Disturbing list of Covid Vaccine side effects stages take by ZH commentator.
~Death Stages of Genetic Covid Vaccines~
Theory on the Major possibilities of death and suffering caused by Covid Vaccines.
Note: The genetically engineered Covid Vaccines, whether by nanoparticle vector delivery to healthy cells, or by altered Adenovirus vector delivery to healthy cells, forces the body to create at least trillions of fulling functioning Spike_SARS2 proteins and releases them into the body. They all have full access to the cell nucleus(via multiple Nuclear Localization Sequences) and can damage DNA. There is no place in the body they cannot go. And they are not hindered by being attached to the clunky Covid virus.
The Spike_SARS2 protein interacts and binds with and blocks or hinders the function of over 600 human proteins:
>Stage 1 (short term):
-Ruptured Brain or Aorta Aneurysms;
-Major Pancreas, Kidney, and Liver Damage leading to poisoned blood and neurodegeneration in the brain.
-Blood disorders
-DNA damage by fully functioning and intact Spike_SARS2 inside the cell(which does not happen in an actual Covid infection) binding to and blocking DNA repair proteins from repairing natural daily DNA damage. Damaged DNA is passed to daughter cells, creating a tumor cell line.
-Covid antibodies attack human cells due to molecular mimicry
-Spike_SARS2 protein blocks nerve cell synapses in the brain
-Sudden dilated heart failure and strokes due to arterial smooth muscle damage and dysfunction
-Erosion of Myelin Sheath protein protecting nerve cells, leading to early stages of Multiple Sclerosis.
-Babies born to vaccinated mothers have serious mental and physical defects;
-Pharmaceutical Scientists begin collecting data and observing the negative, unexpected, unpredicted effects of genetic engineering.
> Stage 2(medium term):
-Autoimmune disorder when infected with ANY coronavirus, like Covid19, common cold, etc
-beginning of serious psychiatric effects, including schizophrenia, hallucinations, senility for the young.
-Pineal Gland damage leads to dissociation and loss of reality.
-Kidney and Liver failure.
-Major Lung and Heart Dysfunction
-Parkinson like loss of motor controls
-Retina degeneration and Ophthalamic nerve damage leads to loss of sight.
>Stage 3(longer term);
-Cancer Roulette resulting from DNA damage in stage 1;
-Pancreatic Cancer
-Esophagial and Pharnyx Cancer
-Pituitary, Cerebellum, Thalamus Cancers and Tumors.
-Blood Cancer
-epidemic of Metastatic Skin Cancer.
-Breast Cancer
-Colon Cancer
-Prostate Cancer
-Uterus Cancer
-Mystery Diseases
>Stage 4:
-Anyone not dead after stage 3 is now a Big Pharma patient for life. Big Pharma is now the sole world superpower.
-Pharmaceutical Companies begin experimenting on willing terminal cancer patients with their genetic engineering/editing experimental technologies, which will lead to major advances in medical science, and possibility a discovery for eradication of cancer, the elites may end up living for hundreds of years or indefinitely…..