I think machines in targeted precincts were set up beforehand to count a Trump vote as .8 of a vote and to count a Biden vote as 1.2 votes. This was programmed into the machines via a USB stick.
This would mean Trump ballots would have to be destroyed and Biden votes would have to be added to make the total number of paper ballots match the skewed vote total on the machine print out.
Beforehand, insider polling would give an estimate of how many paper ballots they would need in each targeted precinct to supply the necessary Biden ballots.
This is how fake early or mail-in ballots, like those in Jesse Morgen's stolen trailer, were used.
Antrim, Mi, finding this past week on OAN showed stealers could use SQL scripting software to massage any vote distribution coming out of the machines after the fact, but physical Biden ballots had to be present to match the total number of votes cast, since Trump ballots needed to be destroyed and Biden ballots added.
After the FL results, the stealers realized they had underestimated Trump votes.
Word goes out that many more Biden ballots needed to be added. So vote counting in targeted precincts is halted, and "just in case" ballots, such as those stored under the tables in GA are injected. The destruction of Trump ballots was carried out later, explaining the reports of paper shredding outfits onthe ground in GA a few days after the election. There were too many Trump ballots to do it inconspicuously on election night.
This is where Bobby Piton's fake voter theory comes into play. Trump votes broke the ceiling on actual total voter counts, so, in preparation for that event, voters had been made up out of thin air to pad the actual, physical, eligible voter count in targeted states. Again, "Just in case", they needed a mass injection of Biden votes.
There was still not going to be enough physical Biden ballots, so poll workers were told to scan the same ballots multiple times. Video showed Freeman do that in Atlanta, and Melissa Carone described seeing that happen in Detroit.
So, there should be no recognizable match of physical ballots to any machine total that was software generated, programmed originally through attached USB sticks, and. after the call to increase Biden ballots, via the SQL management suite manipulation to square up any machine audits.
Routers will show WAN side access to not only the voting machines, but routers themselves, by foreign actors. I figure good guys shut down WAN side manipulation by bad guys in 2016, so the stealers now needed WAN side router admin backend access. The no admin password for voting machine to locals was defense against a good guy insider attack, as well, I think.
Take away, here, is that stealers, including foreign, were given network admin access. Figure port forwarding, redirection, etc., to camouflage vote machine access and to thwart good guy counter measures. That's a killer, right there. Can't defend giving foreign WAN side access to state networks.
Admin password brouhaha and router subpoena pissing contest that surfaced in the last couple of days is designed by the good guys. Doesn't mean anything audit-wise, it's just the good guys telling the stealers that the good guys know exactly what the fuck went down. Designed to flush out those stealers who are wobbling, and realize it's time to cut a deal.