And leave them penniless please.
That is an example of a bad cop: "Stop resisting" when the man was lying on the ground and not struggling. Cops are taught these phrases in classes to "protect" themselves from abuse charges. It is evident from the tape he was no longer resisting when on the ground, yet one or more officers pretended he was for "justification". Shameful!!
Do we need to have a lottery?!?!
Excuse me Superman, I didn't realize you could see through doors!! He was NOT struggling when the camera passed through the door. Take your BS somewhere else. Right is right and wrong is wrong.
In addition, you must have experience in giving false testimony.
I know someone this was done to over a handicap parking space. While down on the ground - NOT resisting - the bad cop was lifting him by his belt, up and down, yelling stop resisting. By the way, victim was white and a business man. Then charged with assault on an officer!!
Most cops are good guys, but we really need to get rid of the bad ones. No different than these politicians and their minions. Some bad people are attracted to law enforcement for the simple reason they have control over others. Most are there for service to others.
He's planning on faking his death just like Hitler.
Switzerland. I don't think there is an extradition treaty there. Either way, he would fake his death so no one would be looking for him. And his corrupt doctors would swear to it.
Totally agree about doing what you are told and fight through the system later. My example was not about fighting with the cop unless you call responding verbally with "are you kidding me?" This was in Miami, 5 cops and witnesses.