Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 5, 2021, 10:01 p.m. No.13594656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4662 >>5135


Aha.. this is the meme I was looking for earlier… I couldn't remember where it was.

(I'm just going to leave the posts as they are though… I think it helps display my thought process…)

Anyway… remember that the filmmaker said that even he could be Q… and for no reason at all he showed a shot of himself on a boat?

And now he just kinda tosses this meme into the film for no obvious reason…

OMG! Maybe they are connected!

I mean, get a grip. The signs were there that Jim and Ron were involved. And EVEN HOTWHEELS… IF you paid attention. (Not sure signs, but sings.)

But how could Q team pull this off if the filmmaker wasn't party to it? He pointed out that his "team" in Asia consisted of him and a local film school grad… and that dude probably isn't Q.

Three's Company… Four… BOOMS?

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 5, 2021, 10:03 p.m. No.13594669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4674 >>4679 >>4718 >>5135


I am somewhat thinking out loud with this one, but also I want to draw attention to a few things liable to get missed.

First, I am now well into Episode 2, and the timezones used in the Q drops displayed follow no discernible pattern at all.

I have not even tried to look for any overall pattern - there could be some kind of bigger code here.

What I mean is that they do not correlate to the geographic location of given scenes or to anything else simple and reasonable.

The upshot is that any timestamp that does not match the post time in the US Eastern timezone (which might be either EST or EDT, depending on date) is a possible comm.

A few of these have been obvious comms, and I used them. But there are so many of these timezone shifts that I am not ever bothering to dig further if I can't quickly find an angle to work with. I may well be missing stuff.


In this case, I saw that the timestamp onscreen was 9:11, and figured I better check things out. I think Q2239 makes a reasonable match for 911, so I figured I should do a post.


But then I noticed a few other oddities. The upshot is that I am including a few connections in this graphic that I wouldn't otherwise include.

One of them is the link to Q745. This post, or at least the picture, has appeared in several of the larger graphics so far, even though I am not entirely certain what it means. I think there was at least one other case where I declined to include it.

The other is the link to Q2240. On the surface it is just Q throwing respect to an anon, but in an earlier graphic that post had a central position due to the role that dude plays in the film (he describes the actual Storm). I noted the [K]eep [C]alm=11.3 connection and suggested that this anon was serving as a representative for the whole documentary, and that "verifying the 11.3 marker" might amount to completing and spreading the decode of the film.

I included both of these links (to Q745 and Q2240) in the graphic mainly to highlight the fact that certain Q drops are recurring throughout this larger decode. Sometimes I am including the recurrences in posts, but other times I am leaving them aside, as I don't see why they "fit".


I figured this stuff was worth pointing out.

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 5, 2021, 10:05 p.m. No.13594679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4696 >>5135


I realize this one connects with the last post, but I caught it after I finished that, so I will just leave things so and focus on explaining my thought process.


This is really the first sequence in the film that uses, and I had wondered about that when doing the last post. When I got to this shot and stopped to focus, I realized that the drop featured was fairly close to the time when qmap got shut down. I found that a bit odd, so I figured I should look up the details. I'm not sure how this escaped me, but this happened on 9/11 last year. (I'm seeing that Q had a number of interesting posts that day so I guess that got the hopium flowing…) Now you probably see what I'm getting at… my last post featured a qmap shot with a timeshift to 9:11. So now I'm thinking there is something more going on here…


Now when Q4626 was first posted, it was one of those posts where the obvious meaning was actually fairly obvious: Q was reiterating that there is, in the US, a "fifth column" of traitors who collude with our enemies: certain politicians, members of the press, etc. Since the surface meaning is so clear, I think it might be a good post to have in place for a "double meaning"…


And I think that is what Cullen is pointing out here… (since I am now completely convinced he is working with the team, I will just call him by name). If we take the 911 connections between this qmap sequence and the one just prior, and the connected "be vigilant" comm in the prior graphic, I think he is turning our attention to an alternate meaning of the Q post here. HE is the "fifth columnist". He is a filmmaker "cooperating" with the corrupt mainstream media. But he is on the right side, our side.


Enjoy the show, indeed.


Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 5, 2021, 10:07 p.m. No.13594696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4707 >>5135


How much more obvious can they make it?

Ron tells us to check the youtube video:

The post date matches the post date of a Q drop.

The length matches the time of a Q drop.

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 5, 2021, 10:08 p.m. No.13594707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4714 >>5135


This post will make absolutely no sense on its own.

It will make sense if you pair it with what I have listed as my 25th post. Keyword: flamingo.

In that post, I showed that Cullen was identifying himself as part of the team with Jim by using images of long-legged swamp birds.

Q2733 made an appearance there.

Note Ron's hands.


I realize some of these posts would make much more sense if I tried to combine them into bigger graphics.

But the truth is I have been working on this since I read the first reports of the second week airing on Palm Sunday.

(I didn't even bother trying to watch it live… I suspected SOME comms and knew my head would be spinning…)

I think they designed it so you can only do the decodes by progressively plodding through the whole thing.

I am doing my best to write this as I go - aiming to post after a light review - and I don't think I should wait to redo graphics and make it all nice and tidy.

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 5, 2021, 10:10 p.m. No.13594714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4717 >>4756 >>5135


I have no idea what this means.

The only reason I am posting it is that just four posts back, I specifically mentioned that picture (with Billy boy and Kim 2) as one that kept recurrinng.

Maybe the recurrences are just pointers to the decodes that already use it. One was the rather biblical decode and one was the Abe Lincoln choppin time decode.

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 5, 2021, 10:15 p.m. No.13594736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4744 >>5135


But time travel?!!!

How is that even possible?

Don't be a moron!

I'm sure they didn't actually travel back in time to make this segment… they just played it backwards, like to convey hidden messages or something.

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 5, 2021, 10:17 p.m. No.13594751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4773 >>4861 >>5135


My posts end up differing somewhat in style.

This is because I am thinking as I go.

It is also because this is a huge and laborious endeavor, and I would get bored if I always did the same thing.

But also "different strokes" and so on… I think anons respond differently to different stuff.


This post is actually quite simple though.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON why the two Q posts shown on screen at the same time should be from different timezones.


At the very least, this shows us what ABSOLUTE MORONS we are dealing with.

They can't catch even the most BLATANT comms.

(Arguably, it looks like Q team held off on the most blatant stuff until we got into the second episode.)

But then my decode points to Q14.

Take that or leave it. My prior points stand.

I do think Q14 fits with my posts just prior, and also with Jim's preceding comment about secret courts.

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 5, 2021, 10:20 p.m. No.13594773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4783 >>4791 >>5135


This one I'm just going to think out as I go.

Look first at the doc cap in the graphic. What do you see?

It purports to be a screenshot of some Apple browser, and it has loaded the /patriotsfight/ board on 8chan. Or so it seems.


The post in focus is Q1421.

Now the first thing I want to note is that the timeshift on this is 14 hours.

And this would seem to confirm my immediately prior decode pointing to Q14.

(Big picture recap: Q is "officially" and in reality an executive/military op, and so any depicted timestamp that differs from the actual WH/Pentagon time when the drop posted should be treated as a possible comm.)

But then you can also see the header for Q1422.

Now check the timestamp delta for that.

I almost screwed this up and thought it was 10.

But the date changes, so it is actually 14.

So it looks like the 14 is confirmed.


A few more ideas that I pondered… does the double 14 point to Q1414? Could work… Does FTP (double meaning) = File Transfer Protocol ("we have it all")? Maybe.

But I'm leaving the graphic as is.

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 5, 2021, 10:29 p.m. No.13594800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4805 >>5135


This is fairly simple, but can actually serve as a case study of how Q team can easily insert comms into the film.

The timing on Q609 is utterly fake (not merely a timeshift).

So what's the comm?

Maybe the actual timestamp is the pointer?

I checked that and figured it was likely right, especially since the two prior decodes from Episdoe 3 were fairly simple.

But then I checked the film timestamp, and it turns out Q306 contains a double pointer back to Q1314.

So this confirms that my initial move to Q1314 was correct.


There are many more complex comms in the film, but we are dealing with very STUPID and LAZY people.

Even a "basic" comm like this is beyond their reach.

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 5, 2021, 10:30 p.m. No.13594805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4811 >>5135


There is not actually a comm here.

I am including this graphic just to point out that, immediately after two comms with blatant falsification of the Q drop, they show a drop using the same format and everything lines up.

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 5, 2021, 10:32 p.m. No.13594811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4815 >>5135


I saw the hammer being discussed on the board before I even watched the episdoe, so I'm really just pulling together a few connections here.

This is the first shot where it appears.

Also, remember what Jim had on his desk near the end of Episode 2?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 5, 2021, 10:58 p.m. No.13594909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4918 >>5135


Sometimes what goes unsaid is most telling.

There is a several minute segment of the film in which Ron takes a hammer up a mountain.

In theory, the filmmaker is looking for opportunities to let Ron talk in an unscripted manner.

It seems he "scores": Ron speculates that Q may be changing tactics and going on offense.

Then, in the film itself, the filmmaker notes that Q's very next post after that conversation, Q3331, says the same thing.

Did Ron "slip up" in this case, as he supposedly did later in Episode 6?

No. This is a "reality show" and Cullen and Ron are in it together.

If Cullen had actually thought Ron "exposed himself" via Q3331, would he not then have mentioned the much more telling element of that same post… the clip from Karate Kid?

Karate is a Japanese martial art.

The entire segment where Ron goes up the mountain has a highly Japanese "build mental discipline in places of beauty" feel to it.

Indeed, Cullen specifically includes a few elements that seem designed to remind us that the setting is Japan:

Ron mentions that the hammer is technically for smashing mochi (a Japanese sweet), and obviously the bear warning is entirely Japanese.

If Cullen had actually been trying to "catch" Ron, he would have "noticed" that just after Ron had been in a very "martial arts" frame of mind (as opposed to thinking about computer geek stuff or life-size anime girls), he posted a karate-themed video (which Q had never done).

But that's not the situation at all. Instead, Cullen made sure to include the extra "Japan" markers to help us see the absolute absurdity of it all.


Our enemies are EVIL.

And they are STUPID.

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 5, 2021, 11:01 p.m. No.13594918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4924 >>5135


On to Episode 4.

They seem to open every episode with a Q drop in this format.

I think that perhaps this comm is just meant to confirm that we are on the right track with the decode process.

(I had been worried that I didn't have the right rip - I just grabbed the first versions I saw posted, but they don't seem to be from the same ripper.)

But I also think that Q123 is a good one to reemphasize.

These decodes depend on observing so many little discrepancies, oddities, etc.

Can you imagine Will Sommer doing this? His first instinct when he heard about Q was to "follow the money".

Those people are like robots… they have one or two little programs that they run and then they get paid.

I should note that in the Q post, he doesn't actually have seven periods… it is actually two ellipses and a single period.

I tried some ideas but I didn't get any clear angle on that.

(My first instinct when I heard about Q was to ask whether this was really a WH insider…)

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 5, 2021, 11:03 p.m. No.13594924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4929 >>5135


This one I like.

When I got to this spot in the film, I thought, Aha, there is something here.

And that is becaused I focused directly on the seemingly irrelevant headline:

"Mormons approve black males as priests"…

I figured that very SENTENCE will trigger multiple different groups of morons at once… there's got to be a comm there!


And there is, but in doing the decode I relied on two prior FAILED moves from this overall mega-decode.

The first was from Episode 1. When Cullen first starts "trying to figure out" who Q is, he shows a shot of himself onstage before some crystals.

I tried to do something with Q511 back then, but didn't find an angle.

And then in the very last post, where Q is using an ellipsis character instead of three periods, I tried doing something with the software encodings for the ellipsis, but that didn't work either.

But now I was able to use both those ideas!

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 5, 2021, 11:16 p.m. No.13594969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4973 >>4978 >>5022 >>5135


Here Ron is telling Cullen how he "caught" Bannon posting as Q, by linking Q's IP address to Bannon's house.

Leave aside, for now, the question of whether there could be some underlying truth to this tale.

(I suppose "reality shows" do work best if grounded in reality…)

The point is that the story as presented in the film is ABSURD.


First, suppose Bannon was really posting as Q… from Laguna Beach. This would presumably be because his "departure" from the WH was fake, and he is playing his official role as part of the military operation. All they had to do was ensure that Bannon still had access to his White House computer account. Then he could login at the White House from Laguna Beach, or wherever, using something like ssh X forwarding. His browser would be RUNNING on the WH computer even while it displayed on his home PC. When he posted on 8chan, he would be posting FROM the WH. And of course they could make it much more complex, and allow him to post "from" any US government computer in the world, without any sort of "IP spoofing". (And even if Bannon were part of some entirely rogue political operation, unaffiliated with the military, it would be no complex task to do something similar.) So whether Bannon really "leaked" an IP address or not, it is part of the show….


And so is the story of Ron catching it. IP addresses do not map to geographic locations (roughly or precisely). They map to PRECISE locations in a topological network. No doubt the engineers must have maps of where the wires are, but unless you hack THEIR computers, you can't figure that out. If IP addresses are linked to street addresses, it is because someone has registered that link and it got stored in a database somewhere. But Ron is making it seem as if he did something akin to geolocation, perhaps via GPS! It is so absurd that it must be INTENTIONAL misdirection. I can see how this might confuse some who have only the dimmest knowledge of how they connect to the internet… people who know that "find my phone" apps are not perfectly accurate. The problem is that portable devices are not using IP to connect to a wireless router or cell tower. They use any number of other protocols. They aren't "on the internet" until some other protocol has established a connection.


You don't need any special "Q knowledge" to catch the problems here, just very rudimentary knowledge of how the internet works. Something you might expect of an executive at HBO.

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 5, 2021, 11:22 p.m. No.13594978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4993 >>4995 >>5135


Putting aside my other hundred or so posts so far, I can envision someone reading the last post and suggesting that maybe Cullen just got duped by Ron.

I believe some savvy anons have thought exactly that.

Good. Now explain this graphic.

I'll just leave it at that. To really grasp the issue, you have to carefully watch the whole "Bannon reveal" sequence in the film and think it out.


You are watching a …..

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 5, 2021, 11:48 p.m. No.13595055   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5061 >>5135


After some rather terse posts, I figure I'll spell things out.

The film is explaining the "Cicada Project" (although it strangly omits that Brood X is about to emerge in DC).

A clue from that project is shown, mentioning a "book code" and I wondered if we will need to use a "book code".

Now, I think the code depicted there involves opening books to certain pages and counting rows or something.

The upshot is that you need exactly the right edition or the pages and lines are off.

With a book like Alice in Wonderland, there are at least dozens of editions.

You would need a highly identifiable edition of some book, like Norman Kemp Smith's 1st Critique or Kaufmann's Will to Power.

Those are two I remember from college, but I think figuring out an "answer" like that would be too difficult for this decode.

So maybe there will be a code involving the meaning of a book? But what book?

Then I saw the clue about the Caesar cipher. It was JULIUS Caesar who invented that, but the screenshot mentions CLAUDIUS.

Hmmm… could that be a pointer to "I, Claudius" by Robert GRAVES? A marker for suicide weekend? A book about depraved elites?

I didn't see where to go with that, but then Alice appeared.

I remembered that on her way down, she sees an orange marmalade jar, and I recalled an early decode involving ORANGE.

But I still didn't see any further angles and gave up when the title sequence appeared.

But then the VERY FIRST SHOT after the title showed the very same "ORANGE" scene!

The rest is obvious from the graphic.

(The original "orange" was in post #73. Search: Dark to Light!)

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 5, 2021, 11:53 p.m. No.13595068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5072 >>5135


"You and I have the courage to say to our enemies there is a price we will not pay, there is a point beyond which they must not advance."


Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 6, 2021, 12:06 a.m. No.13595101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5106 >>5135


Actually, Cullen, a watch picture is only TWICE accompanied by "The clock is ticking."

But I suspect you know that… see Q3093. (HINT: see EVERYTHING…)

I am being a bit elliptical since 1) I am not actually going to try to "solve" the timestamps right now, and 2) you sort of have to see this play out in the film to "get" that they "know"… just go shot by shot.


This is a true and relevant story. I actually prepared the prior post and clocked out for the night. When I got back to work the next day, I rechecked it, decided it was good to go, advanced in the film and had a laugh. They aren't even trying to be subtle.

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 6, 2021, 12:07 a.m. No.13595106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5113 >>5135


Some of these decodes end up being rather complex, but this one is basically a textbook example of how to do the most common sort.

Three Q drops are shown at once.

There is ZERO reason why the timestamps should have differing timezones. (Apart from the fact the the ENTIRE FILM IS A Q DROP…)

(I am consistently posting Q post caps from qagg that show the then current time in DC/NOVA… military op.)

But the three drops shown are from three different timezones!

Looking at the deltas, I think in this case that the meaning is obvious.

But then the film timestamp gives us the cherry on top.

It fits, right?

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 6, 2021, 12:28 a.m. No.13595168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5171 >>5292 >>5310


I am just going to post this graphic as a marker for anyone who wants to dig further.

These are two successive frames from the film.

First comes a shot of Cullen having a video chat with Ron.

Next comes what purports to be a screenshot from Cullen's screen, showing Ron.

But look at the inset image of Cullen to the upper right.

Theoretically it is from Cullen's webcam, so the shot will not match the prior shot exactly.

But it still seems very off.

Cullen does not seem to be holding a pen up. (But maybe his arm is cut off?)

But then look at the lights… they seem to extend beyond the window.

And the lights are on the wrong side… and even if the image is flipped for some reason it is not clear if this is a possible view.


There seem to be similar oddities in the video chat with Fred near the end of Episode 5. I can't even recall at the moment if there were earlier vidchats, but if so, I didn't even think to check for such mismatches.

More generally, since I have mostly been focused on looking for Q comms, it is possible that I missed earlier instances of blatant fuckery in the film itself.

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 6, 2021, 12:46 a.m. No.13595197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5209 >>5292 >>5310


This was a very clever move by Q team, I think.

I actually paused here by accident.

Cullen sets up the wording as if something big is coming… so I clicked to catch it.

But once I saw the "Please wait" I thought… hmmm, could be something.


Think it out. We all knew there was election fraud from the night of 11/3.

All sorts of experts and eyewitnesses gave evidence.

But the fake news media and the techlords lied and lied and lied and tried to block the truth.

And they installed a regime of traitors who serve foreign masters.

And we have seen what they do and looked down from the precipice.

But have we yet risen UNITED to instill TERROR in the hearts of those who conspire to destroy freedom?

We are the news now.

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 6, 2021, 12:52 a.m. No.13595209   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5215 >>5292 >>5310


I've been skipping all sorts of stuff I would have jumped on earlier, even things I think are likely comms.

I have to get this done, and I don't doubt that I've missed stuff, but I'm sure others can catch what passed me by.

But here I just have to jump in… this scene is ridiculously brilliant once you get it.


I'm sure you know that Ron "slipped up" and (almost) admitted he was Q and the fake news media bought it.

But now watch the whole scene from the start… Ron asks Cullen if he feels like a failure for not identifying Q.

And then Cullen fiddles with a pen.


Q is a TEAM. And Cullen is PART of that team, just like Ron, and Jim, and Fred.

And look how the timestamp matches Q42.

This is Ron's "big finale"… but wait… didn't Q42 appear in Ron's VERY FIRST SCENE… the first live scene of the entire series?

It's almost like the whole doc was PLANNED FROM THE START… because IT WAS!

Did you think "enjoy the show" meant to just kick back and let others win for you?

Q was telling us all along!

We serve at the pleasure of the President: DONALD J TRUMP.

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 6, 2021, 12:57 a.m. No.13595215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5220 >>5292 >>5310


Up to this point, I have immersed myself in the narrative of the film.

I think they designed it so the decode could proceed that way… otherwise it would be a herculean task.

But now I must step outside that frame.


Forget about the fact that the film is now obviously a Q drop and think about it as perhaps you did.

What is its fundamental failure? Even if Cullen seems capable and sincere, he utterly fails to ask the right question, the question that all of us asked and answered, perhaps after lengthy research and reflection: Is the Q operation a communications op devised by President Trump and the US military in order to prepare the public for the strike against the global criminal cabal? We all concluded that the answer is YES, and it remains YES.


Think about Cullen as an actual man: surely he would grant that IF we are right, then that makes all the difference in the world. But he didn't approach things as a actual man living in our world, but as a detached filmmaker investigating a curious social phenomenon that might merit years of study, but didn't ultimately involve him personally. He sought to "explain" the phenomenon by "discovering" the identity of Q.


And because Cullen asked a different question than we asked, he presents a totally different array of evidence.


But here is where things are quite ingenious: Cullen does exactly the RIGHT thing with the evidence he's got, in trying to answer HIS question. He considers it in its totality, and pays particular attention to the apparent CONTRADICTIONS that he discerns, particularly contradictions in Ron's behavior. And he reasons to the conclusion that BEST explains that full set of evidence, including the contradictions.


"Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. ONLY THEN WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE."

Cullen is doing PRECISELY what Q advises at the marker where he freezes the video to think out loud.

He is SHOWING his audience how to do it.

His audience of Q-skeptics is VERY SOON going to be confronted with the question we all answered long ago, and he is displaying how to go about answering.

They will need to consider ALL the evidence, which now includes the fact that the film itself includes a statistically impossible number of correlations with Q drops.

Did Ron Watkins, LARPer, plant these by himself? Or is Cullen his co-LARPer?

Or is it not rather much more likely that both of them were working with the military op all along?


o7 guys

I enjoyed the show.

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 6, 2021, 1 a.m. No.13595220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5226 >>5292 >>5310


Ron smiles.

The trap is set.


Freedom is grounded in free speech, and free speech includes hate speech.


It is right to hate those who actively do evil and who lead others to evil, and it is right to express that hate.

And in part it is as simple as that: they denounce hate speech simply to protect their evil.


But of course they manipulate words, and call "hate speech" much that is not.

And the ultimate goal is to strip you of your ability to think freely about your own life.

They want you to believe that your very identity is a grab bag of checkbox attributes.

And then they can say that your very being is under threat and appear as your defenders.

But you are an individual and they don't know you.

You had infinitely many paths available at birth, and your own choices brought you to today.

And you have infinitely many paths available right know.

And to become the best that you can be, you must think and judge which paths are likely to be better and which are likely to be worse.

That is what they call "hate speech".

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 6, 2021, 1:02 a.m. No.13595226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5230


The "Capitol insurrection" is a lie.

The "worst calamity since the Civil War"… is Americans in a public building taking selfies.

The few acts of vandalism do not compare even to the single case of the federal courthouse in Portland, much less the vast urban devastation of the past year.

But if they lie about that, what else do they lie about?

And if they lie about Q, what else do they lie about?


AT&T were simply the gatekeepers who failed.

It is the entire "elite" intellectual and cultural world that has failed more horrifically.

We long ago passed the point when any self-proclaimed expert on media or political matters should have confirmed for themselves the nature of the Q op.

But they didn't.

And this is because our elite institutions are filled with people who either cannot or refuse to think for themselves.

They were chosen for that reason.

The paymasters can trust them to remain silent on matters of any real import, or to serve as "yes men", or to play as controlled opposition.

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 6, 2021, 1:04 a.m. No.13595230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5235


I have no idea if the banksters actually sacrifice babies to Satan.

It wouldn't surprise me. If you read history, you know such things happen.

But maybe Q overhyped the lurid stuff to gain traction. Understanding the financial manipulations that knowingly bring death and disease to millions is no simple task.


I have no idea even if Satan exists. But I'm pretty sure that if he did exist, he wouldn't be able to give you powers you don't already have.

But that's just me and I'm not Q.


I say these things to reemphasize that I have neither made nor relied on any "crazy" claims in this decode.

The media claims that "QAnon" is a "baseless conspiracy theory".

But all of the connections I have pointed out are quite verifiable.

Maybe I have made a mistake here or there, and it would be reasonable to surmise that a few of the connections might simply have appeared by chance.

But if you read this entire decode from the start… and still deny that this was an ingenious operation conducted by the US military…

I really don't know what to say in that case…


I have no idea when the arrests will start.

Anonymous ID: 7cab50 May 6, 2021, 1:06 a.m. No.13595239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5243


To the deluded:

You have erred.

To err is human.

Change course and fight for truth.

If you have misled others, perhaps your task is to speak with authority to those who have listened before.

If you are embedded in the apparatus of the enemy, perhaps your task is to remain in position and act on your own initiative.

You will find the way if you seek it.