Anonymous ID: 3e6485 May 7, 2021, 12:55 p.m. No.13607194   🗄️.is 🔗kun

They're not wrong, God Above All Wins

It's just they want you thinking unconsciously that god = satan when you say it.

''God'' beats satan up daily.

Angels are blood shedding machines against his hordes.

The deep [in his own shit] sweetie never stood a chance~


They're not wrong, NCSWIC

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

It's just they want you thinking unconsciously that it means satans reign when you say it.

They are attempting to hijack the momentum of these Truths.

There's a key word in there~


In the simplest example, they post a holy picture with a satanic looking face at 1% alpha embedded inside.

On the surface, how could you be against that holy picture?!

Reality: Their main focus are the beliefs you hold over time, and if you see 100 pictures like that your internal associations will be twisted.

Sick yet?


Who will you be praying to, really, the next time they ask you to ~~send their satanic Egregore energy~~ pray for some really sick and pitiful sounding "anon"?

Because CIA FARMers see you as a fuel source. As a battery.

They. Tend. The. Fields. Of. People.

Do you understand why they're here?

Anonymous ID: 3e6485 May 7, 2021, 1:06 p.m. No.13607243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7259

Seen this?

>Q: Into the Storm was 100% produced by Q team.

>It is absolutely packed with hidden comms.

>HBO literally broadcast a six-hour Q post.

^ First post made

That's his root premise.

The rest of his posts are designed to erode red flags you might have, before they drop the lies they want to sell you.

{If the root premise is a lie, the rest are fruits of a poisoned tree~}


>Has anyone ever noticed that the post in which Q famously said "NO OUTSIDE COMMS" was on the same calendar date as the first episode of The Apprentice?

^ Second post made.

Here's their attempt at eroding the fact that Q. Does. Not. Communicate. Outside. This. Board.

That's very specifically stated and held to protect against these exact kinds of hijacking attempts.

The second premise stated is an erosion of Q's tactical protection.


>Remember when Q said that 6:00 might be dangerous? Did anything really big ever happen at that time?

>Double meanings exist: did Q mean 6:00 as in six hours? As in the six hours of Q: Into the Storm?

>Remember when Q made a post on Easter about the "best documentary of the year"?

^ Third post made.

They took three posts, stripped them of their context, and glued them together with >nonsense< to gain implicit trust.

We see this often, yet this one has production quality.

Look at how much energy they're spending on this lol


"doc" is used specifically, watch 'doc' the baker make a new comeback after this



''And if you needed any more proof'':

>This graphic is only surprising if you are not yet convinced that Fredrick Brennan is being clearly identified as a key Q team player.

>In one shot he is raising the question of whether he is "Q"… and dismissing it. But then in the very next shot, we find a comm pointing to the fact he is indeed part of Q team.

Checkmate. Right from their own mouth.

If this isn't "Fredrick" himself then he's got some clowns sucking what's left of his pecker.


>(And of course that you are an experienced anon with pretty solid Q knowledge.)

I'm a very experienced anon with some very solid Q knowledge, and I know you're stripping posts out of context to sell us a belief~

Anonymous ID: 3e6485 May 7, 2021, 1:09 p.m. No.13607259   🗄️.is 🔗kun


People like him stick out like a bonfire in that world.

Lets review the his characteristics:


Fact: Can justify the worst with a smile on his face.

Past: He simmers with anger, especially at his father, whom he calls “a complete deadbeat”. He ends: “I am simply asking for compassion from an ignorant society that falsely believes it is unethical to give genetically defective people incentives not to reproduce. I am simply arguing for a world full of healthy, happy children who can play outside with their friends without breaking their legs.


Fact: He has a hatred for his belly button.

Past: "Brennan’s views on eugenics were unarguably appalling, but they should also be seen in the context of his experience. He hated his parents for bringing him into a life of pain, and it led him to this monstrous viewpoint."


Fact: He has a near constant presence on the board.

Past: On his old board there would only be a few posts every day; on 4chan, every 30 seconds there was something new. Brennan spent as much time at the computer as possible. “My dad, he just felt like: well, he’s in a wheelchair, so it doesn’t make sense for him to do anything else but play with the computer,” he tells me.


Fact: The major 'masks' used by him all relate loosely to his name.

Past: "Freddy Benson"


Fact: As a combat tactic, he associates himself with those he can't subdue. "Taking them down with me"

Past: Brennan’s rage festered as he became a teenager. He says that he never identified as a Nazi; his feelings were more masochistic at root. “I literally wanted a new version of Nazi Germany to take over and to kill me and everyone like me."


Fact: Scripting is used to deploy both new threads and the constant flood of hatred.

Character insight: With brittle bones, and so much time on a computer, and a mind to create a forum; We can conclude a signature of attacks someone like Fred deploys, would revolve around their scriptability.

Social media API's, chan posts, etc.

Curious that typography became a liking of his, figuring out so many captchas…


Fact: the guy that never bothers to capitalist any letters, i i i i i i i i i suspect that's because it's an extra muscle group to hit the Shift key ;)

Brittle bones much lol


Fact: He calls the program he received from the CIA's Farm, "govern".

Past: “Honestly, sometimes it felt like I was the president of a small nation,” he says. There was “kind of a cult of personality on the board about me”, he says.

(Power high and was thirsty for more)


Fact: The inability to hold a woman by her hips has led Brenny into a sad life, caged inside his own mind.

"we do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only"

He reminds himself, afraid~


Fact: He was given a means to escape that cage, in exchange for his soul. He uses the fabric of our imagination and dreams as a vector of attack.

A "Dream walker".


Fact: The fixation on anal rape that's displayed by his posts is a direct reflection of his unsatisfied desires in his body, and are a means to appease his insecurities (powerless).



One insecure asset deployed, aside insecure others, who were given big guns to attack our movement.


Lets go further.

Fact: The inability to shake the body means the body lost its main method of discharging trauma.

He collects trauma. It's like a bonfire in the other world, and it ain't moths being attracted.


Is it possible, in his bid for power, and under obligation to the FARM, Fred has been attacking our movement?

That his claim for fame is his capacity to be satans bitch.

Well done sweetie, bravo~

Anonymous ID: 3e6485 May 7, 2021, 1:10 p.m. No.13607261   🗄️.is 🔗kun

''April showers bring May flowers''


Perhaps everybody heard this rhyme at some point, generally having been taught it at an early age by parents or teachers. It's a popular thing to say and hear around springtime, but one thing you might not know is where the rhyme originated from.

It reaches back to the mid 1500s, although earlier use of "April showers bring May flowers" probably existed. In 1557, a man by the name of Thomas Tusser compiled a collection of writings he called "A Hundred Good Points of Husbandry." In the April husbandry section, he wrote:

Sweet April showers

Do spring May flowers

As you can see, the rhyme was originally a short poem. However, there is meaning behind the words, as well. "April showers bring May flowers" is a reminder that even the most unpleasant of things, in this case the heavy rains of April, can bring about very enjoyable things indeed – even an abundance of flowers in May.

"April showers bring May flowers" is also a lesson in patience, and one that remains valid to this day. Many of life's greatest things come only to those who wait, and by patiently and happily enduring the clouds and damp of April, you can find yourself more easily able to take in the sights and smells of May. After all, it's easier to love something if you begin with an optimistic outlook.


Trust the plan.

April Showers.


Q / Trump have a 'Python Approach', lads you must use this to our advantage~

So here's the layout: Trump stepped back so the deep sweeties in their blind rage are setting up their own execution blocks; They're exposing themselves due to haste and fear. Yes it's terrible, yes it's supposed to piss people off.

It's going to get worse. Rosa Parks the masks off and be calculated with your anger.

The real enemy is often a hidden hand between two idiots fighting. We know there's a terror shared between controllers: "What if they talk about us when they gather?"

"What if they wake up?"

Terrify them.

Do it.

Re: Talk about running silent


As our enemies main defense against awakening is to pre-load rejection reactions in their NPC's, it's not so much running silent as it is side-stepping the emotional landmines laid by mockingbird betrayers.

Asymmetric warfare lads.


Terrify the fuck out of their miserable lives:


Anonymous ID: 3e6485 May 7, 2021, 1:11 p.m. No.13607271   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I've updated the central Qproof of Trumps AF1 flight, in 2017. To me, this constitutes undeniable evidence that Q is of the highest Security Clearance within Americas Military Intelligence Services.

We are trying to understand what's going on behind the chaos of our times.

There are hundreds of questions raised by Q directly.

There are chains of insights we gain from them.

There are infiltrators whom poison the flow of information between/within each layer.

There are those whom do not yet know, and those who will never care.

Who is the omitted party in the media you just consumed? This is a complex field of he said she said.

Consider these tactical facts. Information Warfare is an old beast with a high tech twist.

Did you know you can be in a relationship with an idea? Or a sensed impression, a brand perhaps, or a ripple in the fabric of our imaginations, and not be all that aware.

Betrayal and Rumors are old pains too~

Big picture time.

Back beyond our world today, there was an insight gained that the leverage of social betrayal/ostricization can be used to control someones actions. Blackmail.

I'm sure a quick list was made and children became the prime means of producing the biggest leverage.

I'm sure another quick list was made and those that influenced others became the prime targets.

This has plagued our lives in ways we won't understand.

The world is sick, circles of power got out of hand.

We became livestock. They found ways of influencing our environment, to influence us.

This War is very real. You're already involved.



He said the chart showed a clear difference in style between the first Q messages that appeared on 4chan, from October 28 to December 1, 2017, and the subsequent messages.

“The signal difference is strong enough to leave very little doubt on this author’s swap,” OrphAnalytics said in a white paper published last month.


Now we have the reason why such a bullet proof continuity of identity was required.

There was a change up of writing style, or personal, behind Q.

Now this could mean something very interesting, in that the posts up till Dec. 1, 2017 are structured in a very specific way - The Map.

Either way, "Q was taken over / hijacked" simply isn't so.


The first AF1 Picture was taken and posted in real time on Nov 9, 2017

The second AF1 Picture was still taken Nov 9, 2017, yet posted on May 22, 2018 [10 days after NSA's change of command]

Who gave the new personal the second AF1 Picture?

It's the equivalent of a hidden key in a cryptographic exchange, consider the security implications involved with that.


I have a question for each of you: What does a Presence of Force look like within the Combat Domain of People/Culture?

In the Combat Domain of Space, we have Satellites.

In the Combat Domain of Cyber, we have Networks.

In the Combat Domain of Air, we have Planes.

In the Combat Domain of Ground, we have Tanks.

In the Combat Domain of Sea, we have Ships.

In the Combat Domain of People… what do we have?


Another Question: Are we at War?

Is there a War against a deeply entrenched network of people, bound by blackmail and malicious thirst for power/control?

Would this network have a hierarchy similar to a Shadow Government?

What assets do they own, that afflict the Combat Domain of People?

Are the hydra-like 'Main(lame)' stream medias singing the same tune?

Does that provide a combative advantage to their control over people?

Is control over that powerful of a spell, likely to disband without a fight?

Who would they be fighting against?

Are there those that swore an oath to defend The People, The Constitution, from enemies foreign and domestic?


What would their Presence of Force, in the Combat Domain of People, look like?

Anonymous ID: 3e6485 May 7, 2021, 2:01 p.m. No.13607595   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Their anger cake


Aversion Fuel: CP/Gore

Loyalty: Marriage-to-satan

Commands: "Galactic codes" / high religious themes / babbler talking to himself [that they want you to mirror]

Drumbeater: exbot / satans toilet filenames: "polish_ / zombomeme_ / rt5vw4 / download_"

Locked frustration: 6_6 +/ j00spamz

Will erode: mrs phig

Stockholm Syndrome: animfoul baker


Are the layers they 'bake' as tension in your mind.

Without fail, their deployments center around these themes.

Every. Week. For. The. Last. 3. Years.

Anonymous ID: 3e6485 May 7, 2021, 2:06 p.m. No.13607634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7638 >>7666

Their anger cake


Aversion Fuel: CP/Gore

Loyalty: Marriage-to-satan

Commands: "Galactic codes" / high religious themes / babbler talking to himself [that they want you to mirror]

Drumbeater: exbot / satans toilet filenames: "polish_ / zombomeme_ / rt5vw4 / download_"

Locked frustration: 6_6 +/ j00spamz

Erode the strong Wills left: mrs phig

Stockholm Syndrome: animfoul baker


Are the layers they 'bake' as tension in your mind.

Without fail, their deployments center around these themes.

Every. Week. For. The. Last. 3. Years.