Anonymous ID: 621a51 May 8, 2021, 7:49 a.m. No.13612728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2745 >>2747 >>2811 >>2823

I guess I'm going to have to keep posting this since no one debunked it, but they did call it F&G without any sauce and the BAKER ate it up…shameful…it is what it is…best sauce out there…enjoy


As much as I would like to post the details of this one, I'm not…there is too much let's call it sensitive details in this one to put on here…if you would like to read it…just go to the site, there is plenty of information to cross-check to back up the timeline…I'll leave it up to you fellow Anons as to what you would like to post on here…thanks, use some discretion when/if releasing the sensitive data…


There is a Comments section on every post…maybe the shills are just too stupid to use it…kek…pathetic…


Still no sauce that these articles are fake, hmmm, It is easier for the shills to protest instead of dig to verify, sad and pitiful…enjoy!!!

Anonymous ID: 621a51 May 8, 2021, 7:50 a.m. No.13612730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2823 >>3283

Last month Real Raw News reported on a shocking incident at the Pentagon, the seat of America’s military might: The man who calls himself president, Joseph R. Biden, had visited the Pentagon under the pretense of conducting a surprise presidential inspection. His real impetus was to learn whether a rumor he had heard was true, that Donald J. Trump was in the building meeting secretly with Marine Corps General David H. Berger, which could explain why Pentagon police denied him access to the property. While RRN cannot confirm Trump’s presence, we can now authenticate earlier reports that pointed to a dramatic shift in power at the nation’s most fortified structure.


On April 14, two days before the Pentagon Protection Force turned away a shocked and confused Biden, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley summoned the 7 other Joint Chiefs to the Pentagon for an emergency meeting, according to a confidential source involved in Trump’s mission to eliminate Deep State operatives throughout the nation.


Gen. Milley, our source said, lambasted his colleagues for allowing high-ranking officers from all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces to undermine Biden’s presidency. Gen. Milley said Biden was the democratically elected President of the United States, and that all armed forces personnel, from the lowest private to the highest general, had a patriotic duty to support and protect Democracy, Joseph Biden, and Kamala Harris.


“From what we know, he went off, ballistic-like. He was a cursing machine, swearing at and excoriating these highly decorated, lifelong members of our country’s military. He said he’d heard they were helping Trump do what he called ‘secret and illegal arrests’ of prominent active and retired politicians. He kept blasting them and told them he was going to recommend that Biden and Harris fire them,” our source said.


Gen. Milley reportedly offered the other Joint Chiefs of Staff a final chance to abandon their allegiance to Donald J. Trump and swear fealty to Joseph R. Biden and Kamala Harris.


Of all the Chiefs, only one leapt to his feet in support of Biden. Gen. Daniel R. Hokanson, Chief of the National Guard Bureau, denounced Donald Trump and told Gen. Milley that he and the National Guard would honor their oath to the Constitution He said they were prepared to defend Biden’s presidency with their lives, if necessary.


Our source said Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps David H. Berger, a longtime supporter of Donald Trump, passed Gen. Milley an envelope. The envelope held an arrest warrant issued by the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps. It named Gen. Milley as a traitor to America and its people.


“Except for you and this coward,” Gen. Berger said, pointing at Gen. Hokanson, “we all support this great nation and what it stands for, and we reject the forces of darkness destroying what our Founding Fathers worked so hard to codify. We stand for a nation, not a man. Why are you so eager to say Kamala Harris’s name in every sentence with Biden’s name? We know why.”


Gen. Milley, our source added, shredded the warrant, calling it a joke, and promised Gen. Berger he would hang for treasonous behavior.


“If anyone hangs, it won’t be me,” Gen. Berger reportedly said. “We’ve been expecting this for a long time.”


A dozen armed members of the Pentagon Protection Force entered the conference room and handcuffed Generals Milley and Hokanson.


In closing, our source said Milley and Hokanson have since been shipped to Guantanamo Bay, where they will ultimately answer to a military tribunal.


Asked if Donald J. Trump was at the Pentagon on April 16, our source replied: “I cannot say yes or not. I can tell that what’s happening now is a prelude to his reinauguration on Independence Day.”


There is a Comments section on every post…maybe the shills are just too stupid to use it…kek…pathetic…


Still no sauce that these articles are fake, hmmm, It is easier for the shills to protest instead of dig to verify, sad and pitiful…enjoy!!!

Anonymous ID: 621a51 May 8, 2021, 7:50 a.m. No.13612731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2778 >>2823



U.S. military assets have fudged a covert mission to apprehend House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, arresting instead a Pelosi doppelganger donning a lifelike mask that mimicked every hideous detail of Pelosi’s face, right down to the most deeply engrained wrinkles.


A confidential source involved in Trump’s war on the Deep State told RRN that the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps on Monday opened a sealed indictment which Donald Trump and acting AG Jeffrey Rosen had authored toward the end of Trump’s term. Trump, our source said, had given JAG the document, with instructions to unseal it once the military had completed its investigation on Pelosi and corroborated a vast list of charges that include treason and sedition.


On Monday, May 3 JAG honcho Vice Adm. John G. Hannink coordinated the arrest with Marine Corps General Gary “Lurch” Thomas, and they picked, what our source called, a Marine reconnaissance squad for the operation.


“The Marines began surveillance on Pelosi’s San Francisco home on Tuesday. They used parabolic microphones and optical gear to keep tabs on her, and they followed her to and from her house for two days, keeping track of her schedule to make sure they’d grab her when no one else was around. Her husband was out of town on business for the week, so it was the perfect time,” our source said.


The Marines, he added, grabbed “Pelosi” whilst she stepped outside to check her mailbox Thursday evening. They zip tied her, gagged her, and tossed her into an unmarked van. Within minutes, as the van sped toward a clandestine safehouse, they realized they’d been duped.


“The woman looked like Pelosi, same face, same measurements, heck a nearly identical voice. But as she struggled, the Marines realized this woman, who apparently is much younger in reality than Pelosi is, had a prosthetic Pelosi mask that covered her entire head, hair and all. It was Hollywood perfection,” our source said.


Realistic masks are common in the film industry and are typically made of polyurethane and silicone.


The Pelosi imposter, our source said, carried duplicates of Pelosi’s drivers license and library card, which the Marines found when they frisked and searched her. She refused to answer questions, saying only that she was an actress hired by Pelosi.


“She refused to identify herself. I don’t think they’ve cut her loose yet. Trump wants answers,” our source said.


In closing, our source said he believes the real Nancy Pelosi was tipped off and vanished into the shadows, there to dwell while the military hunts an unknown number of carbon copies.


“The Deep State is taking drastic action to protect its own,” our source said. “They don’t want what happened to Hillary Clinton to happen to them.”


There is a Comments section on every post…maybe the shills are just too stupid to use it…kek…pathetic…


Still no sauce that these articles are fake, hmmm, It is easier for the shills to protest instead of dig to verify, sad and pitiful…enjoy!!!

Anonymous ID: 621a51 May 8, 2021, 10:10 a.m. No.13613456   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This one is delayed a bit. but same thing with the increasing Altitude, 193.3 now 194.0…I think that Anon is correct that the Chinese is still controlling it…

Anonymous ID: 621a51 May 8, 2021, 10:20 a.m. No.13613518   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I saw a news report that said it's traveling around the world every 90 seconds, that obviously is not true…the bouncing off the atmosphere sounds correct, I've heard of that happening, like a rock skipping off a calm pond, until it slows down enough to enter the atmosphere and starts on a downward trajectory, roll the dice at that point.

Anonymous ID: 621a51 May 8, 2021, 10:24 a.m. No.13613547   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Looks like it is losing Altitude now, down to 184 on one and 194 on another…wish they would put up the speed that it is traveling…