it wasn't the christians that started usury you fucking shill
ffs it's like the yid that never left
it wasn't the christians that started usury you fucking shill
ffs it's like the yid that never left
top kek
the sheer amount of inconsistencies in that regurgitated word vomit is laughable if it weren't so retarded
already lost
>every anon who ever called out israel and the heebs for the shady shit they do such as wrecking nations only to move on to another host is all one person
faggot nigger loss again
>eVeRyOnE iS a NaZi if they want to protect their lineage, culture, and heritage
>only every other race in the fucking world is allowed to have segregated groups and not be called a RrRRRrrraaaayyyycisss
>doesn't that w-word s-scare y-you, a-anon?!
>our social conforming has conditioned everyone to hate you that
>don't you want to join the popular group think of cancel culture and kill muh huuuuwhitey?!
fuck you and the shithole you crawled out of
early christians and everyone else with enough cashflow to give out loans didn't believe in doing so with interest attached as far back as 5,000bc
then along came the heeb who didn't charge interest to their (((fellow heebs))) but did believe in charging a shitload of interest on the goyim(non-heebs) as their fairytale says it's okay to do so
this is why nearly every superpower on earth bows down to the rothschilds and adopts their system because it does nothing but rip everyone off who isn't in their little heeb club
whether it be a shabbos goy pushing their agendas or their fellow crypto heebs who took over the church
look at pope gregory "the great" in 598 making an official doctrine of the church to protect jews
the early church originally believed it was a sin to charge interest on loans and many countries, including the ancient roman republic, had laws against doing so.
>>13601588 checked
>$266.7 BILLION taxpayer Dollars and given it to fucking Israel?
it's really over a trillion that has been sent to them since 1948 (paul findley shows this in his "they dare to speak out interview) but most these heeb loving faggots won't give a shit about that because of their programming
every form of entertainment they've ever had their entire normalfag life has been shaped and molded by the heeb so they have heeb rose-colored glasses on
that nigger, cheney, bolton, many others all play a role for greater israel
cia creates isis then hussein funds isis and sends them guns b-but hussein is sekretly a mudslime! kek, fucking normalfags getting spy gamed right out of their fucking skull
they fail to mention hussein's jewish half brotherโฆ
the kikes are the ones trafficking kids through ukraine to china you stupid fucking yid