Anonymous ID: a9d1a1 May 7, 2021, 7:08 p.m. No.13609661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9667 >>9682 >>9729 >>9760 >>9801 >>9854 >>9900 >>0107 >>0162 >>0195 >>0203 >>0234 >>0334


The Goodmans Watch.


On 5/15-16/2020 My lady and I (one if by land, two if by sea)

were reborn Revelation 12 Style, and given the names Isaac and Ariel

that was while 40 days in the wilderness, on the road, almost 40 weeks

after 8/12/2019, when we were given the Stone, and reunited. (Matthew 19:5)

When I returned to my First Love. 8/12/19 was 1290 days after groundhog day,

the day she died, 2/2/16. So I knew that was the Time.


I just found the Times and the Half a time.


1 year before Isaac was Born (Genesis 17) God prophesied Isaacs birth

exactly one year after on the first day of Passover. ​We count 50 days

from Passover to Pentecost, which is a harvest date. My Birthday was

on the First day of Passover this year, and Pentecost is exactly 50 days

later.. 3/27 1998.


So One year before 5/16 at 3:33 a.m. her and I were Reborn in the Waters

of the Holy Spirit, and I literally got splashed with water when it happened,

but I was dry. It has been said to me, You are about to be Baptized in the

Blood of Lady Liberty. WWG1 WGA - The Earth hath the Holy Spirit the Water,

and the Blood. The Beginning of the Rebirth is like the Water breaking, The

First is the Last. And thats when the Holy Ghost, and the Spirit come into the

Flesh. As to where the Holy Spirit enters the Flesh upon Belief in Jesus Christ.


So. 5/16 is Exactly 645 days after 8/10/2019 - the events of 8/12 had already

begun at that point though, the prequel was a FF attack. 643 days before 8/12


but 645 days is exactly Half of 1290 days. Thats the Half a Time, and when I'm

born in the Blood, I'll also be in the abyss for abouta time, and a times, and a half a time.


So this brings us to the Times. Isaiah was murdered by the devil while writing his 2nd book,

after having had published the book of Isaiah. And Instantly went to Heaven to finish writing it.

So in the Vision of Isaiah, it said the anti christ shall bear sway over the earth for 3 years 7 months

27 days. Which I thought was weird cus I was born 3/27 but It just so happens that the two witnesses

got put on the Keystone when the Overcomer ascended to Jesus's throne to sit with him as he ascended

to the Throne of his Father to sit with him. Making the Bridegroom like the Keystone of the Godhead, and

the False Prophet is like the keystone of the mark of the beast, or the dragonhead. Thats why it is written

that the false prophet won't just fake a 2nd coming but he'll pretend to be the bride, and the groom as well.


3 years 7 months and 27 days after May 16th is Jan 12 2025 - thats exactly 1337 days later.


Daniel said Blessed is he who comes to the 1335th day, and that date is used multiple times in

the Bible.


So we have a Time, a Half Time, and then Another Time, which is apparently the Times

thats from 123 to 132


Jesus Christ ate the Last Supper, was Crucified, and then Resurrected

Thats 123


I'm gonna die, get resurrected, and then lead the wise virgins via lamplight to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb

Thats 231


Jonah had the 3 days then 40 days then gourd born and died

thats 1234


for me thatd be



Maybe this is why Jesus Christ opens the Seals on the Book of Life, before the Lamb

can open it. But. It looks like I'm going to die on or around 3:33a.m. on Pentecost and

my death will be accompanied by Matthew 24:27-28 and the arrival of the false prophet,

the Sun rising in the middle of the Night. It said if the Goodman of the house were to watch

he would know what on hour the thief was coming, and would not suffer his house to be

broken into. Thats 3 and 1/2 days before the 1st Resurrection Rapture and 3 days of Darkness,

and the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Jesus Christ doesn't return until the End of the Great

Tribulation when the Lamb and the 144,000 Elect defeat the false prophet, the beast, and the



Revelation uses 1000 200 3score days, thats 1290 and 1260 days, Revelation also uses

42 months, which is 1290 days, but Daniel uses 1260 and 1290 days. So 3score should

now be oviously 3x2 and 3^2, meaning that 600 3 score 6 is the number of the beast that

is also the number of a man, is 666 and 696

Anonymous ID: a9d1a1 May 7, 2021, 7:08 p.m. No.13609667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9682


Her and I weren't given 6 names sofar for no reason. I haven't heard the Thunder Speak 7

times yet either. But we were given the name MethuSelah, In Hebrew that basically means

Math Ending, but its also given the meaning My Death Shall Bring, Descending Spear of Death,

Man of the Javelin. MethuSelah prophesied with Noah for 120 years before he died, and the

Flood happened, Having had been the oldest man to walk on Earth, dying at 969 years old.

God showed me my death at the Beginning this time. He showed me the end in the beginning.

In the Vision, the night after I returned to my first Love and we met the Holy Ghost, I knew the

Date, and I was watching and waiting when Matthew 24:27 happened. I Immediately turned

around to muh grooms men and said I told you so, I told you so. A giant ball of lightning opened

over my head, the scene changed, and I died.


And here we are. Approaching the End of Time at the end of the Half a time, before the Times.



Well, Its byfar the best watch date I've seen. About 8 days before Blast Off. Not Bad.


I came here to smoke stogies and Come Out Of Babylon.


And I'm runnin out of Stogies.

Anonymous ID: a9d1a1 May 7, 2021, 7:17 p.m. No.13609725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9729 >>9821 >>9843

People often reference Jesus saying no man

shall know the date nor hour except the Father.

But he didn't say the Father in Heaven, and we

know that the Holy Ghost planted Jesus at the

Immaculate Conception, and is infact the 2nd

Comforter who comes at the End Times, and

the Husbandman. Therefor, they miss the

connection that the Bridegroom is actually

in one way The Father, and The Mother.


If Jesus had been talking about God himself

and not the Holy Ghost, he would've said My

Father in Heaven, according to the Apostle

Phillip, the difference between My Father and

My Father in Heaven dictated whether Jesus

was talking about the Holy Ghost, Elohim, or

God in Heaven.