Mass sterilizations
Planetary wide
Mass sterilizations
Planetary wide
No more breeders!
Just cum buckets
Empty schools
Empty nurseries
A virus targeted to females
Rendering them infertile
Preschools close
Graduations dwindle
Universities close
Infertile women's suicides rise
Women who have children will have many
Men who seek children will now fight for a fertile woman,
Even if she looks like Chelsea
Marriages will mean nothing
Children will
If they succeeded in sterilizing much of the worlds population
They won in some measure
Politics won't matter at that point.
It will take centuries before return to these levels
This planet is littered ancient cities where populations were quite large.
Evil keeps closing down civilization and returning to the primitive
They're doing it again!
Just when man is about reach for the stars and beyond and achieve immortality
It's not the Tree of knowledge that evil is afraid that man will eat.
It's the of Tree of Life!