to prevent its stock—which has quadrupled in value during the pandemic—from tanking.

This developing story will be updated as is appropriate.



Anonymous ID: 426bce May 4, 2021, 11:22 p.m. No.13586385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6403


Because you have to show them, apparently hostile baker thinks the site is legit, and I've got too many meetings today to flood fight with BV in hostile bakers pocket, so lets make them play by their rules.

Anonymous ID: 426bce May 4, 2021, 11:28 p.m. No.13586411   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump to Release “KRAKEN” on 6 January

President Donald J. Trump returned to Washington on Thursday, cutting short a holiday vacation as he prepared to mount a final effort to not only overturn election results but also provide conclusive and damning evidence proving that Joe Biden and the Democrats manufactured the Covid-19 pandemic as a McGuffin to steal the election.

Trump was expected to remain at Mar-a-Lago through Wednesday, but decided to return to Washington early after receiving a 3am phone call on Tuesday from none other than Rudy Giuliani, the campaign’s lawyers who has ben fighting tooth and nail to invalidate allegedly fraudulent election results. A source familiar with the incident said Giuliano’s cryptic message contained only eight words: “We need you back. We have the Kraken.”

The catchphrase “release the kraken” is taken from the 1981 movie Clash of the Titans, but in contemporary vernacular alludes to voluminous and incontrovertible evidence that the Biden campaign committed election fraud. The phrase was first spoken by Sidney Powell, an attorney for former national security advisor Michael Flynn. In an interview with Fox Business’ Lou Dobbs, Powell said she had indisputable proof of election fraud and that she intended to “release the Kraken.” However, with each lost battle in court, it seemed less and less likely the mythical Kraken would ever surface to rescue Trump’s campaign.

But now the Kraken seems revitalized, infused with new life, compelling enough lure Trump away from the Mar-a-Lago greens and back to the White House. While the exact nature of Giuliani’s Kraken is open to speculation, people in Trump’s orbit believe his team is preparing to unleash a bombshell of epic biblical proportion when Congress meets on 6 January to certify Biden’s electoral victory.

“There’s been a lot of false Krakens, but this is the genuine article, the real Kraken Trump’s been holding in reserve. He’s going to expose massive corruption and illustrate how the legislative bodies of this country and the Supreme Court have been compromised by deep state actors that want to sell the country to China,” our source said.

If Giuliani’s Kraken call holds water, Congress will be compelled to overturn the election, and Trump’s vindication will expose the Bidens, the Clintons, and the Obamas for who and what they truly are—agents of evil hell bent on turning the United States into an Autocracy and stripping Americans of the rights and freedoms they hold dear, our source added.

“It’s possible this was Trump’s plan all along—he’s played the long game. Now Trump and the 140 House Republicans who have sworn fealty to him will descent on the capitol like a storm. They will take the Deep State by surprise, and Congress will have only two choices: Overturn the election results or prepare for war,” our source said.

If all information is accurate, Trump’s gambit may once and for all eradicate the Deep State and its allies; otherwise, it’s martial law.



Anonymous ID: 426bce May 4, 2021, 11:31 p.m. No.13586424   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Epstein is the “KRAKEN”

When Michal Flynn’s former lawyer, Sydney Powell, announced on 23 November that she would soon release the “Kraken,” Trump supporters hoped the mythical beast would transform into a trove of evidence proving Joe Biden and his friends from the Deep State’s dirty tricks division had stollen the election. Since then, Trumps’ election campaign has suffered a string of colossal loses, disappointing supporters awaiting their president’s imminent vindication.

At first Trumpists suspected that the “Kraken” was a cache of secret documents or a computer server hidden in Venezuela; however, recently unearthed information, along with a cryptic tweet, now reveals that the Kraken is a person, and that person is none other than convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, the child molester who allegedly committed suicide while incarcerated at New York City’s Metropolitan Correction Center. The bizarre circumstances surrounding his death led many to believe he was murdered by the Deep State, to stop him from naming high-ranking Democrats who often visited Epstein’s orgy island.

But on New Year’s Eve, attorney Lin Wood dropped a MOAB, disclosing that Epstein is alive and well, and, it turns out, in the government’s Witness Protection Program.

Mr. Wood, whose credentials are unimpeachable, has long championed the president’s cause. His revelation substantiates the sworn testimony of a Washington source speaking under condition of anonymity.

Shortly after Epstein’s imprisonment, Trump’s people told Trump that the notorious sex offender had documents and computer records that could cripple the Deep State and Democratic establishment. Trump’s strike force also learned of a Deep State plot to assassinate Epstein in prison. Before the villains had a chance to enact their foul agenda, Trump’s team rescued Epstein from prison and placed him in witness protection in a non-extradition country, where the Deep State couldn’t touch him. The person killed in prison was a body double, our source said.

“The real Epstein is alive right now, and he’s blabbing away to Trump. He’s spilling the beans on every one of them. He’s implicated the Clintons, the Obamas, and the whole Biden family. He has records and picture and video of Joe and Hunter Biden visiting Epstein Island seventeen times in the last five years. There’s video of Joe and Hunter double-teaming a…never mind, I can’t even say it. Trump is getting all the info he needs to show Congress who Joe Biden really is. Even if the election was legitimate, these revelations prove that a person like Joe Biden can never be president,” our source said.

Asked why Epstein cooperated, our source said Trump promised the infamous sex offender a full pardon in exchange for dirt on every Democrat who had ever set foot on Epstein’s isle of debauchery. Trump will issue the pardon on 19 January to forestall political backlash from persons who might object to the sexual predator released back to the streets. The administration also promised to return Epstein’s assets and properties, except for Lolita Island, the government had seized at the time of his arrest.

Before that happens, Epstein’s evidence must be compelling enough for congress to invalidate the 2020 election and for a military tribunal to either execute Biden or ship him off to GITMO for the rest of his natural life.

“There’s a reason Trump brought back death by firing squad,” our source said.



Anonymous ID: 426bce May 4, 2021, 11:36 p.m. No.13586464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6467

Trump Indicts Dr. Fauci; Charged as Enemy Combatant


The United States Justice Department, on behalf of President Donald J. Trump, has finalized a sealed indictment naming Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and member of the coronavirus taskforce, a traitor to America, according to a Washington sources familiar with the issue.

The indictment, which currently sits on the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, charges Fauci with numerous high crimes and misdemeanors, many of which could see Fauci stripped of his medical license and deported to GITMO for the rest of his natural life. Those charges reportedly include treason, conspiring with the enemy, and fraud. Article 2 of Section 4 of the United States Constitution states: “The president, vice president and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

While Fauci is neither a politician nor a government official, he is a career civil servant and therefore can be charged with criminal malfeasance as is outlined in Article 2, Section 4.

Sources close to the Fauci probe said Trump became suspicious of Fauci’s intentions after reading Tweets linking the doctor to a “Deep State” coup designed to cripple his reelection campaign. These Tweets alleged Fauci and none other than Barack Hussein Obama had orchestrated a “hoax” to tank the economy, spelling doom for a president whose main presidential achievement was fostering an economic resurgence. The Tweets surmise the Coronavirus is a pretext for stripping Americans of the rights and freedoms they hold dear, and that Fauci wants to usher in a New World Order that would abolish the Constitution and replace U.S. leaders with United Nations personnel.

Fauci’s fishy behavior at coronavirus press briefings further fueled Trump’s suspicion. On March 20, Trump called the State Department the “Deep State Department.” Standing behind him, Fauci made a dismissive hand gesture, dropped his head, and rubbed his forehead.

“Trump took it as a personal slight. Trump doesn’t forgive or forget. He had his eye on Fauci, and Fauci’s actions helped confirm the president’s suspicions,” our source said.

Moreover, Fauci has been a frequent guest of CNN and MSNBC, networks that often criticize Trump’s pandemic response endeavors. He has used his status as one of America’s most notable physicians to directly contradict Trump’s messages.



Anonymous ID: 426bce May 4, 2021, 11:37 p.m. No.13586467   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Tweets, combined with Fauci’s radical conduct, prompted Trump to direct the Justice Department to investigate the Fauci-Obama connection. Investigators learned—and apparently leaked—data proving that in 2015 Obama instructed Fauci to authorize a $3.5 million “donation” to a Wuhan virology lab. Fox News and the Washington Post have run articles questioning whether Covid-19 originated at the Wuhan facility. Additionally, a wiretap on Fauci’s phone and electronic devices revealed the good doctor and the disgraced former president have kept a close friendship; intercepted phone calls and emails showed that Obama and Fauci had conspired to undermine Trump’s authority by having Fauci give the president unsound medical advice in matters involving the pandemic. First, Fauci told Trump the virus was “nothing to worry about.” Then he reversed course and warned Trump Covid-19 would utterly ravage the country unless martial law-like steps were at once taken to curb the spread. Fauci misrepresented facts and figures, and he artificially inflated the case fatality rate (CFR) by instructing the CDC to label all respiratory distress related deaths as Covid-19 fatalities, even if the person never received a Covid-19 test.

Some examples transcend absurdity. For example: In Queens, NY, a 23-year old black male had been walking home from a convenience store when a car pulled up alongside him and its driver emptied a pistol magazine in his chest. Two rounds struck his chest, collapsing both lungs. Because he had breathing difficulty and was put on a ventilator prior to death two hours later, hospital staff said the coronavirus killed him. They did not perform a Covid-19 test.

n Brooklyn, a 96-year old diabetic woman with high blood pressure dropped dead when her heart stopped beating. The New York City medical examiner’s office listed the cause of death—coronavirus.

The next day New York added over 3,000 “presumptive positives” to the state’s growing sum of Covid-19 fatalities. Trump’s investigative team unearthed a trove of evidence that proves Dr. Fauci compelled the state to blame all inexact deaths since January on the coronavirus.

“In doing so, they’ve amplified the death count. The more coronavirus deaths, the worse Trump looks. And the tighter restrictions get as more states adopt martial law. Trump had enough, and decided he’d put the screws to Fauci,” our source said.

If all information is correct, Trump’s special prosecutor secretly indicted Fauci, charging the “Deep State” doctor with crimes under the Patriot Act and the 1917 Espionage Act.



Anonymous ID: 426bce May 4, 2021, 11:38 p.m. No.13586476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6482

Putin To Recall Troops Home Before Nibiru Arrival in 2021

Russian President Vladimir Putin said he aims to recall all military assets currently stationed in foreign countries before Nibiru reaches perigee in early 2021. He spoke on Tuesday at a clandestine meeting at the Ministry of Defense, telling senior staff and top military brass that Russia’s fighting forces must defend the motherland and its people rather than protect friendly nations that have failed to develop their own Nibiru survival plans.

According to our MoD source, Putin’s plan is fraught with obstacles; several Russian officials, particularly Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia Valery Vasilyevich Gerasimov, have denied Nibiru exists and want Putin to focus on expanding Russia’s political and military influence across the globe. Gerasimov argued that Nibiru is a western concoction, essentially a trick, to delude Putin into believing an imaginary threat from the stars poses a greater threat than Europe’s never-ending desire to contain, isolate, and bankrupt Russia. Withdrawing Russian assets from Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Syria, and other nations might compel them assistance elsewhere, Garasimov said.

But the ever stoic Putin silenced him. He said the MoD did not possess all the facts, that Nibiru’s arrival was a God-given certainty. He had risked his personal reputation and his presidency on preparation for the unthinkable. Putin said Russia’s vast subterranean survival complexes in the Ural Mountains, which can allegedly house tens of millions for five years, were designed to survive the Nibiru apocalypse, not a full-scale nuclear exchange with the west. Russia’s cutting-edge weapons such as hypersonic missiles and direct energy weapons, he added, were created to obliterate incoming asteroids and meteorites from the Nibiru system.

“Putin told them it’s ridiculous to leave troops abroad, where they are more likely to die and less likely to be in a position to protect fellow Russians from the Nibiru disaster. He said anyone challenging his authority had three choices: pick up a gun, shut up, or head to Siberia. He had made up his mind and laid out a plan to bring home eighty percent of Russian troops starting in 2020,” our source said.

Putin’s aggressive plan starts by recalling 1,500 service members from Russia’s 201st In Tajikistan in February 2020, followed in April with nearly 8,000 troops stationed in Georgia. He will then judiciously extract 35,000 personnel from Vietnam, Moldova, and Cuba, ensuring those resources is available to guard Russian sovereignty.

“President Putin said all Russians, whether they live or die, have a right to be home when deliverance strikes. He knows many oppose is agenda, but he has faith in the Russian Space Program 2021 assessment. And he will not permit dissenters to foil his plans,” our source said.

While the dissenters are few in number, they have political prestige. Even Atlanticist—a term used to describe Russian politicians

sympathetic to the west–Dmitry Medvedev questioned Putin’s belief in Nibiru. Putin apparently allayed his fears by convincing him that leaders of other prosperous countries had paid him billions of rubles for a safe and secure place to ride out the forthcoming Nibiru cataclysm.

He named Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, who high-fived Putin at the G-20 Summit. Apparently, a deal had been struck.



Anonymous ID: 426bce May 4, 2021, 11:46 p.m. No.13586527   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hillary Clinton Hanged at GITMO

Scrambled eggs with jalapeno peppers, and a strawberry milkshake. The last meal of the condemned.


Hillary Rodham Clinton was hanged at Guantanamo Bay Monday night, her death the culmination of an operation that began on March 2 when U.S. Navy SEALs on Donald J. Trump’s authority arrested the disgraced politician at her Chappaqua, NY mansion. After a five-day tribunal at the world’s most infamous detention center, a three-officer panel found Clinton guilty of murder, accessory to murder, treason, child trafficking, and other high crimes. Clinton, who had refused counsel, had uttered nary a word throughout the proceedings, and had taken Vice Adm. John G. Hannink’s sentence of death with an unflinching gaze.


The hanging took place at 9:05 p.m., at once after Taps, which marks the start of quiet hours on U.S. military bases across the globe.


“The world is about to sleep quieter tonight,” Vice Adm. John G. Hannink said to a small assembly that included 3 Joint Chiefs of Staff and, notably, Donald J. Trump, who, garbed in his typical dark suit and crimson tie, had arrived at GITMO earlier in the day. Michael Pompeo and former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani flanked him, both men having played an integral role in amassing evidence against Clinton.


Under military guard, a shackled Hillary Clinton was escorted from Camp Delta detention block to gallows made of steel latticework, with a downward swinging door beneath her feet, that the Army Corps of Engineers had erected in a clearing near Windward Point Lighthouse, on GITMO’s southern edge. Affixed to a steel beam was a rectangular box with five circular, red buttons protruding from the case. In front of each button stood a uniformed soldier. Atop the platform, another soldier slipped a braided noose around Clinton’s neck.


Vice Adm. Hannink addressed the execution detail: “When I say ready, and not one moment before, you will poise your left index finger in front of the button. You will keep it hovered there until I say execute, and then you five must simultaneously press your button. Only one of the five buttons will trigger the door, and none of you will ever know which button that was. Do you understand these instructions?”


“Yes, sir,” the five bellowed in unison.


A chaplain and a physician climbed the 13 steps leading to the top of the platform and stood beside a soldier who was checking to ensure the noose was secure around Clinton’s neck. Below them, Vice Adm. Hannink asked if Clinton wanted last rites or had any final words.


Clinton broke silence. “I’m Hillary Clinton, you can’t do this to me,” she said, her voice a witch’s cackle.


“It’s already done,” Donald J. Trump shouted up at her.


“Ready.” Vice Adm. Hannink nodded at the execution detail.


After a moment’s pause, he gave the “execute” order, the soldiers pressed their buttons, and the grate beneath Clinton’s feet swung open. Her legs and feet, still shackled at the ankles, twitched a moment or two, then stopped.


The rope was cut, and Clinton’s lifeless body lie sprawled in a damp patch of grass. The physician present checked her vitals and declared her dead.


A confidential source involved in Trump’s mission to obliterate the Deep State said the overall mood was somber and melancholy; there was no celebration, no jubilation, just an atmosphere of contentedness, an acknowledgement that what had to be done, was done. The nature of her crimes overshadowed celebratory thought. But a four-decade reign of terror had come to an end.


“As much as Trump hated her, this was purely business. He cares about the children who suffered at her hands more than he cares about what she did to him. Yes, her demise sends a signal to the Deep State. But Trump knows there are many more to go, and he won’t celebrate till the job is done,” our source said.



Anonymous ID: 426bce May 4, 2021, 11:47 p.m. No.13586536   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FBI Seizes Giuliani’s Video of Clinton Hanging

Federal Investigators on Wednesday executed a search warrant on former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s Manhattan condominium, seizing cellphones, laptops, and reams of printed paper under the pretense of searching for communications between Giuliani and the former president of the Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko.


Sources close to Giuliani, however, told Real Raw News that the U.S. Justice Department’s official reason for storming Giuliani’s home is a bold-faced lie. By order of Kamala Harris, the FBI went to Giuliani’s home hoping to find a video copy of Hillary Clinton’s execution at Guantanamo Bay, which took place on Monday, April 26. As RRN reported previously, Rudy Giuliani had attended the grisly affair and stood among the small delegation of patriots who watched Clinton’s neck snap.


“Video was taken. The military gave Rudy a copy. I didn’t even know Rudy got one until after the FBI came, and then it was damn obvious. It’s no coincidence they picked that day to storm Rudy’s home. Twice before Rudy volunteered to give any and all correspondence with Ukrainian officials to the FBI. And you know what? The FBI never wanted it. All of a sudden, the day after Clinton hangs, the FBI wants his electronic devices. Afterward, I asked Rudy if he had a copy, and he said he was given ‘something’ the FBI took. He wasn’t specific, but I knew what he meant. Do you know Rudy has two drives of Hunter Biden’s files? And the FBI didn’t even want to touch those,” our source said.


Two FBI agents, he added, apologized to Giuliani for their role in confiscating his constitutionally protected private property. When Giuliani demanded to know who orchestrated the illegal search and seizure, one FBI agent admitted that “the order came straight from the top–Kamala Harris.”


A second source involved in Trump’s operation to imprison or execute Deep State traitors confirmed to RRN that Giuliani was one of 6 or 7 persons to have received a copy of Clinton’s demise. He wouldn’t name the other recipients but said the military had encrypted the video prior to distribution. Even Giuliani, he added, wouldn’t have been able to view the video. Nor could others who have a copy. The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Office, which is still loyal to Donald J. Trump, has the only cypher key known to exist.


“The Deep State knows Clinton died that night. They’re more interested in getting the copies than they are viewing them, which they will. All encryptions can be broken over time. They don’t want those videos made public, ever, because such a revelation would make it much harder for them to showcase Clinton body doubles, CGI Clinton, and recycled and repackaged Clinton videos from years gone by. Less than 20 people, excluding military personnel, attended Clinton’s hanging. If the Deep State has a list, they are likely going after anyone they think has a copy,” our source said.


In closing, we at RRN regret naming Trump, Pompeo, and Giuliani as attendees of Clinton’s execution. Our intent was to exemplify patriotism, not expose persons involved in discrete operations. We shall be more diligent in the future.



Anonymous ID: 426bce May 4, 2021, 11:52 p.m. No.13586558   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russian Soldiers Desert Anunnaki War

A Ministry of Defense (MoD) intelligence official said on Monday that Russian soldiers involved in Vladimir Putin’s Anunnaki War are fleeing the battlefield by the dozen. General Alexander Spassky, himself a Chechen War Hero to the Russian Federation, claimed nearly 200 troops either deserted or sought medical discharges due to the rigors of fighting a technologically superior species known for disemboweling, flaying, or consuming prey.


From what we know, Putin’s anti-Anunnaki brigade consists of Russian Special Services (Spetznas) and a conscription of regular army, the latter of which, Gen. Spassky said, received only rudimentary training and has not been given the same high-tech ordnance used by elite forces. The battlefield dynamic, he added, has drastically changed in the years since Vladimir Putin decided to confront the enemy rather than allow it to spread like an infectious disease across the Eastern Hemisphere.


Initial skirmishes were fought principally by Spetznas and combat veterans who had distinguished themselves in prior conflict: Chechnya, Dagestan, the North Caucuses, or Crimea. However, constant skirmishes against the infernal aliens took a heavy toll on the number of Special Forces soldiers available for battle, forcing Putin to hurl undertrained recruits in the line of Anunnaki fire.


“We’ve lost so many Special Services, Putin did what he had to. History will judge whether it was the correct decision. But, yes, it’s been a problem. Many improperly trained soldiers—they turn green when face-to-face with the Anunnaki. There is much dissention in the ranks, as word spreads. When a soldier hears his comrades have been sliced open or shot with plasma or eaten, they panic and run,” Gen. Spassky said.


Twenty-three soldiers in October requested a discharge or reassignment due to “acute battle-induced hysteria and psychological trauma,” a complex phrase for PTSD. The problem, Gen. Spassky said, was that none of the 23 had ever squared off against an Anunnaki. They filed claims founded on “fear and cowardice.” Ninety-seven percent of medical discharge and transfer requests are summarily denied.


“We press these men hard because we must, because we face a foe more deadly than any army on Earth. Unless a soldier has a gaping wound in his chest or is limbless, he is fit for battle. Even a soldier with one arm can still pick up a weapon and fight,” Gen. Spassky said.


He admitted, however, that Russian Armed Forces Command has equipped less than 15% of regular troops with weapons that can harm Anunnaki.


“We are diligently working to improve these numbers. Logistic and manufacturing problems limit the number of energy and acoustic weapons we can produce at any one time. It is not like mass-producing a Kalashnikov. Now that we have a substance to coat bullets that penetrate the Anunnaki carapace—we are trying to deploy them to all soldiers in the conflict. In the meantime, soldiers not equipped with proper weapons can distract the Anunnaki so properly equipped Special Services can take them out,” Spassky said.


He also revealed a disturbing fact. On October 15, an enlisted soldier committed fratricide on his commanding officer when told he was picked to “take point” in an upcoming raid on an Anunnaki nest in northern Syria. The soldier, whose name the Ministry of Defense has not released, “went crazy” and emptied a 30-round magazine into his Lieutenant’s chest. He purportedly died at the hands of a firing squad two days later.


Asked what fate awaits other traumatized deserters, Gen. Spassky said any Russian soldier who cowers to an Anunnaki is considered a traitor to the Motherland and is therefore imprisoned or executed, depending on the circumstances.



Anonymous ID: 426bce May 4, 2021, 11:53 p.m. No.13586561   🗄️.is 🔗kun

France to Nuke Nibiru

The White House on Tuesday received an urgent diplomatic cable stating that the French government may use nuclear weapons to destroy a celestial interloper, Nibiru, heading toward earth, according to a Washington source who claims President Trump barely glanced at the document before giving it to his chief scientific advisor, meteorologist Kelvin Droegmeir, for further analysis.


The document, our source said, was authored by Jean-Yves Le Gall, President of France’s National Centre for Space Studies (CNES,) and approved by Emmanuel Macron, whose handwritten signature appeared at the bottom of the brief.


In it, Le Gall warns that Nibiru is nearing perigee and will soon unleash cataclysmic effects on the Earth unless decisive action is taken to either alter its trajectory or destroy it. He apparently ruled out the former, writing, “Since our greatest scientists have ruled out moving Nibiru—no Earthly force can move Nibiru-the only remaining choice is its destruction. To destroy Nibiru before it, potentially, destroys life on Earth.”


To accomplish this goal Le Gall suggests that France launch its entire nuclear arsenal at Nibiru, basing his opinion on a 2016 classified CNES research study that said “a massive nuclear onslaught in the realm of 66,000 kilotons should shatter Nibiru into trillions of harmless fragments,” which would incinerate upon atmospheric reentry. He confessed in the cable that the totality of damage must occur simultaneously to either blast Nibiru to smithereens or nudge it off course.


He admitted to a few other issues as well. As France no longer owns land-based nuclear weapons, it relies on the submarine-launched M51 ballistic missile, which has a range of 6,000 miles and can be fitted with up to ten 110 kiloton warheads. France has 290 warheads, or 31,900 kilotons, at its disposal, far less than the 66,000 kiloton Le Gall thinks will destroy Nibiru. Moreover, France has only four nuclear ballistic missile submarines, the Triumphant class, each equipped with 16 vertical launch tubes. Thus, a simultaneous launch would hit Nibiru with a mere 7,040 kiloton— “Like a B.B. hitting an elephant,” Le Gall wrote.


“Le Gall identified the shortcomings in his letter, but because it was written by him, and not by Macron, who simply endorsed it, Trump just passed it off to Droegmeir. Even though Droegmeir ain’t the brightest bulb in the box, he realized the French plan was nuts—that using even 10,000 nukes won’t dent planet Nibiru. La Galle even audaciously requested Trump’s help,” our source said.


The cable, our source added, said that President Trump, as commander of the world’s second largest nuclear arsenal, ought to launch a concurrent nuclear bombardment to coincide with France’s efforts. If the U.S., France, and other nations that favor survival over destruction launch a unified, colossal strike, then Nibiru would certainly not survive, Le Galle speculated.


“Please, President Trump, value humanity over your own selfish desires; the future rests in our collective hands. Rise to the occasion. Be the man of principle, the man of conscience, the world knows you can be. I fully expect you will win your White House in 2020, but will you, or anyone of us, be around when your term ends in 2024. We must destroy Nibiru,” part of the letter allegedly said.


The letter ended with a not-so-veiled threat: “Without cooperation, France will act unilaterally. A slim chance of salvation is better than none.”


It is unknown whether President Trump will respond.


In closing, an overwhelming majority of Earth’s scientists say nuking space rocks of any size is a bad idea. Even if ICBMs could reach and strike large asteroids or planetoids, some large fragments would inevitably endure atmospheric entry and smash into the blue-green pearl we call Earth, causing greater destruction, perhaps, than an undamaged Nibiru will at perigee.



Anonymous ID: 426bce May 4, 2021, 11:54 p.m. No.13586565   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia Destroys Anunnaki Nest in Turkey

A Russian Special Services squad on a suicide mission has destroyed an Anunnaki hive 44 miles west of Istanbul near the Marmara Sea, according to Federal Service Bureau (FSB) agent Dimitri Osmosovich. Spetznas soldiers, he said, planted an “Anunnaki killing device” in an old munitions factory the creatures used to launch incursions into central Turkey. Putin’s elite troops miraculously bypassed Anunnaki patrols and traps to affix the innovative ordnance on a support column in the center of the structure.


At 13:59 pm (local time), they detonated the weapon, vaporizing themselves and nearly 100 vicious Anunnaki warriors in an unprecedented act of heroic bravery.


Osmosovich says the weapon is a three-stage device; first it emits a continuous blast of infrasound at or below 10hz, frequencies proven to “stun” Anunnaki into a temporary, catatonic-like state. This prevents them from summoning their favorite means of transport, interdimensional portals only they can see. Then, it radiates “expanding plasma pulses” that heat surrounding air to 2500 C, hot enough to not only melt Anunnaki skin but also liquify their endo-and-exoskeletons. Thirdly, the weapon emits a “seismic displacement wave” that destroys molecular bonding at a cellular level. The cumulative effect all but guarantees nothing on Earth—human or extraterrestrial—survives the detonation, which reportedly has a kill radius of 2.5km. Aftereffects include seismic instability and crustal displacement up to 100km from the blast point, Osmosovich explained.


In fact, a 5.7 magnitude earthquake coincided with the detonation, and the USGS and other reporting agencies placed the epicenter in the sea of Marmara, more than 50km from the Anunnaki den. Despite the distance discrepancies, Osmosovich said the weapon can trigger earthquakes anywhere within the 100km destruction zone.


“The weapon is imperfect. We have not had time to refine it. We find out it works against these Anunnaki and use it. The weapon’s unique dynamics make it impossible to tell where, if any, earthquakes trigger within the zone. In fact, President Putin called Erdoğan, and warned him the bomb might cause a 5-7 magnitude quake in Turkey,” Osmosovich said.


Erdoğan allegedly told Putin to “do it,” with full knowledge of the weapon’s destructive power and chance of causing catastrophic collateral damage.


“Erdoğan told Putin he didn’t care if 1000 Turkish people died, as long as the Anunnaki were slain along with them. Fortunately, it didn’t come to that. But he was willing to sacrifice 1000 to save millions; the mark of a true leader. Putin told him that Anunnaki may come back, in greater numbers, as they’ve done in response to attacks in Yemen and Afghanistan. But Erdoğan wanted them destroyed. Putin’s hatred of all extraterrestrial life compelled him to help. Eight Russian fighting men sacrificed themselves for the mission, for which they volunteered, each one of them. They will undoubtedly be decorated, posthumously, with the medal ‘Hero of the Russian Federation’, for conspicuous acts of unapparelled bravery. It is a great honor,” Osmosovich said.


The victory over the vermin near Istanbul, however, has not solved all of Turkey’s Anunnaki woes. As reported on September 4, Erdoğan asked Putin to eradicate a roving band of Anunnaki that butchered a Turkish army platoon near the city of Mardin. We have been unable to confirm any resolution to that specific request.

