So LSU just hired a flaming "critical race theory" Communist for its president.
Bet they don't teach about this guy in ANY schools:
Manning Rudolph Johnson (December 17, 1908 – July 2, 1959) was a Communist Party USA African-American leader and the party's candidate for U.S. Representative from New York's 22nd congressional district during a special election in 1935. He later left the Party and became a government informant and witness.
On July 14, 1949, Johnson testified on "Communist Infiltration of Minority Groups":
Johnson also testified against Paul Robeson accusing him of having been a member of the Communist Party, although Johnson said "in the Negro commission of the national committee of the Communist Party we were told, under threat of expulsion never to reveal that Paul Robeson was a member of the Communist Party, because Paul Robeson's assignment was highly confidential and secret."[5] During 1949 testimony, Johnson summed up Robeson's career by saying, "It is regrettable, indeed, that such a man has sold himself to Moscow. He has enjoyed many of the benefits of this country.[5]
In December 1949 during the perjury trial of labor union leader Harry Bridges, Johnson was a government witness.
In 1950, Johnson testified against the International Workers Order.[2]
In 1953, Johnson testified before the Committee on Un-American Activities of the U.S. House of Representatives -wikipedia
Paul Rosebon was the Stalin/Lenin loyalist who recorded the same exact "darkies" song before Kate Smith - whose iconic recording of God Bless America" was banned by sports teams in 2019 for "potential racism" - did.