Anonymous ID: 3223f7 May 5, 2021, 10:12 a.m. No.13589271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9283 >>9334 >>9397 >>9503 >>9600 >>9736

2020 Voter fraud: Police say Penn. women tried to cast mail-in ballots on behalf of dead people


Two Pennsylvania women face voter fraud charges after each allegedly tried to cast a mail-in ballot on behalf of their mothers in the 2020 election.


The problem is: both mothers are dead.


Prosecutors say the system caught the fraud before it was committed.


The suspects are Danielle Elaine Dooner and Melissa Ann Fisher. They are reportedly charged with third degree misdemeanors.


Fisher's mother died on Sept. 21, 2020 but Fisher allegedly signed a declaration claiming to be her mother when attempting to vote after the mom's death. Fisher is quoted as telling reporters "It was nothing intentional."


Prosecutors apparently went to great lengths to root out alleged fraud.Authorities say detectives obtained DNA samples from ballots and voters, took handwriting samples, served search warrants for IP addresses for electronic mail-in ballot application submission, and reviewed surveillance video, among other steps.


No such known detective work was conducted in dozens of cases of allegations of widespread fraud around the country in the 2020 election.


Prior to the arrests of the two women, a Pennsylvania man received five years probation for casting an illegal ballot on behalf of his dead mother. Bruce Bartman called it "a stupid mistake."

Anonymous ID: 3223f7 May 5, 2021, 10:13 a.m. No.13589278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9397 >>9503 >>9600 >>9736

UNEARTHED: 1619 Project Founder Praised Cuba’s ‘Socialist’ Accomplishments, Counts Education As ‘Cornerstone Of Revolution.’



1619 Project founder Nikole Hannah-Jones insisted that “education is the cornerstone of the revolution” in an unearthed article offering praise for Cuba’s Communist revolution resulting in the “end of codified racism.”

The New York Times writer visited Cuba in 2008 on a reporting fellowship, penning a piece entitled “The Cuba We Don’t Know” upon her return. Published in The Oregonian, the article sets out to dismantle the narrative about the Communist country that “come from the U.S. government”: “Cuba is poor. Cuba is communist. Cuba violates human rights and represses dissent.”


The objective is similar to that of the ahistorical 1619 Project metastasizing through U.S. classrooms: challenging the narrative that the U.S. was founded in 1776 and insisting the country’s motives for revolution evolved solely out of a desire to protect slavery.


“Education is the cornerstone of the revolution,” Jones asserts before offering praise for the communist country’s education and health care system, alleging many see the latter as a “world model.”


“It manifests in what Cuba has accomplished, through socialism and despite poverty, that the United States hasn’t,” she writes before quoting a professor who insists “The U.S. cannot forgive us for having this revolution. All 50 years of the revolution have not been for nothing.”


Jones also identifies an advantage of the communist revolution as bringing about the “end of codified racism,” asking in reference to Black Cubans, “Without the revolution, they wonder, where would they be?”

Black Cubans especially are wary of outsiders wishing to overthrow the Castro regime. They admit the revolution has been imperfect, but it also led to the end of codified racism and brought universal education and access to jobs to black Cubans. Without the revolution, they wonder, where would they be?

The piece continues, blaming Cuba’s poor economy and infrastructure on the U.S.:

A crushing U.S. embargo has ensured Cuba’s low per capita income and crumbling infrastructure. Yet, Cuba boasts one of the highest literacy rates in the world. As in the United States, some Cuban children attend schools with tidy grounds and gleaming floors, while others sit at decaying desks in sagging buildings.

“We could see that Cuba is not the great evil we are led to believe,” she concludes.

Anonymous ID: 3223f7 May 5, 2021, 10:20 a.m. No.13589315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9370 >>9581


Bill Gates took getaways with his ex-girlfriend after marriage to Melinda

By Kate SheehyMay 4, 2021 | 2:23pm | Updated


“We can play putt-putt while discussing biotechnology,” Gates said of his private getaways with fellow nerd techie and ex Ann Winblad — Winblad — who is now happily married to actor Kevin Kline’s detective brother, Alex Kline, a source told The Post on Tuesday.

Anonymous ID: 3223f7 May 5, 2021, 11:24 a.m. No.13589711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9723 >>9736 >>9813

Coca-Cola Chief Lawyer Who Demanded Race Quotas for Attorneys Resigns, Gets Rehired for $666,666 per Month

The diversity and inclusion plan has been put on a temporary "pause," although much of the plan is expected to be salvaged


Coca-Cola’s chief attorney, responsible for orchestrating a plan to demand race quotas in outside counsel, resigned and was rehired by the CEO on a $666,666 per month salary.

Bradley Gayton resigned last month as general counsel of Coca-Cola. Gayton, in his previous position as chief lawyer for Coca-Cola, was responsible for creating a plan that would place penalties on outside legal counsel if they failed to meet racial diversity quotas when working for the company. Announced in January, Gayton said that all law firms must commit at least 30% of billed time from “diverse attorneys” and at least half of that time from black attorneys.


Covfefe Coffee

However, following his resignation, the plan has been put on a temporary pause, with a spokesman for Coca-Cola saying that his replacement, Monica Howard Douglas, will be reviewing the plan. “When there is a leadership change, it takes time for the new leader to review the current status of the team, organization and initiatives,” said Scott Leith. “Monica is fully committed to the notions of equity and diversity in the legal profession, and we fully expect she will take the time necessary to thoughtfully review any plans going forward.”


The “pause” was initially hailed as a victory in the culture war battle over Coca-Cola, with some on the right seemingly under the impression that the much-criticized diversity training program from Coca-Cola, unearthed by Karlyn Borysenko in February, had been cancelled. Action against the diversity quotas regarding outside lawyers seems to have been sparked from an open letter published by the Project on Fair Representation, declaring that Coca-Cola’s “racial quota requirements” were “unlawful,” not any conservative backlash.


Following the pause, much of Gayton’s diversity plan would likely “be salvaged” by Douglas, although the quotas themselves would not likely return. At the time of writing, it is unclear as to what is the current state of Coca-Cola’s diversity training, and general commitment to anti-white policies, but it is unlikely that what appears to be an evasion of potential legal action in one small area is indicative of a wider shift in company policy.


In fact, Gayton remains employed by the company. Despite resigning from his position as chief counsel, he is currently contracted as a legal consultant to Coca-Cola’s CEO, James Quincey. Dayton was hired with a hefty sign-on fee of $4 million, and a monthly consulting fee of $666,666, according to a securities filing from April 21. Coca-Cola also seems likely to continue their anti-conservative attacks on American values across the board. Last month, they joined with a number of other corporations in attacking a piece of election integrity legislation from their home state of Georgia, which critics claimed was designed to stop black voters from accessing the polls.