probably chinese
thats like the gayest letter of the alphabet, gerbil
im in an emo mood tonight but much respect regardless
>id rather be poor
sounds like youre doing a good job of it then
they did this every time the board got slow
apparently larping as anon is tough work for them
id imagine it would be if i were a fat jewish woman as well but hey
hows the weather at langley this evening?
wow this is so incredibly wrong i have to assume youre trolling
holy fucking shit is this what "internet educated" means now?
free will doesnt mean you can literally be retarded
thats just mental retardation due to inbreeding or environmental insult
holy fuck dude are you a bot?
i pray that you are a poorly coded bot
>blood clots that cross the bbb
i cant fucking even
>prion cones
omg please stahp i cant
>so it over stocks and the body was programmed to help
that had to be my favorite one yet
good show
check out the prion cones on that bitch
i bet she got blood clots all up through her bbb bruh
bury me
because organs for inbred rich faggots
they id you based on your compatibility and you have an "accident"
this is one of the few internet retardations that actually seems to be legit
and its just good opsec in general, never tell the truth online about anything, even the smallest detail, ever
till valhalla
i hope i die well
in the end
id argue the opposite
a tranny is a fag that is too weak to accept they are a fag
so they convince themselves they're actually a chick
hottest dead girl ever
i thought it was clever but fair enough
why cant you understand that no one here fucking cares
did you honestly think you'd find truth on the internet and now you're butt hurt?
sorry youre fucking retarded bro
live and learn
the fact that you think that what i said was negative means youre most likely an irrelevant boomer
i dont care what you thought would happen, this is what happened, revel in the chaos of Kek or gtfo faggot
i see you made some new loli memes since our last go round
punctuation is for the weak unless its ambiguous
im sorry your iq cant handle it
maybe stick to facebook
i dont feel like it does
i said something that should have made you consider just what "this" was all about, seeing as how ive been in these parts for a humiliating amount of time
then you said i was a fed with your copypasta glowing meme
i dont see how im not being an adult here, should i just mindlessly wave the flag and trust the plan like you?
maybe there is a middle road in between the trust the plan dipshits and the "oh my god this was fake my life is over" faggots?
maybe this is the greatest fucking shit show ever engineered?
maybe the pool is closed in the most world shattering way?
i dunno, im just a dumb fucking millennial, what would i know, right?
i was in two convos so you get my favorite gif in apology
which is why i said ambiguous
youre can only mean one thing
well and we'll are two different things and need to have punctuation
i respect accuracy, i dont respect the reader being an anal faggot
which is why we created l33t speak to begin with
as a cipher