Race weighted .8 / 1.2
So, if 50 Trump ballots are scanned, and 50 Biden ballots are scanned the machine prints out 60 Biden / 40 Trump. The number of total votes has to match.
After the fact, if we figure the machine algorithm is the benchmark, since it can be calculated and changed instantaneously, poll workers would have to destroy 10 Trump paper Ballots and add 10 Biden paper ballots.
Techs may not have been able to, or not needed to change the ratio on the USB sticks on site, but they could change anything coming out of the machine later using the SQL management software, as was shown in the OAN Antrim, MI clip, but paper ballots were need ASAP.
Figure, too, insider polling before the election gives an approximate Trump/Biden tally for each targeted precinct, so the necessary Biden ballots would have been available on site. Early / mail-in voting. Think Jesse Morgan and his disappearing trailer filled with mail-in ballots.
On 3 Nov, however, actual Trump votes blew out the prediction and it was necessary to flood the targeted precincts with Biden ballots to match the number a newly calculated weight ratio said was now necessary.
Explains the early poll counting shutdowns and spike in Biden only ballots in the wee AM hours.
I think the real numbers out of FL were analyzed and the weight ratio now necessary for a Biden win were recalculated. Dem suits got the word out to the targeted precincts how many paper ballots for Biden needed to be scanned to match the new calculation.
Ballots under the table in Cobb County, for example, were 'rainy day' storage ballots. Even they weren't enough and had to be scanned multiple times by Ruby, who was just taking her love to town.