In case you haven't figured out how this unclean antichrist spirit's dumb fucking game works yet.
There's a reason Trump doesn't give these people the time of day. Keep yapping at those heels, Torba.
In case you haven't figured out how this unclean antichrist spirit's dumb fucking game works yet.
There's a reason Trump doesn't give these people the time of day. Keep yapping at those heels, Torba.
>What in the entire fuck is going on in here?
Groyper anime clowns shit the bread again.
I guess they're jealous Trump is getting so much attention for upstaging them.
Funny how nobody was even talking about Gab until all the Q people started migrating there; almost as if nobody on the left is actually trying to silence anime nazis because they use them to make us look bad.
Hmm, 4chan hasn't been in the news since Q left, either. Imagine that.
>If all anons grabbed a gun and headed to washington we could end this war in a day.
You first.
Genderbending is an abomination.
Repent before Jesus has to throw you into a volcano, fag.