Anonymous ID: 23d7eb May 7, 2021, 4:06 p.m. No.13608320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8355 >>8640 >>8824

Newsmax Host Emerald Robinson ABSOLUTELY KILLS IT! Grills Dumbfounded Psaki on Joe Biden’s Light Schedule then Turns to Dr. Fauci’s Suspicious Funding of Wuhan Lab


Newsmax White House correspondent Emerald Robinson stunned a dumbfounded Jen Psaki today by asking real questions during the White House presser.


Psaki, who believes in restricting free speech in America, was not happy being questioned about Joe Biden’s pathetic administration.


As Cristina reported earlier, Psaki repeatedly dodged questions about Joe Biden’s bizarre schedule that averages around 20 minutes of public appearances each day. NEVER, has America seen such a feeble Commander in Chief.


Robinson then followed up by asking about Dr. Fauci’s funding of the Wuhan Laboratory that is suspected of leaking the coronavirus to the world!


This was amazing and Psaki, who is used to powder-puff questions from the fake news, was not able to respond.


For months, since May 2020, The Gateway Pundit has been reporting on Dr. Anthony Fauci’s likely illegal funding of coronavirus projects at the Wuhan Virology Center.


It is clear that they successfully isolated the coronavirus in the lab and were actively experimenting with species-to-species transmission.


It’s also important to note that back in 2017 we had solid intelligence about a viral leak in a high security Chinese virology R&D center that resulted in the SARS virus getting out and killing people.


This information provides a basis that contradicts the theory that COVID-19 is a variant that just magically mutated in a bat in the wild and then jumped to a human when they ate a delicious bowl of bat soup.


Maybe someday Dr. Fauci will come clean about his funding of these nefarious viral studies in Wuhan.

And maybe someday the rest of the media will quit running interference and report honestly about Dr. Fauci’s role in the COVID-19 outbreak.


Maybe someday Dr. Fauci will come clean about his funding of these nefarious viral studies in Wuhan.

And maybe someday the rest of the media will quit running interference and report honestly about Dr. Fauci’s role in the COVID-19 outbreak.

Anonymous ID: 23d7eb May 7, 2021, 4:11 p.m. No.13608350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8361 >>8368 >>8439 >>8640 >>8824 >>8825 >>8831

Michelle Obama Claims That Black Lives Matter is ‘Taking to the Streets Because They Have To’


Former first lady Michelle Obama told Gayle King on Friday’s episode of “CBS This Morning” that Black Lives Matter is “taking to the streets because they have to.”


Obama also claimed that she is afraid every time her daughters get into a vehicle.


Following the conviction of Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin over the death of George Floyd, former President Barack and Michelle Obama said in a joint statement that “true justice is about much more than a single verdict in a single trial.”


During the interview on Friday, King asked Obama about the statement.


“The goal is to let leaders lead. But in certain times, people, you know, look to us often. ‘Well, what do you think? How do you feel?’ We know that while we’re all breathing a sigh of relief over the verdict, there’s still work to be done. And so we, we can’t sort of say, ‘Great. That happened. Let’s move on.’ I know that people in the Black community don’t feel that way because many of us still live in fear as we go to the grocery store, or walking our dogs, or allowing our children to get a license,” Obama said.


King responded by asking if Obama’s girls are driving.


“They’re driving, but every time they get in a car by themselves, I worry about what assumption is being made by somebody who doesn’t know everything about them,” Obama said. “The fact that they are good students and polite girls, but maybe they’re playing their music a little loud, maybe somebody sees the back in their head and makes an assumption. I, like so many parents of black kids, have to — the innocent act of getting a license puts fear in our hearts.”


She added, “So, I think we have to talk about it more, and we have to ask our fellow citizens to listen a bit more and to believe us and to know we don’t wanna be out there marching. I mean, all those Black Lives Matters kids, they’d rather not have to worry about this. They’re taking to the streets because they have to. They’re trying to have people understand that we’re real folks, and the fear that many have of so many of us is irrational, and it’s based on a history that is just — it’s sad, and it’s dark, and it’s time for us to move beyond that.”

Anonymous ID: 23d7eb May 7, 2021, 4:13 p.m. No.13608365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8640 >>8824

Beijing’s Infiltration of International Agencies


A new U.S. government report is detailing the Chinese Communist Party’s influence over multiple international agencies.


Dozens of communist party officials are in leadership positions in organizations such as the World Health Organization.


Together, they are in charge of nearly one-third of the UN organizations.

Anonymous ID: 23d7eb May 7, 2021, 4:15 p.m. No.13608373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8444 >>8459 >>8490 >>8640 >>8824 >>8844

==Latest COVID Vaccine PSA Is Just Doctors Yelling ‘Shut The F**k Up’ And ‘Get The Vaccine’

"Tell him to shut the fk up… Just grow the fk up and get the vaccine!"==


A new pro-vaccine message from the liberal television program “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” features multiple individuals identified as physicians screaming expletives into the camera in a profane attempt to pressure vaccine skeptics into receiving COVID-19 inoculations.


“We get that people are skeptical of politicians and celebrities telling them what to do but we should listen to doctors,” Kimmel said. “The men and women who have been on the front lines of the pandemic risking their lives to save ours are frustrated . . . so as a public service we asked some real doctors and nurses to offer their best advice to those who are on the fence about the vaccine, and pay attention, because this is important.”


The footage then cuts to the individual doctors and nurses reciting their credentials and repeating negative tropes about vaccine skeptics in a manner that is presumably supposed to be interpreted as comedic. Towards the end of the video, the medical professionals begin screaming expletives into the camera.


“Tell him to shut the fk up!” one woman shrills in reference to an imagined vaccine skeptic, while flashing an obscene gesture at the camera. “Just grow the fk up and get the vaccine.” The assorted doctors and nurses then begin screaming “Get the vaccine” into their webcams.


The Democrat Party’s previous efforts to cajole conservatives into getting the vaccine consisted of PSAs aired during NASCAR races and on Country Music TV, as reported by National File:


The Biden regime is running PSA’s on television programs like Deadliest Catch, NASCAR, and Country Music TV in an effort to target unconvinced conservative white Americans who refuse to receive experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations, according to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.


“We’ve run PSAs on the Deadliest Catch, we’re engaged with NASCAR and Country Music TV,” said Psaki. “We’re looking for a range of creative ways to get directly connected to White conservative communities.”

Anonymous ID: 23d7eb May 7, 2021, 4:16 p.m. No.13608385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8391 >>8435 >>8640 >>8824

PolitiFact Ignores Facts In Article Claiming 15-Year-Old Did Not Die After Receiving Pfizer Vaccine


PolitiFact ignored facts in its fact check regarding the alleged death of a 15-year-old two days after receiving the controversial Pfizer vaccine.


PolitiFact botched an attempted fact check of a National File article reporting that a 15-year-old boy in Colorado reportedly died of a heart attack only two days after receiving the controversial Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine despite having no previous medical conditions or medical history of severe allergic reactions.


In its fact check, in which PolitiFact writer Tom Kertscher misspells the name of Colorado Department of Public Health Director of Communications Jessica Bralish, PolitiFact acknowledges “Jesscia [sic] Bralish, spokesperson for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, said the CDC ‘has confirmed that they are investigating this report,’ but that she couldn’t provide more information.” This, combined with the fact that the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System is hosted by the CDC but open to the public, suggests to PolitiFact that the death did not occur. PolitiFact then brazenly disregards facts presented by the official Colorado COVID-19 resource website by declaring that, “The CDC said in a statement that there are no circumstances under which a 15-year-old would have been eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine.”


On the official Colorado COVID-19 resource website, in its frequently asked questions category, the state acknowledges that none of the controversial COVID-19 vaccines are currently available to teenagers younger than 16. However, the website also acknowledges that, “children as young as 12 years old have been enrolled in vaccine studies.” National File asked PolitiFact whether they knew this before publishing their article and did not receive a response.


In fact, the same Colorado media outlet quoted by PolitiFact – Fox 31 – acknowledges that the Pfizer vaccine is being tested on children and teens aged between 12 and 15, and quotes a Colorado doctor who claims the efficacy of the vaccine in this age group represents a “game changer.” Fox 31 quotes “Dr. Reginald Washington, the chief medical officer at the Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children in Denver” as saying “I think it’s welcome news,” and ” none of the vaccinated children came down with COVID, and the immune response was very robust, meaning they had a very high number of antibodies.” National File asked PolitiFact if they were aware of this before publishing their fact check and did not receive a response.


It is unclear where the testing of the controversial vaccine on children aged 12 to 15 took place, or if any of those children experienced severe adverse reactions. However, the Children’s Hospital Colorado is currently allowing parents with children aged 5 to 11 to enroll in a vaccine trial, and ostensibly made the same opportunity available to those children aged 12 to 16 prior. National File asked PolitiFact if they conducted this research before publishing their fact check and did not receive a response.


Borrowing the language of PolitiFact, National File’s verdict is that PolitiFact failed to do additional research to fact check a statement made by the CDC, and thus demonstrated that their fact check fails to include necessary and relevant information and cannot be trusted at face value. We rate it false.

Anonymous ID: 23d7eb May 7, 2021, 4:19 p.m. No.13608404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8640 >>8824

Woman Charged With Falsifying Over A Dozen Mail-In Ballots.


A campaign volunteer for a Cherokee Nation election in Oklahoma was charged with mail-in ballot fraud.


The Cherokee Nation Attorney General’s filed one charge of election fraud and one charge of false personation against Lisa Cookson, a volunteer for a Tribal Council candidate in District Two, on May 3rd.


Cookson is charged with “fraudulently filling out and signing absentee ballot request forms without the knowledge or consent of voters,” and while the investigation is ongoing, over 15 fraudulent ballots have already been identified.


According to the tribe’s Attorney General Sara Hill, “the Cherokee Nation takes these charges very seriously.” “It is critical we enforce tribal election laws in order to protect the rights of Cherokee citizens and protect the integrity of the Cherokee Nation’s electoral process,” she added.

Anonymous ID: 23d7eb May 7, 2021, 4:23 p.m. No.13608423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8640 >>8824

Biden Chief of Staff’s Daughter Asked DOJ to Deploy Federal Monitors for Arizona Audit


Hannah Klain, daughter of President Joe Biden’s powerful Chief of Staff Ron Klain, recently signed a letter urging the Justice Department to deploy federal monitors to monitor the Arizona State Senate’s audit of 2020 presidential votes in Maricopa County.


The letter, from three groups — the Brennan Center for Justice, the Leadership Conference Education Fund, and Protect Democracy — was sent last week to the Justice Department, expressing concern that the auditors are “engaged in ongoing and imminent violations of federal voting and election laws.”


“[W]e request that you send federal monitors as soon as practicable to the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum,” the letter said. “Ballots that are protected under federal law are in imminent danger of being subject to unlawful voter intimidation as a result of flawed audit procedure.”


Klain signed the letter in her capacity as the Equal Justice Works Selbin Family Fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law.


The letter implied the Arizona state senate’s review of the 2020 presidential election results is illegitimate, using the term “so-called audit” and putting the word “audit” in parentheses. It also complained about the firm commissioned to conduct the work, Cyber Ninjas and its subcontractors.


Klain and other co-signers said they believe:


[T]he senate and its agents, including Cyber Ninjas are 1) violating their duty under federal law to retain and preserve ballots cast in a federal election, which are and have been in danger of being stolen, defaced, or irretrievably damaged, and 2) preparing to engage in conduct which will constitute unlawful voter intimidation in violation of the Voting Rights Act and other federal laws.


They claimed the DOJ has the authority to monitor the audit under the Voting Rights Act of 1965, arguing DOJ monitoring is “critical to the protection of civil rights and the enforcement of voting rights and election laws.”


The signees claimed, based on media reports, that after Maricopa County election officials handed over the approximately 2.1 million ballots to the state senate and Cyber Ninjas, “they began exposing the ballots to damage, destruction, and loss, in violation of federal law.”


The letter complained authorized observers to the audit were 70 percent Republican, citing a press conference by senate liaison for the audit and former Secretary of State Ken Ben Arizona nett.


However, the letter did not include Bennett’s statement that state Democrats were trying to keep people from volunteering as observers and his appeal for Democrats to volunteer to be an observer. He said at minute 13:45, “We want as many from all parties as possible.”

Anonymous ID: 23d7eb May 7, 2021, 4:25 p.m. No.13608430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8640 >>8824

Biden administration has reportedly spent $3 billion in taxpayer money to house unaccompanied minors since February


A new report reveals the federal government has spent $3 billion to house tens of thousands of migrant children who crossed the U.S. southern border shortly after President Joe Biden was sworn in. The Biden administration has saddled American taxpayers with the eye-raising costs of housing unaccompanied minors during the current border crisis.


Since February, the Department of Health and Human Services awarded the largest contracts, worth more than $2 billion in taxpayer money, to a nonprofit and two companies. The recipients of the huge contracts were New York-based Deployed Resources LLC; Family Endeavors Inc. of San Antonio; and Rapid Deployment Inc., based in Mobile, Alabama. The massive contracts were awarded to the organizations without any bidding process, according to a report from the Associated Press.


Deployed Resources was awarded a $719 million contract by the Biden administration to establish a 1,500-bed emergency shelter for children in Donna, Texas. In March, photos surfaced from the Donna facility that showed packed conditions that one Democratic lawmaker described as "terrible conditions for the children." Government officials attempted to prevent Republican senators from taking photos of the conditions of the migrant facility.


Rapid Deployment Inc. was granted two substantial contracts totaling $614 million to manage a site at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas.


Family Endeavors Inc., a nonprofit that offers "migrant wellness support," could receive up to $580 million for managing a facility for unaccompanied children in Pecos, Texas. In March, it was revealed that the Biden administration awarded Family Endeavors an $87 million contract to provide hotel rooms to 1,200 migrant families who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border.


"The potential amount of the latest contract is more than 13 times the organization's total revenue during 2018, according to the latest annual tax filings available," the AP said of Family Endeavors.


There were 18,663 unaccompanied minors encountered at the U.S. southern border in March, the highest number ever recorded – shattering the previous highs of 11,475 in May 2019 and 10,620 in June 2014.


Nearly 25,000 migrant children were in the custody of the U.S. federal government, apart from their families, in early May, according to the Washington Examiner.


Analysis from the Washington Post in April found that the Biden administration is spending $60 million a week to house migrant minors in federal facilities operated by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Anonymous ID: 23d7eb May 7, 2021, 4:27 p.m. No.13608446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8640 >>8824

Tractor Trailer Driver Charged with Human Smuggling


Forty-One Undocumented Noncitizens Detained

Anonymous ID: 23d7eb May 7, 2021, 4:28 p.m. No.13608451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8640 >>8824

Former Deputy Campaign Manager Pleads Guilty to Theft of Campaign Funds

Anonymous ID: 23d7eb May 7, 2021, 4:30 p.m. No.13608471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8488 >>8640 >>8665 >>8824

Fox News’ Kristen Fisher Departs For CNN


Fox News White House Correspondent Kristen Fisher will join CNN as a “space correspondent,” a source familiar with the matter told the Daily Caller.


Fisher announced on Friday’s episode of Special Report with Bret Baier that it would be her last day at Fox News.


“I have had an incredible run. I started out six years ago on the early morning weekend shift. I made it all the way to the White House, which is something that has been at the very top of my career bucket list ever since I was a very little girl,” she said.


“There are a few other things on that list that I would like to try to tick off. So, before I go, I just want to thank Fox for trusting me with this seat and for giving me so many opportunities and, Bret, it has been an absolute pleasure to work with you, the entire White House team, and everybody on the “Special Report” team as well,” she signed off.


Fox News declined the Daily Caller’s request for comment.

Anonymous ID: 23d7eb May 7, 2021, 4:31 p.m. No.13608474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8610 >>8640 >>8824

Norwegian Cruise Lines threatens to skip Florida after DeSantis says no to vaccination 'passports'


Florida GOP Gov. DeSantis says he banned proof of vaccination to preserve individual freedom and privacy.



Norwegian Cruise Lines is threatened to stop docking their ships in any of the Florida's ports following Gov. Ron DeSantis signed an order preventing businesses from requiring proof of vaccination – a decision that could hurt both sides considering Florida is one of the world's largest cruise destination.


Federal health authorities will eventually allow cruises to sail U.S. waters if most of the passengers and crew members are vaccinated. However, DeSantis' order goes against the guidelines for cruise ships, according to the Associated Press.


"It is a classic state-versus-federal-government issue," said Frank Del Rio, CEO of parent Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings. "Lawyers believe that federal law applies and not state law, but I’m not a lawyer. And we hope that this doesn’t become a legal football or a political football."


Although Del Rio has said more ships can go to the Caribbean or other states if they can't operate in Florida, many cruise lines start in Florida because of the several large ports in Fort Lauderdale and Miami.


DeSantis said he decision preserves individual freedom and privacy, but the company is still discussing the situation with the Republican governor's office.


On Friday, the DeSantis' office did not respond to the Norwegian Cruise Line CEO’s comments.


Cruise lines have been barred from sailing in U.S. waters or stopping at U.S. ports since March 2020, early in the pandemic, the wire service also reports.

Anonymous ID: 23d7eb May 7, 2021, 4:32 p.m. No.13608480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8640 >>8824

Top Cuomo Aide Resigns As Investigations Drag On


We haven't heard much Gov. Andrew Cuomo over the past few weeks as the governor's strategy of accelerating the reopening of the Empire State to help distract from the numerous scandals he faced earlier this year (from concealing the death toll from the state's nursing homes, to allegedly harassing at least nine women, including vulnerable young female staffers) has apparently succeeded.


But with NYC set to reopen "100%" on July 1 (according to Cuomo's political arch-rival, Mayor Bill de Blasio), an Albany reporter with NY focused politics outlet State of Politics reports that Cuomo's Communications Director, Peter Ajemian, has abruptly quit and Friday will be his last day with the governor.


NEW: @NYGovCuomo Communications Director Peter Ajemian, has resigned. His last day is today.@RichAzzopardi will be replacing him as communications director

— Morgan Mckay (@morganfmckay) May 7, 2021


Notably, the resignation comes as investigations by state lawmakers, New York's Attorney General and the DoJ into everything from the sexual harassment allegations to Cuomo's under-reporting of COVID nursing home deaths continue.


In his place, Cuomo will add to the duties of senior advisor Rich Azzopardi, the governor's attack dog/alter-ego who has featured prominently in the press coverage of the governor's scandals as of late. Many of the most aggressive statements pushing back against Cuomo's accusers have been attributed to Azzopardi.


"After nearly four years, and with this year's budget done and vaccine eligibility open to everyone, I decided now is the time to pursue opportunities in the private sector," Ajemian said in a statement. "I’m grateful to the governor for giving me the chance to serve. It's been the honor of a lifetime to be part of a team working for New Yorkers in a period of unprecedented crisis and seeing the government work for the people and people work for each other."


"Peter has spent nearly four years in the administration taking on the hard challenges during even harder circumstances," Azzopardi said in a statement. "There’s nobody I’d rather be in the trenches with and know he’ll always be a part of Team Cuomo."


Notably, Azzopardi caught some flack of his own in the local Empire State press during the backlash to coverup of nursing home deaths after he slammed families of those who died in the nursing homes - and who were now attacking Cuomo for not doing enough to prevent these deadly outbreaks - as members of a "death cult".


As if the Cuomo Administration couldn’t sink any lower, they appoint @RichAzzopardi as communications director.


He called us grieving families a “death cult” and told a grieving daughter to “get a life”.

— VoicesForSeniors (@Voices4Seniors) May 7, 2021


Jennifer Givner has been appointed acting press secretary. She also serves as director of media relations and communications for the New York State Thruway Authority. And Haley Viccaro has been appointed deputy communications director for energy and the environment. Viccaro just recently left her position as communications director for Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul to cross over to Cuomo’s administration.


At least nine other former aides have left the administration as the pressure on Cuomo to resign intensified over the past few months. They include Gareth Rhodes, who was part of Cuomo’s COVID-19 task force, Caitlin Girouard, Cuomo’s press secretary and most recently, Jack Sterne, a Cuomo spokesman.

Anonymous ID: 23d7eb May 7, 2021, 4:36 p.m. No.13608509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8640 >>8824

Almost 180 injured, Ruptly cameraman attacked as Palestinians & Israeli police clash near Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem


Massive clashes broke out between the Israeli police and Palestinian worshippers who took to Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, as tensions over the pending eviction of some Palestinian families boiled over at the end of Ramadan.


At least 178 Palestinians were injured in clashes with police across Jerusalem on Friday, including near the Al-Aqsa mosque, the Palestinian Red Crescent said. Some 88 people were hospitalized, and most affected people suffered injuries to their faces and eyes after being hit but rubber bullets and shrapnel from stun grenades.


Earlier, the Israeli media also reported that at least 12 police officers suffered injuries. Fierce scuffles broke out after the Israeli police deployed large forces to the Al-Aqsa mosque, where tens of thousands of Muslims gathered for the last Friday prayers of the holy month of Ramadan.


The worshippers started hurling chairs, rocks and shoes at the police that responded by using rubber bullets, tear gas and stun grenades. Footage published on the social media show crowds throwing what appears to be pieces of furniture and rocks at the officers in riot gear amid the thin plumes of what appears to be smoke or tear gas.


Israeli authorities also closed the Damascus Gate and cordoned off Jerusalem’s Old City to take the situation under control.


“The Israel Police will not surrender to any provocation and will continue to allow everyone, whoever they are, the freedom to demonstrate within the limits of the law. With this, we will continue to act uncompromisingly in cases where the law is breached,” the law enforcement said in a statement on Friday.


“We will not allow the disruption of order, any form of violence and attempts to harm officers while taking advantage of the freedom of religion,” said another statement, issued after the police regained control over the Temple Mount.


The plateau covers the ruins of the ancient Hebrew Temple, destroyed by Romans in 70 CE, and considered the holiest site in Judaism. The Mount is also sacred to Muslims, however, and is home to three mosques and four minarets.


The current unrest was triggered by a twist in a long legal battle between several Palestinian families and Israeli settlers that seek to displace them from the nearby Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. Palestinian protesters and Israeli police have clashed in the area throughout Ramadan.


As an Israeli high court judge is considering whether to overrule the Palestinians’ eviction, France, Germany and the UK have called upon Tel Aviv to cease its settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank. The UN also warned Israel that its forced evictions in East Jerusalem might “amount to war crimes.”


Meanwhile, the unrest risks sparking a larger conflict between Israel and Palestinians. Leader of the Islamist militant group Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, sent a direct message to the outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, warning him against playing “with fire.”


“We will defend Jerusalem no matter what sacrifices we must make,” Haniyeh reportedly said, according to the Israeli media, which also reported several Palestinians waved the flags of Hamas near Al-Aqsa on Friday.


Leader of another militant group – Islamic Jihad – also said on Friday that “it is impossible to tolerate what is happening in Jerusalem and the enemy must expect our response at any moment.”


Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has called for a UN Security Council session about the clashes in East Jerusalem, according to the Palestinian news agency WAFA.


Meanwhile, Qatar slammed the deployment of the Israeli security forces to the Temple Mount, which it called a “provocation” against millions of Muslims around the world.

Anonymous ID: 23d7eb May 7, 2021, 4:39 p.m. No.13608526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8640 >>8824

White Liberals Watch In Amazement As Black Man Acquires ID


HAMPTON FALLS, IA—White liberals gathered in the town of Hampton Falls were shocked and astonished as local black man, accountant, and father of three Michael Sparkton walked right into a DOT office and acquired an ID without any assitance from liberals whatsoever.


“It was amazing — he was smart, clean, and articulate enough to walk right in and acquire the ID without consulting us white people at all,” said anti-racist activist Chloe Ryder to reporters. “He walked right in and got the ID, no questions asked. We thought it would be way above his intelligence level because, well. You know what I’m saying, right? Yeah. You know.”


Reporters said they did not know, and Ryder was forced to whisper, “because he’s black and I don’t think he’s capable of doing it!”

At publishing time, the liberals were amazed to see he had walked up to a vending machine and purchased a bottle of water all by himself.


(TLB) published this article from Babylon Bee, not so much for the ID part of the story, but for the “water bottle” narrative… in hopes it will show Thirsty Lib’s they can get a drink of water without Government Intervention.

Anonymous ID: 23d7eb May 7, 2021, 4:53 p.m. No.13608612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8640 >>8824

Report: Unions, Dems to Rake in Billions From PRO Act


Unions could spend $3 billion on politics every election cycle



President Joe Biden and Democratic groups could see a surge in donations if they are able to pass landmark labor reforms that would force workers to pay union dues, according to a report.


The White House has made the PRO Act a centerpiece of its agenda in the opening days of the Biden administration. Biden has committed to being the "most pro-union president," but labor groups are not the only ones who will benefit from the elimination of right-to-work laws and collective bargaining reforms. Democratic candidates and liberal groups could see political and lobbying spending "increase to nearly $3 billion per two-year cycle," according to a report from the Institute for the American Worker.


"If you are a progressive then you will think that this is the greatest thing ever as it will drive resources to achieving your objectives," report author Nathan Mehrens said. "If you are a conservative, you should be concerned for the same reason."


The act would overturn right-to-work laws in 27 states and force local workers to join unions as a condition of employment. The injection of mandatory dues would provide an overnight boost to the coffers of labor unions that have hemorrhaged members in the past three decades. Unions could see annual payments from workers nearly double under the PRO Act, according to the report.


"Unions that are under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Labor already receive over $11 billion per year in dues and fees," the report states. "If labor organizations can increase their membership to the level that existed in 1983, the dues they receive could, under a conservative estimate, exceed $20 billion."


The influx of new dues money could also expand the political and campaign influence of organized labor, which has been one of the Democratic Party's most reliable allies. Unions were major financial backers of Biden's presidential run. They spent an estimated $27.5 million backing the Biden campaign and nearly $250 million supporting Democratic candidates overall.


The PRO Act would also provide a massive membership boost to labor unions, which are currently experiencing low membership numbers. A little more than 14 million private and public sector employees belong to unions, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Biden, who has repeatedly called on Congress to pass the plan and whose administration considers the act part of its infrastructure program, said that 60 million Americans will join a labor union "if they get a chance."


First Amendment rights could be implicated by mandatory dues imposed by the act. Mehrens raised concerns over the act's forcing workers to "financially support unions regardless of whether they agree with the positions taken by these unions."


"No one should be compelled as a condition of employment to support a third party with which they do not agree," he said.


The Democratic-controlled House of Representatives passed the act in early March, and the White House has repeatedly urged the Senate to pass the legislation. Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W. Va.) has announced his support for the act, but three other moderate Democratic senators—Kyrsten Sinema (Ariz.), Mark Kelly (Ariz.), and Mark Warner (Va.)—have yet to back it. Even if Senate Democrats were unified, the bill is highly unlikely to garner enough Republican support to bypass the filibuster.


In his address to Congress, Biden called for the passage of the act alongside an increased federal minimum wage. "The guys and women on Wall Street, Wall Street didn't build this country. The middle class built this country. And unions build the middle class," he said. "And that's why I'm calling on Congress to pass the Protect the Right to Organize Act, the PRO Act, and send it to my desk to support the right to unionize."

Anonymous ID: 23d7eb May 7, 2021, 4:58 p.m. No.13608650   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brazil's hardline President Bolsonaro appears to claim China created COVID to spark a 'chemical war' amid growing anger at his handling of the pandemic which has claimed 414K lives domestically


Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro said Wednesday that China created COVID-19 as a 'chemical, bacteriological and radiological warfare '

The hardline president did not specifically name China in his speech, rather identified it as the nation whose GDP grew 'the most' during the pandemic

Bolsonaro has been blamed in Brazil for mishandling a pandemic that has produced 414,399 confirmed deaths - second to in the world to the U.S.

The pandemic claimed the lives of 4,846 people in China

Anonymous ID: 23d7eb May 7, 2021, 5:01 p.m. No.13608667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8675 >>8679 >>8697 >>8750 >>8829 >>8830

‘Look, I’m Safe to Be Around’ – New Covid Wristbands Are a Way to Prove You’ve Been Fully Vaccinated


Immunaband company introduced new blue silicone wristbands that will carry your Covid vax card information. The company is hoping this will catch on and that Americans will rush to purchase their wristband to let others know you’ve been vaccinated.


These wristbands will do until the microchips are rolled out and made mandatory.


God help us!


“ImmunaBand,” the blue silicone wristband, has a built-in QR code that will carry your Covid vax info and will let others know you are safe to be around – that’s according to the company that created the product.


The wristband cost about $20 and restaurants are starting to purchase them for their employees.


“It’s a way of saying, ‘Look, I’m safe,’ and try to deescalate some of the tension and fear that people feel after about a year in lockdown.” the company told CNN.




ImmunaBand is a blue silicone bracelet that has two purposes — first, it has a built-in QR code that carries your COVID-19 vaccination card’s information that can be used as a back-up for people who lose or misplace their CDC vaccination card. ImmunaBand’s second function is to show an outward display that a person has been fully vaccinated, thus making them safe to be near.


So how does it work? Wearers have to upload their vaccination cards for review before they can receive the band. The documentation is stored on a server compliant with medical privacy laws and the process is end-to-end encrypted, the company said in a news release.


The company makes two bands — one with just the QR code, and another with the QR code plus the wearer’s name and type of vaccine they received. The bands are both priced at $19.99. That code can be scanned with a smartphone to prove vaccination, the company said.

Anonymous ID: 23d7eb May 7, 2021, 5:04 p.m. No.13608684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8761

Documents reveal China discussed weaponisation of coronaviruses prior to pandemic


Documents obtained by the US State Department reveal Chinese military scientists discussed the weaponisation of SARS coronaviruses five years before the COVID-19 pandemic.


Top scientists outlined their ideas in the document predicting a third world war would be fought with biological weapons.

Anonymous ID: 23d7eb May 7, 2021, 5:05 p.m. No.13608694   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Biden administration 'is being run by hardcore Neo-Marxists'


Sky News host Rowan Dean says proof of how the Biden administration "is being run behind the scenes by hardcore neo-Marxists" is the administration's embrace of the Durban Declaration.


"Jewish organisations were rightly appalled, calling the comments morally reprehensible and a UN celebration of anti-Semitism with one writer concluding that the Biden administration is driven by actual malevolence towards both Israel and Zionism itself," she said.


"I was delighted to read last night that Scott Morrison has announced that Australia will not participate in the 20th-anniversary events for the World Conference Against Racism in Durban.


"Indeed, Scott Morrison added we will not associate Australia with one-sided and contentious language that singles out Israel or an event that champions such language."

Anonymous ID: 23d7eb May 7, 2021, 5:07 p.m. No.13608710   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russian Defense Ministry: US-led coalition removes military equipment to Syrian al-Jazeera


Moscow, SANA-Russian Ministry of Defense has expressed worry over US-led coalition removing of military equipment to the areas of its deployment in Syrian al-Jazeera.


Russian Coordination Center in Hmeimim said that the US- led air transport of military equipment and land movements of military convoys to the eastern region of the Syrian Arab Republic stir concern.


The Russian Center added that “such military mobilization, synchronizing with the economic and social situation resulted by the US blockade damages opportunities of the political solution to the crisis in Syria.