Anonymous ID: 56beec May 7, 2021, 9:01 a.m. No.13605790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5832

5-1-21 1 of 3


nothing happened may 1st., 21






I apologize for being so slow to rip up these last few days, much development, and piece it all back together in coherent text. Mostly I mean the 3 retractions on May 1st, a Saturday no less. Retractions FORCED, no less. Retractions by 3 major MSM outlets, no less. Each known as a Trump HATER over wrought with worst cases of TDS in every manner and to every degree. There has been much to chew, flip and re-flop, build and deconstruct, twist and further twist. links at end


Essentially, there are three stories woven around and also the all critical sub-strata, root, the base and basement fittingly underground because it is first and foremost hidden corruption, evil, GRAND THEFT and deceptions of every dark sort. That starts is 2014, most of it happening in Ukraine, though it started well before, easily back in 2012 and of presidential run at the time. But here and now, we'll put the basement in 2014 when 4 notable Americans, Soros, Podesta, Creep and son Hunter, a most infamous lot, united together to rip off the Ukraine people, for the lining of their own pockets, and that of Party too with huge piles of ill-gotten gain. Built on that corrupt level rises 3 upper floors. First Floor, Rudy Giuliani, investigations into the Corrupt basement. It is more of a dig down than build up, but as Rudy makes portions of the evils known, we public see case built. Rudy is the main worker on the First Floor. 


Second Floor, not unlike First, is actually too, much of dig… the digging up of all of Rudy's build, calling it all LIE, looking to plow the whole thing right back down into basement… whatever happened in that basement, it was nothing more than Russia disinformation, illusion, trick, so tells the Second Floor build-up. To be sure Russia is deeply involved in the whole evil plot(s)… but not as story teller, but as THIEF, stealing Ukraine land, the Crimean War, likely what Barry promised Putin while looking to win 2012. Russian stole Crimea early in 2014, but that is not the heart of American theft in Ukraine that Rudy builds the case. Americans also stole from Ukraine in 2014. It all could be called some form of weird quid-pro-quo, both Russia and America agreeing to slice and dice Ukraine, early 2014, thanks Barry. Crimea we know is real. The fact that Americans also stole from Ukraine same year is claimed to be myth, only Russian disinformation. Rudy in other words devotes himself to studying a hoax, not unlike Mueller with RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA. That is the construct on Second Floor, it sure ain't anything original, just more of the same, same old serial HOAXES, copycat at best. Who builds this portion of the stories deserves much fresh scrutiny, below.


Third Floor, third story, is that FBI 'warned' Rudy that his First Floor level was nothing but hoax. The claim, assertion, FBI warning authenticates the reality of the Second Floor, Rudy propagates Russian lies, that is all. Pay Ruddy no mind. Rudy is/was warned by FBI, is how the story goes. That story got started in 2019 and reemphasized in 2020 before election.

Anonymous ID: 56beec May 7, 2021, 9:03 a.m. No.13605806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5832

5-1-21 2 of 3


One must see and recognize the dif between Floors 2 and 3 and understand how they both relate to First Floor and basement. Floor 2 is the story that what Rudy investigations is Russian myth intent to tell lies about Creep and son prior to election 2020. Underlying message is, do not listen to Rudy, he's telling nothing but lies… Creeps are great guys, vote for joe-blow. To back up that story, somebody nailed and welded the Third Floor atop the Second Floor, FBI warned Rudy his First Floor was nothing but Disinformation. As long as third floor stands, everything collapses below filling in basement nice and level, completely clean, ground level, nothing to see here. But what happens to the whole build when Third Floor falls apart, is no more and never was of truth, no more than one more pure hoax?


That is exactly what happened on May 1st, 2021. Three mammoth sources, obvious ones who built Floor Three, FORCED to take it all back by the FORCE, declaring FBI warning was their HOAX, nothing more than typical MSM LIE, Third Floor never existed. How does that magic trick, making Floor Three disappear into vapor, impact each floor below and basement? At first glance one may surmise, totally superficially, the vaporized Third has no impact on any floor below. But that totally forgets everything learned since 2014, and more particularly since 2017, and totally ignores the nature of FORCED retraction. MSM bowed down, low, very low, kissed the ring and foot too. Who FORCED MSM? What can we imagine, deduce about the FORCE?


Beyond powerful, the Force has keen interest in Truth giving a significant pile of Elites an honest hair clipping… power not only over MSM but also FBI. Hmmm, does better sense start to spin for you, power over FBI. MSM stupidly lied about what FBI did, or did not do. FBI, obviously still very corrupt even after a fired 7th floor, went along with the MSM lie in 2019, the whole year of 2020 and likely well into 2021. But then, before May 1st of 2021, enter Force, Forced FBI to evaluate all their doings and declare, FBI made no such warning to Rudy. Only FBI can have total control of all warnings, who, when, where and why. Only FBI, scrutinized from within, can declare Rudy never got such a warning. Thus the Force, having learned FBI truth, FORCED MSM to retract, truth becomes known to public. We are in the loop of truth. That happened May 1st.

Anonymous ID: 56beec May 7, 2021, 9:14 a.m. No.13605918   🗄️.is 🔗kun

5-1-21 3A of 3B


What is the lesson, at least one of them, of Strzok and Page, think Crossfire Hurricane, 2016 and through Mueller investigation? FBI counterintelligence serves POTUS, indeed they are obligated and duty bound to report findings to POTUS and relevant legal team(s), meaning Rudy.  'Russia disinformation' impacting a National election… sounds like FBI counterintelligence stuffings to me. I think I learned that much from Strzok and Page. They must report, warn if necessary, duty bound. No warnings practically declares no Second Floor. Scrutinize further builds more confidence, we are only left with First Floor and Basement, as of May 1st.


Recall the Force, Building Inspector if you like, is on the scene looking it all over. Building Inspector ordered the abolishment of Third, unmistakably. Why would Building Inspector do such, if the Inspector had not also determined Second Floor soundness, finding it had no guts, it was and remains naught. If Second Floor existed in the first place, in any small way, then order to FBI would have been to report the findings, before well qualified retractions would have been ordered by MSM. Take note on what has not happened after a fierce review by a powerful Inspector, an outside set of eyes with powers over MSM and FBI. Still no FBI warning emerges, even with FAKE NBC telling more whoppers that Rudy simply was not told, lie on top of lie, typical MSM trick. The Force, demolishing Third tells us there is/was no Second Floor, 'Russia disinformation' just more hoax. A matter of a fact, it is only reasonable for us to take this a step further. What Rudy investigates is proper domain of the FBI counterintelligence unit. If Rudy is wrong, even on some minor point, FBI has duty to declare it disinformation and warn… no warning means FBI has found no disinformation in Rudy's revelations. Rudy's build, his entire First Floor, is honest and true. Second and Third Floor blown away, nothing more than more hoax.


But we cannot let this all rest… yet. We must look to what is 'not' again. Force does not point to FBI for creating the hoaxy, boxless, Second Floor, in the first place, a 'Russia disinformation' scam. If Rudy's investigations had in any way shape of form been regarded as Russia disinformation by FBI, or simply disinformation in any way, then a warning must follow and there could have been a LEAK. But if there was no warning, meaning there was no FBI findings of falsehoods by Force, then there is nothing to LEAK. This goes directly to tell us very clearly the source, who fabricated Second/ThirdFloor fibs. It was not FBI, it was DC bar gossip, rumor mill, more Steele-ism, far Left lunacy-journalism, which is not the proper domain of FBI counterintelligence, or the Force either. I argue, for the Force to demand MSM retraction of FBI warning, Force must have found FBI not guilty of starting the 'Russia disinformation' hoax, that it was never official suspicion of FBI supported by credible evidence. If in any way, shape or form, FBI fed, built or grew the 'Russia disinformation' hoax, then at some point, some FBI warning may have been reasonable, thus FORCED retractions are not reasonable, unless they are well qualified far beyond even NBC whopper. If Force is so tenaciously concerned about MSM veracity, then Force must be totally confident in each and every underpinning, like the whole Second Floor existence and origin, Who started 'Russia disinformation' can not be ignored or dismissed lightly. Only the DC gossip bins offer enough cover to keep that truth locked down. Each of Rudy's revelations emerge fresh to us as honest reporting void of any taint. Thank you Force, we love you Rudy.

Anonymous ID: 56beec May 7, 2021, 9:15 a.m. No.13605925   🗄️.is 🔗kun

5-1-21 3B of 3


The simple fact is that Floors Two and Three have the same architect and building crew. They nailed and welded FBI warnings hard and fast to Russia disinformation. They stand and fall together. NBC even tends to recognize the Strzok/Page lesson, Rudy was in the loop of 'need to know'. Now late, far too late in the game with egg FORCED on their face, NBC adds more lie, Rudy did not get the report he was owed they claim. Why did not Force, overloaded with concern for veracity, order FBI to give report to Rudy if it existed, thus in some way exonerating NBC at least partially. Force did not source such a finding, brought no such thing to light, requiring and honing an exception to the retractions. Force ordered NBC to retract and NBC added more lie, enlarged lie. They retracted nothing, negating all sense of retraction. NBC tries to make us suspect Force the rotten liar. Force needs to deal further with NBC, give them more Force, and I trust that is, will, happen. NBC, where is the FBI findings, reporting, briefing, if you are so damn honest. Produce or shut up, foul-mouthed idiots. Your do-nothing/say-nothing screams in our ears, you lie all the more, we trust Force who rightfully keeps us in the loop and that is loud and clear to us, a refreshing new twist, that happened May 1st.


here are some qagg links that tell us what happened May first, 2021



