TexAnons, get behind this
How a proposed consumption tax would eliminate property taxes in Texas
An East Texas representative believes the state needs a flat, more transparent tax.
You may not know this, but Texas has a history of abolishing its property tax.
The state comptroller said that for the first 100 years after independence, a state property tax provided up to 50% to 75% of all tax receipts. But Texas dumped its state property tax in 1982.
Nearly 40 years later, an East Texas lawmaker wants to do it again. State Rep. James White (R-District 19) wants to replace the property tax with a consumption tax. He's proposed the change in House Bill 59.
White said he would would eliminate the local property tax and replace it with a flat consumption tax.
He said it would be a far more transparent system than the current, confusing bureaucracy surrounding property taxes. Even the effort to protest an appraisal costs Texans time and money, White said.
“You pay it once. It’s over. And we believe it will provide the funds for our maintenance and operation of our schools," said White.