Quite the long and winding road there, MN Anon.
RRN is almost as gay as the webm thread
kek many large and podunk civil planners are inbred crony hires hang in the Hoosier Anon
>Put a check next to FL
I use Crooked to determine which States I would like to move to if I would ever leave mine.
My State almost eradicated the flu this year according to govt numbers.
It's an amazing accomplishment that should be talked about more.
Yeah, that's not exclusive to MN.
That's reality everywhere as the culture clash these days is in the classrooms.
Look at the recent School Boards that have been challenged/replaced.
The times they are a changin'.
Oh yeah?
I'm in a blue city on a red state.
Many such cases of flats/lofts turning into Condos the last couple decades.
Fags / Young worker bees love them.
Suckers pay bloated maint fees but they dgaf.
No, OG of the Nigga Baker series it's good to see you back on QResearch.
Bruce over at /pol/ sure has a unique way of showing his Aussie Jew love tho.
kek what year was D&C made at least part is accurate
>Some really good digging there, too.
Ackshually somewhere along the line that's where the majority of serious diggs went.
I believe that ultimately people that produce good diggs will at least want to have namefag recognition for it as opposed to anonymous/crowd sourced.
A lot of OG QR diggers have gone SM not here.
Some were/are both but that's part of the autist brain drain that happened here.
No sauce for that (ask Q kek) but come on, man it's noticeable.
kek prolly has quite the portfolio maybe Fungus is getting jelly
You think he knows it's the old man on the other side and not the kid next door that's stealing the paper?
kek no you assholes sent for for coffee for the second time so I guess I missed it