When asked if the US political system could still be called a democracy, Secretary Nikolai Patrushev of the Security Council of Russia replied:
Democratic countries do not indulge in blackmail and threats against other sovereign states and they do not meddle in their internal affairs.
Such countries do not violate international law or use military force and economic sanctions without permission from the United Nations, or abuse human rights, or restrict freedom of speech in their own territory or abroad.
Democratic countries never try to use racism of all sorts for handling domestic problems or entice extremists and terrorists to their side for geopolitical purposes.
The United States is now divided into two camps over the American establishment’s attempt to toy with radicals inside the country.
They decided to toy with radicals in their own country and, as a result, they ended up with clashes on neighborhood streets and the country has split into warring camps.
Such countries also don’t allow transnational corporations to interfere in government activities or impose their interests on the country or society, let alone block a legitimate head of state in the social networks and the mass media.
In democratic countries the administration that has risen to power does not overturn decisions taken by its predecessors for the sole reason they are personal antagonists.
Now it is up to you to decide whether the United States can be called a democracy."
"Fellow Anons, the statement above by the Russian secretary is in alignment with what has been uncovered through years of research on this board. The Russian secretary would appear to be confirming the work of the autistic anons on this board, provided that he really believes what he said. This also is a statement of support for the American people who are under a type of attack (insurgency). If they are truly supporters of the American people, it explains why every tactic imaginable is being exercised by the insurgents to make Russia appear bad to the American people."