all pb
some Washington eletites got together to try a diversity experment. MN has great welfare, is the birth place of progressive politics (according to MPR) and seemed like a great place to try out the color blind world order (star Trek and stuff). The pushed anti racism throght the teacher colledges and then primary schools starting in the 60s, started the mass import of other races in the 90s, and now are watching to see what happens. According to the CEO of a community investment fund (i.e. redistribute money from banks who got caught with their hand in the cookie jar in 08 to every minority they can find), the Washington elite are all watching MN to see if multiculturalism can be achieved. No surprise the CRF has ties to Clinton foundation and pays Perkins Cole more money than any minority group they are their to help and default rates are very high. The CEO got told he was white by the YMCA Diversity Equity and Inclusion trainer when the CEO tried to say he was Jewish.
In any case, MN is an experiment, and they seem to be doubling down.