Unicorns, Unicorns everywhere.
So weird that John the Revelator wrote about this in 97 AD.
What a lucky guesser that guy was!
It's "very European" for wealthy men to have wives who look the other way regarding their mistresses, so long as the mistresses do not have children.
Bill sells $10B in Microsoft stock, the company tanks.
His ex sells $10B in Microsoft stock, Bill's buddies console him, his company is fine.
Marriage for Convenience.
Divorce for Convenience.
Everything is a Rich Man's Trick.
Odin is just the Babylonian Nimrod for the Norse pagan mythology.
The birthing pangs we are all experiencing is the world going through contractions, getting more and more frequent and more and more severe, until finally the "baby" is "born".
Earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, volcanoes, wars, rumors of wars, famines, pestilence; these are all "birth pangs", the "Beginning of Sorrows".
And the generation that sees the Beginning of Sorrows, sees the Second Coming of Jesus of Nazareth, this time as the Lion of Judah, this time to rule the world.
That's you guys.
This is happening, now.
That's the trap we're headed for; being jaded, like the Europeans, or deeply cynical, like the Russians.
I like America being full of hope, full of promise, and full of grace, myself. I have no desire to be like Rome or Russia.
He's smart. He picked up a Trump/Populist agenda.
>I remember a lawyer telling me one time that they pay close attention to the word "may" vs the word "must"
Must removes all discretion. So does shall. Imperative. Will be that way, no other way is possible.
May is literally nothing.
Show me on the doll where the masons buggered you.