>things that never habbened for 6 gorillion, alex
>things that never habbened for 6 gorillion, alex
>shill fags
goddamn some of you are so fucking retarded that it boggles the mind
ask me how i know you're a yid
>obsessed with cocks so much that he saves on his device
wew, checking quite a few boxes for "wrong again buddy" there
and today isn't even caturday
many such cases
nah, i'm good
wouldn't want to take away from your extra curricular activities when you get home
you must be related to magnus hirschfeld
>The art of a shill
bitch, you've been a shill since the beginning of this fucking ride
kill yourself
and the fucking shills here still screech, just like the retarded left mind you, "hitler bad, mkay"
not realizing that the same BOLSHEVIK infiltrators, who came from russia and the NKVD would pose as germans, dress up in their uniforms, and slaughter civilians to blame on them, are the same group
how many were hardcore communists were "liberated" from ww2? where did all those hardcore communists go? largely the US, France, and the UK.
they're the same snakes who backstabbed the nsdap and stupid fox news watchers will still come with the "nazi this nazi that" shit.
>b-but he had muh "socialism" in the name of the party
it was to cast a net for a wider audience
same thing Q did with touching on certain topics only to backtrack and not touch it again
fucking niggers don't think that socialism currently exists in the US? top kek
social security
snap benefits
food stamps
how many other endless government-backed subsidies are there for handouts again?