"So, we are now going to have a total solution to the Jewish question. The programme is clear. It reads: total separation, total segregation! What does this mean? It does not only mean the total exclusion of the Jews from the German economic system… It means much more! No German can be expected to live under the same roof as Jews. The Jews must be chased out of our houses and our residential districts and made to live in rows or blocks of houses where they can keep to themselves and come into contact with Germans as little as possible. They must be clearly identified….And when we compel the rich Jews to provide for the `poor' of their race, which will certainly be necessary, they will all sink together into a pit of criminality.As this happens, we will be faced with the harsh necessity of eradicating the Jewish underworld, just as we root out criminals from our own orderly state: with fire and sword. The result will be the certain and absolute end of Jewry in Germany; its complete annihilation!" [Source: Benno Müller-Hill. Murderous Science. New York: CSHL Press, 1998, p.48]
The moon is a prominent symbol in Freemasonry, and can be seen in Masonic prints and banners dating back to the eighteenth century.
The moon is mentioned in the ritual as one of the lesser lights; the light in the East is dedicated to the Master of the lodge, as the volume of the sacred law is kept there, the light in the West to the moon, and the light in the South to the sun. The moon, as we know, reflects light from the sun, and this itself was important, as many lodges during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries met on a night as close to the full moon as they could, mainly as there was no street lighting, and the moonlight would help many Masons travel back home.
This practical reason of meeting as close to the full moon as possible, also reminds us of the symbolic nature of the moon within the ritual, hinting not only at the alchemical symbolism but also the Newtonian reasoning that is embedded in Freemasonry. The more mystical symbolism resonates in the importance of both the sun and the moon in alchemical rebirth, reflected in the rebirth of the Master Mason into light, and the Newtonian reasoning displayed in terminology of the meridian and the Mason recognises that the earth constantly revolves on its axis in its orbit around the sun.
As it is fifty years since man first set foot on the moon, and as there have been many astronauts who were Freemasons, such as Buzz Aldrin, we can today remember the importance of the moon in Freemasonry and how it has been an influence to Freemasons for centuries.
It depends on who is really in control, doesn't it?
Public Service Announcement videos starting in preschool and PBS- kids first introduction to terror-based learning