Thanks for reminding me. Y’all think this helps with anything going on today??
So the Federal Reserve, as of March 2020, owned 14.6% of the US Treasuries (bonds) and Trump just forced them to buy up more. Not just a few billion but, unlimited. What does this mean? It appears that Trump is forcing the Federal Reserve to buy up all of the bad loans that are out there and own the debt under stocks through BlackRock’s trading. This forces the Federal Reserve to hedge for the economy and not against.
If the Federal Reserve owns more than 15% of America’s debt, it can play it safe and exit at any time, but if they owned, let’s say 50% of America's debt, then their decision to keep this bad investment comes into play. Owning half of the largest economy’s debt may force the Federal Reserve to either declare bankruptcy or ask to be bought out. Or, they may be forced to stop playing games with our politics and pull out their paid opposition. Either way, it’s good for Americans. And the real reason we are seeing crisis after crisis is that fact that Trump has been taking the power away from the elite for the past 3 years. The moment they shut down our economy, Trump backfired with this unprecedented move. Now you know why he was investigated, impeached, pandemic’d, rioted and possibly civil war’d. All for power."