patient says "my nose is running and my feet smell"
doctor says "sounds like you were built upside down"
patient says "my nose is running and my feet smell"
doctor says "sounds like you were built upside down"
i need irl bewbs and weed stat
yeah, college was fun as hell
at least he has a somewhat tenable cover story to explain it
his sons crack and prostitute addiction probably takes a bit off the top
also true
shots fired
>baby's first fedpost
wonder what entities are funding the anti vax posts
as far as well funded internet campaigns go you cant think of anything reaching the scope of anti vax
i find that troubling, especially because i bought into a lot of it initially
you should find this troubling as well
why does this make up the bulk of posts on every single bread
why is this the single most discussed topic
moar like his wife is old enough to experience erectile dysfunction and he needs a new top
maybe this is why its so well funded
anyone peddling fear has an agenda
mmm, yes
gibberishingly satanic
she fucks