(pb) >>13589869 PM Trudeau Says 'New Variants are Being Developed' When Asked About Current COVID Threat
“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.”
(pb) >>13589869 PM Trudeau Says 'New Variants are Being Developed' When Asked About Current COVID Threat
“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.”
>Does Satan exist?
>Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?
>Who worships Satan?
The Masons and all secret societies hiding under their luciferian umbrella. Included are most prominent world leaders, politicians, government officials, corporate leaders and entertainers.
X-Factor Winner Reveals World's Secret Religion
Kabbalah Centre - just another Satan worshiping vagina candle losers.
There not much different than the MSM. They get their talking points, someone attaches the strings and the puppets begin their performance. When their Supreme Commander says jump they jump.
the explosions in the sub-basements and up to the lobby.
Viewers declined by only 50%. 😉
Honey I shrunk a president.
There's been a 1,000 biggest stories in America. When your enemy owns and operates all Media it's a bit difficult to get the word out.
I don't see a happy ending in this photo.
May as well. He belongs to the same organizations behind the Georgia Guidestones.
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Rubberband Man
Some people just don't get it.
I'll bet the Superfecta. I hit the captcha on the first try. I'm hot.