HWNDU NYC professional shitposters show up irl and expose the art project for the biased scam it is and it's shutdown by the museum. The whole time it's advertised as open to everyone, Shia and his stooges repeatedly chant he will not divide us like good zombie globalist robots, to try and drown out anyone to the right of their thinking.
HWNDU moves to NM, same happens there, shut down due to safety concerns in the end.
HWNDU moves to undisclosed location. ANON's execute biggest capture the flag game ever and it takes them less than 72hrs, closer to 48hrs to mock Shia and capture the flag. Lost its meaning by now.
HWNDU UK flag on a roof, captured by some roof scaling anons.
Luke and Shia are butthurt, Flag waving in someone's apartment, loses its meaning.
Flag moved atop some building, out of reach for the most part, boring now, completely lost any relevance.