Anonymous ID: 9dffd8 May 5, 2021, 7:36 a.m. No.13588407   🗄️.is 🔗kun

They want us to think we live once and then die.

They want us to think we are powerless.

We live many lives learning lessons.

Life is a lesson.

Earth is school and it is in session.

Don't flunk the test.

Anonymous ID: 9dffd8 May 5, 2021, 7:44 a.m. No.13588469   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Greetings, Dear Ones! We are so very pleased to be back with you as we bring a message that may be somewhat new to you.


The new message is that Galactic Fleet Command is much expanded over the seven patrol ships that we have been in the past. We now have many more from other planets and galaxies that have joined with us in these final days of the Ascension process… both spaceships and personnel! Your skies overhead are now literally filled with our spacecraft! All of this is added to the fleet of Ashtar Command, which has existed for eons of time.


An interesting aspect of this expansion is the addition of many humans who have left Planet Earth to become a part of our patrolling endeavors. Many of them were living lives of great struggle and sacrifice, and so they were given this opportunity to join forces with us in a more positive way. Since they have themselves experienced such a difficult way of life, they have chosen to now aid their Earth brothers and sisters by working with us from the Higher realms. We feel deeply honored that they have made this choice — and we have welcomed them with the greatest of joy and love!


These new members of our fleet bring great benefit to us, for they can bring first-hand knowledge of what you on the planet are actually experiencing… a perspective that can come only from the experiencing itself. The painful memories of what they had experienced before leaving the planet received amelioration from a healing orientation before they joined us. But there will naturally be an empathic connection of pain that will be revived in them as their work with you on the ground commences.


We hope you realize what a sacrifice this is that they are making for you with such loving intent. They could have chosen to go on to a more pleasing planet than is this current one – or even to the 5D Earth planet itself – but they chose instead to stay to help bring the final victory of Ascension to Mother Gaia and her Humanity.


This is the message we were anxious to bring to you, so that you might also rejoice with us, Dear Ones. We are so very proud of you who have so bravely chosen to take on Human form at this time… whether working among the ground forces or in the air!


If you have the privilege of living a life that is not with extreme difficulty or suffering – (when seen from the 5D perspective, of course) – we wish for you to know how very much your efforts are needed and appreciated as members of the ground crews. We could not carry out the work needed in the air without the efforts and support of those of you on the ground — please know this!


We hold you ever in the Love and Light of the Cosmic Christ — and send you all the love, light, and joy that we are capable of sending!


Blessings, Dear Ones.




**Channel: Beth Stormont for Era of Light

Anonymous ID: 9dffd8 May 5, 2021, 7:47 a.m. No.13588489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8497 >>8525 >>8584 >>8595

Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I bring you good tidings today from all of us on the Earth Council and from everyone who is working for the betterment of the planet.


Again, I want to reiterate how important your presence on the earth is right now. You are doing some amazing things of which most of you are unaware. You were blocked from your connection with God; you lived in a veil of forgetfulness; your DNA was changed and you lost memory of who you really are and why you are on the earth.


You are powerful warriors of light. Right now, the veils have been lifted and you are beginning to have knowledge and clarity of who you truly are as divine beings, masters, avatars, angels and archangels. For too long on the earth you were taught to feel as if you were worthless. Society reinforced this through programming in a myriad of ways. As of this now moment, we recommend you eliminate any thoughts of being less than the I AM God presence that you are.


As you continue to hold the light on earth, major inroads are being made for the freedom of the planet. It is happening with powerful beings as well as technology that has been set aside for this perfect time.


Many of these resources are surprising the dark ones who thought they would have control forever. I can happily announce that their control is diminishing rapidly along with their presence on the earth. Your prayers and meditations are powerful and are assisting massively with this harmonizing shift.


We understand your fatigue and desire to be living fully in the Golden Age. I reassure you that this is where you are going. You are gifted and talented beings who can constantly bring these 5th dimensional and higher energies into your life. This focus assists us and the planet. It enables the consciousness to rise and when you claim your new world you will find yourselves living in that consciousness.


Spread the word and spread the light. Connect with us in the Pleiadian star system and with the Earth council. Call forth your galactic family and your remembrance of your origins. Participate in the divine action that you were called to take in this now moment.


Let go of fear and welcome joy, peace, beauty, harmony, and lots of love into your life and onto the earth. Please know that abundance is yours and that everything you need will be provided.


We send you our love and gratitude. I am Mira.


**Channel: Valerie Donner

Anonymous ID: 9dffd8 May 5, 2021, 7:48 a.m. No.13588497   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>You are powerful warriors of light

>You are powerful warriors of light

>You are powerful warriors of light

>You are powerful warriors of light

>You are powerful warriors of light

>You are powerful warriors of light

>You are powerful warriors of light

>You are powerful warriors of light

>You are powerful warriors of light

>You are powerful warriors of light

>You are powerful warriors of light

>You are powerful warriors of light

Anonymous ID: 9dffd8 May 5, 2021, 8:03 a.m. No.13588586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8605

The reason Human Trafficking was issue # 1 with Trump is that the cabal has been trading their masters and negative ET's our brother and sister humans in exchange for technology and power. Those poor people were then turned into slaves for manual labor digging their caves, mining ores etc.


Generations born into slavery never ever seeing life above ground.


People are their currency. This is fucked up