Anonymous ID: df7275 May 6, 2021, 5:34 a.m. No.13596183   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6256 >>6413 >>6511 >>6562 >>6618 >>6637 >>6674 >>6679 >>6717 >>6759 >>6762 >>6778 >>6858

Study: "PolitiFact" Eight Times More Likely to Defend Biden Than Fact Check Him

"Fact checking"

That organizations like PolitiFact are left-wing advocacy groups masked as “independent fact checkers” is practically an open secret – and now there’s data to support what we’ve all noticed anecdotally.


According to Newsbusters:


A new study by the Media Research Center finds that four years ago, PolitiFact offered 52 fact checks with a “Truth-O-Meter” ruling of Donald Trump in his first 100 days (January 20 to April 30, 2017), while in the same period this year, PolitiFact offered just 13 fact checks of President Biden.


PolitiFact’s “Truth-O-Meter” evaluates claims on a range from “True” to “Pants on Fire.” Among all fact checks on the site, roughly a tenth are rated “true” and “pants on fire” respectively, while “mostly true,” “half true,” “mostly false,” and “false” ratings each account for roughly a fifth of all other ratings.


Critics will object that Trump is getting fact checked more often than Biden because he makes more false statements, so another metric to analyze would be how likely PolitiFact is to fact check Biden versus people making (generally negative) claims about Biden. According to the study:


Our review of the first 100 days shows 13 fact checks “of Biden,” and 106 fact checks “about Biden.” That’s an eight-to-one disparity. In other words, they’re much more sensitive about someone “lying” about Biden than they are about Biden lying. Many of the fact checks about Biden are about “Facebook Posts,” “Viral Images,” or “Tweets.” Those rulings often translate into content warnings. But there were two “Pants on Fire” rulings for House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, and one each for Fox News and for Tucker Carlson. Liz Cheney got the Flaming Pants for insisting that less than six percent of Biden’s infrastructure package is about infrastructure.


As for how PolitiFact evaluated fact checks of claims about Biden reveals heavy selection bias, showing them disproportionately choosing to “debunk” anti-Biden claims than confirm claims critical of him (a luxury not afforded to Trump).


The Fact Checks About Biden were overwhelmingly negative – 91 of 106 checks were “Mostly False” or worse, almost 86 percent. There were 24 “Pants on Fire” ratings for Biden critics, 45 “False” ratings, and 22 “Mostly False.” Ten were “Half True,” three were “Mostly True” and two were “True.”

Media Research Center analysts found only 37 fact checks about Biden appeared under PolitiFact’s “Fact Checks About Biden” heading. But PolitiFact lists every “Truth-O-Meter” rating on pages broken down by category, and reviewing those pages brought the total to 106.


The credibility of PolitiFacts “fact checks” is something we’ve criticized often before on this site. My past fact checks of their bogus fact checks can be found below:


July 22, 2018: Yes, PoltiFact Has a Liberal Bias


November 10, 2019: PolitiFact Was Just Caught Lying Again


April 7, 2020: Facebook Is Censoring Conservatives – Again


August 4, 2020: Politifact Botches Another Fact Check on New York vs. Florida Coronavirus Deaths


August 7, 2020: Politifact Tries and Fails Fact Checking Claim That California Has Six Extra Representatives Due to Illegals


November 3, 2020: Facebook Censors Mark Levin With Bogus “Fact Checks”


February 9, 2021: PolitiFact Botches Fact Check on Maxine Waters Inciting Violence


February 22, 2021: Fraudulent Fact Checkers Play Defense for Cuomo


Matt Palumbo is the author of Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New York, Debunk This: Shattering Liberal Lies, and Spygate

Anonymous ID: df7275 May 6, 2021, 5:49 a.m. No.13596242   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6256 >>6413 >>6511 >>6562 >>6618 >>6637 >>6674 >>6717 >>6759 >>6762 >>6778 >>6858

Defender Europe 21 Exercises Multinational Interoperability, Readiness, Transparency


Exercise Defender Europe 21 has started once again. This year's exercise involves 26 nations, including the U.S., and around 28,000 multinational forces all focused on building operational readiness and interoperability between NATO allies and partners.


"It's defensive in nature, focused on deterring aggression, while preparing our forces to respond to crisis and conduct large-scale combat operations if necessary," said Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby, during a briefing today at the Pentagon.


Another key attribute of Defender Europe 21, Kirby said, is the transparency surrounding what it is all about, who will participate, what is meant to be accomplished.


"[Defender Europe] is an exercise that's annual. We've been doing it a long, long time … it's a defensive exercise. And it's one that helps us build interoperability," Kirby said. "Here's the other thing that's different: we actually come to the podium and tell you about it."


Kirby said that openly discussing the Defender Europe 21 exercise and why U.S., NATO partners and other European allies are gathering troops is an important facet of the operation. Other nations have not been so clear or forthright about their own amassing of troops, he said.


"I'm going to continually talk about what we're doing — it's called transparency — it's a wonderful thing," he said "And we're not getting that out of Moscow and we haven't. So that's a big difference right there. It's a defensive exercise and you will be able to hear us talk about it and communicate to you and to the world what we're doing and why."


In past weeks, Russia had amassed more than 100,000 troops on the Russian side of its border with Ukraine — alarming the Ukrainians and allies. In recent days, those troops have started to pull back, but many still remain.


"There's still quite a few, I mean there's still a lot of forces arrayed against, or aligned along the border with Ukraine and in occupied Crimea," Kirby said. "And it's still never been completely clear what the intentions were."


Defender Europe is an Army-led exercise, though this year it has significant Air Force and Navy participation. Last week, for instance, the USNS Bob Hope arrived off the coast of Albania in advance of its participation in a joint logistics over-the-shore exercise there.


The Defender Europe 21 exercise will also include several smaller "linked" exercises, Kirby said. Those include Swift Response, which involves airborne operations in Estonia, Bulgaria and Romania; Immediate Response, which involves more than 5,000 troops from eight nations conducting live-fire training in 12 different countries; Saber Guardian, which includes more than 13,000 service members doing live-fire training as well as air and missile defense operations; and a command post exercise with 2,000 personnel exercising the ability of a headquarters to command multinational land forces.


"The Defender Europe exercise is going to conclude in June, but not before demonstrating joint force readiness, lethality and interoperability, reinforcing the U.S. commitment to our allies and partners, and providing an outstanding opportunity to highlight the superb job our men and women are doing every day and in the region — the Balkan and Black Sea regions in particular, and throughout Europe and the Africa area of operations," Kirby said.

Anonymous ID: df7275 May 6, 2021, 6:06 a.m. No.13596296   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6299 >>6309 >>6357 >>6413 >>6473 >>6498 >>6511 >>6562 >>6618 >>6637 >>6674 >>6679 >>6717 >>6759 >>6762 >>6778 >>6858

Richard Grenell Retweeted


Mike Cernovich, Holy shit - must watch this!


Armenian Prime Mister nails MSM on lack of freedom of speech and censorship in the west, the jailing of Assange and the utter bias of western MSM


(Cap 2:20)

Anonymous ID: df7275 May 6, 2021, 6:24 a.m. No.13596359   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6421 >>6650


He totally nailed the point. The interviewer was accusing him of restricted journalism.


What the Americans and English have done to Assange is appalling and the world knows it. We all know what they have done to this innocent man exposing criminals.


And makes me open my eyes even more to how the Western MSM is barely tolerated by the good people of the world.


The Armenian Prime Minister is good in my books. I like the facts he raised about the Armenian internet is free, there is no censorship with 80% use the internet with a million people on Facebook.


Attempting to create a perception in the western audience about their country, (SAME OLD FUCKING PLAYBOOK).

Anonymous ID: df7275 May 6, 2021, 6:33 a.m. No.13596401   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6490 >>6511 >>6562 >>6637 >>6674 >>6717 >>6759 >>6762 >>6778 >>6858

Arizona Conservatives Take Action,


AZ GOP - We Hope Signature Verification Will Take Place As Audit Continues To Possibly End Of June


AZ GOP - We Hope Signature Verification Will Take Place As Audit Continues To Possibly End Of June. Dems Roll Out Same Big Media/


Read: CD Media


Many thanks to top conservative news source @CreativeDestructionMedia for quoting our AZ update post (