Anonymous ID: 938a95 May 5, 2021, 8:13 a.m. No.13588662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8782

If Q was a propaganda operation, authorized by one of various bills that Clinton or BO signed and operated at the Executive level… then Q not speaking now makes sense. They can't communicate now because when Trump left office the propaganda operation would have been taking over by the Biden team. Speaking now would probably be considered to be some crime like sedition. All info needed was dropped, operations from here on out would need to be done in secret as you would want for any military operation and the PEOPLE need to be shown what the left were planning and feel the pain under the leftist agenda to wake them up.

They are waking up. The Q Operation was successful in its goals. The majority of people believe that the 2020 election was stolen and the audit to prove it is in work in AZ.

So don't listen to the shills and those crying for Q or saying, "see Q is a fake'" or whatever.

WE don't need Q now. We don't even need the military now. The PEOPLE are waking up to the Truth and the enemy is scared. THEY are spending billions to keep people taking their vaccine and it isn't working. PEOPLE are fighting back at the local level, voting out the appeasers to end the mask mandates. The PEOPLE are fighting back at school boards and Selectmen meetings. People are standing up to RINO's at GOP delegate conventions. The PEOPLE are standing up and are seeing the light, flushing out the swamp creatures from the dark and the left are finding it hard to walk down the street without facing a Patriot who calls them out.

No, WE don't need Q now. We know what we have to do is to keep the information going to expose the Enemy and keep waking others.

We don't need the military now either… though that time is approaching because the Enemy will have to do something big to stop the erosion of their power and control of the population. When that time comes, everyone will see it and they must step in and show their loyalty to their Oath and the Constitution of the United States.

The Enemies plan is speeding up as they lose control. Watch for the border crisis to explode, more attacks inside the Country and calls from THEM for U.N. Peacekeepers (Invasion by foreign military force?) and Federalized police force for the Country. When all they had to do is release OUR military to do the job… but they don't trust OUR military and THEIR plan always uses outside militaries to enforce THEIR control. Outside militaries don't have loyalties to the PEOPLE. Q told us that was their plan.

The closer we get to the BIG LIE being exposed, the closer we get to THEM reacting in such a way that THEY will have committed Treason in the open for all to see. THEY will have no choice but to pull the trigger or give up, and THEY can't just give up. THEY know they will hang.

Get it yet?