Reposting because it is important and needs to be considered.
The whole great awakening / world peace / NESARA thing seems like a One World Government type deal to me.
What if Trump suddenly declares himself to be the Messiah after bringing about peace? What if the new currency can only be used with a chip in our right hand?
Trump could very well be the beast, the great deceiver. The beast is supposed to take power and remove all his enemies first, including the Deep State. He will answer to no higher power.
If you've been following the stars, you'd see that it happened with the Star of Bethlehem, when Trump declared his campaign, then this was followed by the 2nd and 3rd Star of Bethlehem. Then Revelation 12 sign was fulfilled on September 23, 2017, 7 days later the Las Vegas massacre, signifying the beginning of the Great Tribulation.
By this, its clear that Donald Trump is the Beast of Revelations, the Antichrist. The ruler with a rod of iron, who comes to clean up after the 4 Horsemen.
Deals are being done behind the scenes that we don't even know of yet.
People see the 777s around him and glorify it but don't realize that numerology is used to identify Satan, not God. He was literally born under a blood moon.
Just be careful and keep an eye open.
The "plan" may not be what you think.