TYB for a great run. Excellent work. The awakening is back on track…
Dark to Light - Love will overcome hate.
TYB for a great run. Excellent work. The awakening is back on track…
Dark to Light - Love will overcome hate.
From last bread - list of suspect Secretary of States who illegally changed voting rules without Legislative / Executive changes to Election Law (partial list)
2nd most attacked entity next to President Trump (Q+) is Q Research
Yep - we need our BV/BO's. Big week…
Where did the Sanhedrin / Pharisees go?
Who started the Catholic Church?
Who built the Vatican?
When the center of Civilization shifted from the Middle East to Europe who started 'Islam'?
Who are the Sanhedrin / Pharisees?
How are the Catholic Church, Islam and Judaims connected?
Who authored and installed Communism across the Globe?
How are the Sanhedrin / Pharisees / Bolsheviks connected?
What is Satanism?
How is Satanism connected to Communism?
Who runs China? Who really runs China?
How are Israel and Saudi Arabia connected?
Dark to Light