Let me stop you right there. Insurgents typically do not control the Police, Military and Central Government, including Intelligence Agencies, of the Country they are inserting themselves into. What we have is an old fashioned Civil War, with the Powers of the Tyrannical Central Government, with its Corporate Partners, attempting to destroy the remnants of the Citizenry of its original form, which was a Constitutional Republic. If anything, Constitutional Republicans are being forced to become Insurgent Guerrillas against the Communist Police-State. Have a great weekend Anons!
What did you expect out of a Senior Citizen with Dementia's Administration secretly controlled by a Groid Homosexual Muslim Hustler married to a Groid Transvestite Homosexual with rented children?
Signature and thumbprint should be plenty yeah?
I agree. Where do I sign up?
Truth is the enemy.
Bill Cooper just said that in HOTT #3 I was listening to today in the car. Made me realize we can’t ever go back to the old Nation. The savages in today’s society are incapable of self-governance. They have to go back to some place else or we have to figure out what to do with them. The American Urban Public is a pack or moronic rabid NPCs with no real use besides pet food.