It's about time you took on newsbot, Fungus.
Don't tell me I have to go to the DOAR to find out which Baker hired a PR firm.
Thanks to both you & Gerbil and those caps I pretty much am.
What's with hot new trend of these sp ace s?
>around a singular soccer ball with five kids around it at the same time
That is bad soccer.
I'm sure parents wouldn't mind an only 2 guys at a time on the ball rule.
kek this is starting to freak me out now
ok seems legit thx
Because the newsbot is cancer fan club is bigger than you think.
Not so fast.
Separate Water Fountains have returned to the ballpark (if true).
That's way bigger culturally than Sportsball.
Fans of The Precipice For All getting here sooner fans want moar of this.
I rag on Fungus as much as anyone.
Fungus did deserve that Notable tho (under modern QResearch standards).
Newsbot is cancer.
QR Serendipity at last.
No clue so enjoy while it lasts.
(Insert the steaks just got higher here)
>her fine tits
Don't tease like that.
Fungus promised some pics long ago and never came through.
she is even if commie
I've seen like 5 sets of Notables.
Final should be interdasting.