Of course you know that’s basically what this place is. Yes there are a few differences. IRW, this anon tried exactly what you talk about. About five years after 9/11, i did just that… was most STUNNED by how most everything i posted would disappear within a day, sometimes only hours after pinning on a classic town B.B. and checking back later. Some very determined people, including what suspected where just sheeple, who did not want such things discussed.
My anecdote wasn’t meant to discourage your attempts. You do in fact make me think of trying again.
Also a friend has mentioned several times about air-drop leaflets via drones. Some of this is very old fashioned style and relatively low tech, even the drone bit.
Small, efficient, compact, pointed…
As the other comment suggests, i too wouldn’t hesitate mixing non-offensive with gut-punching. Just say’n.
I hate this part
>I will not defend your life,
>especially when you are a scared sheep, who thinks it's better to comply when the literal Nazis are trying to kill you with an experimental gene therapy.
Very close to what I HAVE told some friends and family about how terrible it is when they make fun of me while turning and doing what others want them to do which is suicidal. I can only walk away. It’s the worst part of this whole affair, and very low on ideas how to fix.
I understood what you said. And yes, it is terrible.
Walking away from friends and family, because they have become effectively ‘zombified’, that more accurately describes this situation. However, i do not feel like walking away altogether… wish I could get my mits on the perpetrators, planners and cognitive participants.
THAT, is almost as annoying because of the YEARS people talking about mythical ‘White Hats are on it’. I just can’t be certain of that.
Go ahead then… run into a crowd you wish to ‘protect’, that in high likelihood will simply push you up to their masters to deal with. I hope you can understand what is actually being discussed at this kind of juncture.
The one group that the US military has MOST alienated… ‘good ol boys’ (which do in fact come in every shape and color).
Have you ever heard the word metaphor? Do you understand the verbal equivalent?
At a local mom-n-pop store yesterday. The owner does NOT enforce local government policy on his workers, but still some workers are afraid of the Public Mandates and wear The Mask.
Walked in with a friend, we both DO NOT wear the mask. Talking and dealing with the employee who after about ten minutes… rips his own mask off saying ‘fuck this shit’.
Good worm-sign.