High-Dose Vitamin D Supplements Significantly Reduce ICU Admissions & COVID-19 Deaths
In examples below, the expected death rates is adjustable with 75% reduction following vitamin D; so as the cost of vitamin D per patient:
– Admissions or transfers of symptomatic COVID patients to a hospital: n=2,000
– Administer 200,000 IU dose to 1,000 and a placebo to 1,000 (i.e., every other person)
– Expected death rate without vitamin D: 8%; i.e., 80 people die out of 1,000
– Expected death rate with vitamin D, “4-times” less, 2%; 20 people die out of 1,000
– 60 fewer deaths for 1,000 symptomatic COVID persons treated with vitamin D
– Assume, one dose cost, $1.00: So, 1,000 persons cost, $1,000
– So, 60 fewer deaths in 1,000 patients: to save 60 lives, cost $1,000
– Approximate cost per life saved = $16.60