>Baker Triggered Me Butthurt Counter
2 things I don't get:
You making a big deal about extensions
Your enemies getting so triggered by it
>Remember OSS when you and 8bit were calling anons 'stupid' and saying that Q Research was worthless because nobody was smart enough to dig anymore?
OSS caps his DOAR posts to use as sauce.
It looks like you need to do the same.
Sauce that OSS/8-bit said that or retract please.
Ok, gotcha.
Dood, you have to cap things like that when you see them offboard.
Otherwise it's just your word and that alone never flies during Baker Wars on QResearch.
That's poopy talk.
You make an accusation like that you have to back it with sauce.
OSS already chimed in and his take is you are taking them both out of context.
He said / He said.
No sauce means nobody knows for sure the point is moot.
What's with all the NOBODY IS PAYING ATTENTION TO ARIZONA complaints?
What's there to say right now?
It's still ongoing.
The only thing happening is sources say, Biden DOJ big mad, or so-n-so on Telegram leaked this kinda shit.
Screw that I'll wait for real habbenings there instead of watching every last minute of a soap opera plot line taking weeks to play out.
If it weren't for Baker Wars it would be totally boring af around here right now.
There's a few Notable posts and Bantz but it's slow af here in 2021 desu.
Baker Wars is the only thing that picks the pace up in here these days.
Let's lose the pillow so we can see if you're packing some big titties like this girl in blue is.
There's nothing stopping any Anon from dropping some diggs or spreading messages.
It's just slow af around here when it comes to that lately.
kek the triggering lately is off the charts