Looking this over? I guess the C-A killed an FBI agent.
What are the chances they lured him there?
What was COLE, if that's his real name?, getting ready to do?
The IVANKA image getting a VAX?
Maybe the real Ivanka is in hiding? And that's her "replacement"?
Who's under orders from Black Hats?
Doesn't look like her.
Sorry for POTUS if it's real
Scary. They use the children to get to the parents. "Her eyes" look dark
She's allegedly highly intelligent.. I guess not.
IF that's really her. DOUBT it's her.
Sure appears to be a double, hair looks wrong. Eyes look wrong
NAH doesn't resemble her.
Need more info.
She's much more stylish than that.
It's a double.
Bet they killed the original?
other side by sides show it even more strongly.
You can see by the Tom Friedman / Cooper CNN interview that they all use each other for their citations, as they did with the "17 Intel Agencies" say "Trump Russia"
We've already been instructed by one of the CNN employess that they just make up whatever they want to , to get rid of Trump POTUS
It's a circle jerk, boot strap operation