Anonymous ID: 93e4d6 May 10, 2018, 8:20 a.m. No.1358755   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1358660 (l.b.)

>the best secretary he ever had.

kek. read "At Ease" back in school & admired the man for a long time, primarily due to that bravery contained in the MIC speech.

then, the stories of him vs. Gen. Patton became too strong to ignore. (have always chosen to side with the Johns over the Pauls).

that said, imho, important to see history from as close to 40k as possible for the fullest view, so thanks for sharing, anon.

Anonymous ID: 93e4d6 May 10, 2018, 8:40 a.m. No.1358955   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1358884 no question on the POS from this POV.

>>1358898 on top of everything else, the continued anguish he caused the POW/MIA families with his Dudley Do-Right routine is flat-out disgusting (and I'm being kind).


>>1358899 yes, hence the


>Discussions of death/funeral?

>Medical or escape?


Anonymous ID: 93e4d6 May 10, 2018, 9:10 a.m. No.1359201   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Key lines:

>"We don’t see the US just as Mr. Trump; the United States is not just the current ruling administration and there are many figures who have different views on international and regional issues," Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said.

Funny you didn't mention that about 3 years ago, Bahram.

>Obama administration's top diplomat has also met with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeir, French President Emmanuel Macron on two occasions, and spoken on the phone with EU's foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini

Steinmeir worth a dig?

>Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Seyed Abbas Araqchi warned on Sunday … at a meeting with his Swedish counterpart Annika Soder in Tehran.

Sweden, 'nuff said.

Pretty much lays it all out on the board, doesn't it?

Anonymous ID: 93e4d6 May 10, 2018, 9:28 a.m. No.1359334   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Mohamed al-Qadeer

Just picked this one out of the hat to start digging. 1st non-MSM link found on name:


<pic related

There's that 55 again. funny!

Name makes perfect sense actually.


>…and running the administrative body that oversees religious rulings.


>looks like we captured some bishops.

Anonymous ID: 93e4d6 May 10, 2018, 9:40 a.m. No.1359460   🗄️.is 🔗kun



NY Slimes only mentions 1 name (unless you can read Arabic) & gives pics of only 4 (Saddam Jamal included?).

<pic from Slimes story.

On top of all Their other Fake News, after what anons discovered last night about the connection btw. and (sauce – Notables #1699)

>>1355008 Iran-Daily.Com: DIG

>>1354319 Several Iranian newspapers /websites list the NYT as their home address

any valid reason to assume the Slimes reporting as accurate?